Chapter 9: Beautiful Pain

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Ethan Saturday evening around four, after enjoying the game with the boys we went to grab a few beers at Club Richards. Filled to the brim with immense energy and buzzing with the thrill of dozens of sharply dressed revelers and football lovers. We were having lots of fun just being part of that lively crowd with a live band playing lively tunes, good food was also being served in the restaurant section. After the band there was a chance for some karaoke and we jumped on Drake's "Gods plan" beat like a predator going for prey, murdered it and took back our seats. All parties, at least those I've been to follow a J curve, ours was starting to slowly die down. Everyone was taking a breather as we waited to have more fun than we were already having. A group of college girls walked in, you could tell from how they were dressed and how hard they tried to look mature and composed as though they had not been in high school a few months back. Usually my boys and I would be the first ones to reach out for fresh goods before they get contaminated by those horny eagle-eyed dudes but not that day, they all looked at me and before I had a vehement look at them I almost thought a d**k was sprouting on my forehead. "I'm fine" came my assurance before taking a long big sip of my beer, almost dropped the bottle half empty on the table with a bang that caught the attention of everyone around us. "You sure dude, we can leave if you like" Vic suggested. "I said am fine" Even I noticed the traces anger and vulnerability in my voice, I was seated there having fun with my friends and occasionally thinking of Ivy trying to understand why she wasn't replying my texts after we had that talk, it was supposed to make us even give us a clean slate...then in the midst of that emotional turmoil all my pain that was bottled in the Bermuda triangle of my brain in a bundle of one extremely beautiful human being walked in and it's like for a moment there I went back in time, everything she made me go through came back and the pain was so real as though it was not even a memory in the first place, felt like reliving the moment. "If he says he is fine he is fine" Jake came to my aid Her name was Stacy, ladies and gentlemen my first ever crush and girlfriend and also the woman who broke my heart into a million tiny pieces without remorse and regret. No one talked much about her and what she did to me and that was because they didn't know the real truth, but still, those who didn't cross the forest with you have no right to ask you what the wolves did to you, the same way those who can't swim shouldn't laugh at those drowning. Everyone just judged my behavior without asking themselves if I was born that way or someone had a hand in what I had turned into. It didn't take long before she noticed where we were seated, she waved at us, particularly at me and the boys loyalty fell as they chose not to ignore a pretty girl but hurt a brother’s feelings. Fair, after all while we were together am sure a couple of them wanted to smash the living s**t out of her behind my back. Nothing about her had changed, dark hair from her scalp that faded into a perfect blonde, long and silky. she still had those saucers like ocean-blue eyes, a perfectly slanting nose, thin pepper-hot heart-shaped lips that separated to a snow-white dental formula, long neck with those heavenly necklines like contours on a map, that shiny red one-shoulder dress left her sharp scapular bones exposed and those hollow regions between her neck and shoulders. Her boobs were still firm and amazing and am sure her ass and feet were still super great. "You, suckers" I growled on my sleeve. "Sorry mate, no one ignores that" Doug was quick to defend himself after showing too much affection, he added a smile towards her direction and my eyes caught that. "Come on man" Vic was ready to second Doug's claim, that one was a guarantee we didn't agree on a lot of things, "You can't really tell us she still doesn't have that effect on you?" "What effect? That b***h made me go through hell on earth" "Look me in the eye and tell me you wouldn't smash her if she offered herself to you" Who else if not Vic who now had me picturing her naked, again. That one I could do without looking at her, those images of her milky naked celestial body lying on my bed, her legs crossed flashed in my mind and made my head ache. "Unlike you am like fish dude, No reverse gear. I'd rather dip my d**k in a blender!" They found that rather amusing and burst into laughter that attracted the attention of everyone else around us. I was left giggling and shaking on my seat with my beer at hand. "Is that beer talking or you?" Asked Jake recovering first from the frenzy. "You know me, more than one beer and I might be kicking kaput my career and future" "Are you doing that for you or because of your dad" "Mostly for me, he might not be there when I'll be reaping the fruits of his labor. Can we go now, I'm getting sick of this shitty place" "How about we stick around to see if you can resist her. I bet you can't" Doug was angling for his games again, "I can raise the stakes" "I'm not so sure there is something you can really offer Ethan to play this mind games" Jake quickly brushed his thought off. "He doesn't have to, name the odds. I'm going to win this for bragging rights. Been soft with you fellas it's time to reclaim my respect" "Great!" Said Doug rubbing his arms, "From the way you two looked at each other there is no spark of love between you. Use that charm of yours to reignite the spark, get her dancing..." "Dude that's very easy" Interrupted Vic. "Let me finish, if you manage to get her dancing ask her for a quickie in the washroom. Then leave her cold homie, I'll have to smell your d**k to confirm it" "argh!" "Bruh that's outrageous man! And what's his prize?" Jake read my mind, there was no way I was leaving Stacy cold in the bathroom. "The founders dance is around the corner. You have a date probably but I'll get you Ivy. Don't ask how, win first then you'll see" "Deal!" "Think through this" It was too late to heed to Jake's warning because I was already striding halfway across the club towards Stacy's table. To earn Ivy, I had to get rid of my past, bottle it like a genie and throw it far away in the ocean, and Doug had just suggested a better way of doing that, proving that am no longer tied around her little finger. To end the painful Stacy phase of my life I had to face her and test my limits. Since our break up I had seen every girl I met as her. Ivy was going to be an exception. "Hi ladies, did a bomb of beauty just go off here?" "That's the worst pick up line ever, but still, I love it" Stacy said happily, "bitches, meet the king of Hunt Academy, Ethan Watson!" She made that move so quickly, didn't see it coming. Although it was a wasted effort because I wasn't going to play the usual card where she expected me to hit on one of her friends to induce some much-deserved jealousy through her Arctic ice-cold veins. To prevent that from happening she was quick to introduce me as a high schooler. "Nice to meet you, you guys want to hang out?" It was a long shot but like a father I was trying to fend for my lazy ass children back there giggling. "You know we don't do high school boys" one of those talkative ladies was quick to remind me. "I know, but there is first time for everything. Besides, it's not about the size of the dog in a fight, it's always about the size of the fight in the dog" didn't make sense even to me but eyes were on the prize, "We're months away from college too" "Then be patient, your time will come" "Don't go hard on him. Let's give this a try, I'm the leader here you're the leader there we can get to an understanding" "Deal" "Am in agreement but you two should forget the past" one of her friends said. When I gave the boys that signal to come over they thought it was a joke. I was forced to go ahead and drag them with me and the DJ did us some justice with a popular club hit, we coupled up and started enjoying the music, Stacy and I needed no introduction after all she had taught me most of the things I knew. By most I mean partying and s*x. "Missed me? Last time we saw each other you said you never wanted to ever see me again" she whispered as we slowed down with the dance. A quick glance at my boys had me melting with pride, they understood the task perfectly. "I was young and stupid back then. Besides it's hard to stay mad at you forever" "Is that your way of saying I look good" she asked intentionally putting my arms on her ass, it felt warm and the battle was almost lost when my d**k responded immediately she put her hands around my neck and her eyes glued to mine. "You look great, you'll always do. So, how's college?" "Do you really want to talk about college or you want to get out of here and have some fun?" "What about our friends” "Your boys are not strangers in this town neither are my girls. Come on you know every time I drop those undies for you magic happens" Another quick glance at my boys, more pride and f**k "we don't do high school boys" the three of them had separated and were privately talking to their ladies, no focus on us whatsoever but that did not mean I was going to lose focus, I still had eyes on the prize. "What about your boyfriend?" "Don't worry about him, consider this a friend with benefits thing you know I'll always like you" "As a friend? When will you ever admit you broke my heart?" "Never because I didn't, you got too attached Ethan. Now come on, I know a place we can both help each other out. You know you want it, say no right now and I'll leave you" I would have said no right there and left the club in a speed of a lightning bolt, but standing between me and another shot at love, was giving in to her demands.
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