Chapter 8: The Miracle baby

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The desire to work drained out of her after that call from Watson, as usual, he had gone ahead and done the exact opposite of what she asked him to do. Now she knew how her daughter was feeling. So, how long was she going to stay mad at him? Not so long, just like he said the two of them complimented each other, felt safe in each other's arms and apart from having occasional s*x they were friends. And also, don't forget, you can't stay mad at someone you love for too long. With Watson being punished for his mistake, she needed to mend things with her own daughter, in life you're only strong as the people around you. Now replace strong with happy. Having raised her, Bethany was the only person who knew the path to her heart. It was through her stomach. I know, you've heard that's a man thing but no, Ivy was built different and among the things she fancied was great food. As a matter of fact, she stress-ate. And if not, a gospel minister she was going to be a professional chef. On her way back home, she passed by the store and grabbed all fresh groceries and spices, when Ivy walked in she was hit by that aroma that froze her nasal muscles. "Mum" "Ooh, Good evening sweetheart!" Bethany said briskly moving from one end of their big modern kitchen to the other, in her favorite checked white and blue colored cooking apron, "You're home late today?" "I actually came early, Mrs. White asked me to help with the bible need a hand?" Ivy asked dropping her bag pack on the couch. She caught the bait. The version of her that evening was very different from the one in the morning, they had at least exchanged a few words and to Bethany that was progress. A few words then they were going to tell stories, of course she was going to fish out a few throwback photos and moments of when she was too young to know herself and accuse her of peeing all over the house then moping the floor with pee, just among the few stories mum's use to amuse you, maybe true or not but at least she leaves you smiling. "Not really am good, no offense" "None taken" "You know White doesn't shut up about you. Sometimes I feel jealous when she says you're her greatest creation" Bethany started on a high note, pressing the right buttons. "Jealous?" "Yeah, I created you remember" "Technically it was God who created me..." "Yes, and then you just dropped from the sky, grew yourself into a beautiful, smart, hardworking daughter. Ooh, and the angels helped to change a few diapers" Ivy cracked up a little as she walked towards her with a plate of sliced mangoes. They leaned on the marble kitchen slab, for both of them it felt good to have that breather, a truce whereby they were not thinking of what happened the events of the previous day or that morning. "You created me mum, am your greatest creation" "Exactly, and you're are my greatest inspiration and am always proud of you know. Have I ever told you what a miracle you're?" "This might be the hundredth time you'll be telling me" she said picking another piece from the plate Bethany was holding. The story might have turned into a cliché but she made it sound new every time she told it and Ivy loved it because it reminded her to be grateful and that she had a purpose on earth. It was a point to look back at and tell whether she was living right or just counting days on God’s green earth. Here's is why Bethany considered Ivy a miracle. Bethany had not planned to have a baby that early in her life but it just happened. At first, she was furious the baby was going to be an obstacle to her dreams, even thought of abortion but something kept telling her to keep it. She hated Ivy's father for that and although they were both young she was lucky he stepped up and didn't flee. No matter how much she tried to humiliate and push him away he kept coming, claiming he was not going to sit back and watch her child grow without a father. "He was a gentleman" "No one like him kiddo, your father was the best I've had and I'll ever have" That would have hurt Watson a little. Anyway, when they went for one of those clinical visits, the young couple was seated in the waiting room when the doctor walked in. You can always tell with their face and body language, great actors too no one gives them their props. It's not easy to suddenly change your mood and make a patient feel you care and you're there for them. He told them that Bethany was not supposed to get pregnant, ever in her life.... "Now that am grown up, I've been meaning to ask you mum, is that problem genetic should I be worried?" "No kiddo, it's not. But since you brought it up how about you go for checking I can link you up with our best gynecologist" "Okay" Her womb was not supposed to hold a pregnancy in the first place but it did. So, what was the problem? With roughly five months to birth they were risking the death of both the mother and the baby. According to the standard procedure, and code of ethics, sadly the mother’s life is more important than that of the fetus. The doctor was asking her to abort because from the look of things, she was not going to even get to seven months where they could induce premature birth. Now, someone else would have taken the deal. Remember she didn't want a baby in the first place. She was waiting for a letter of addition to one of the most prestigious colleges in the country. Someone, just not Bethany. "I'd have called you dumb!" Teased ivy. "Me too" Autonomy came in. The medical ethics principle that gives anyone of adult age and sound mind to give the final call on matters involving their health. This really cancels beneficence, the one that gives the doctor a right to do what benefits the patients. Bethany refused to get rid of the baby, even her father tried to talk to her, the parents of both families but nothing could change her mind. "I remember that day, this one I've never told you" She said tucking Ivy's long black shiny hair behind her ears cupping her face," It was raining and I was walking on the road, all alone, people were looking at me wondering if I'm mad and then I saw a church. Something just pulled me in there, luckily there was no one around. I said to myself even better, went on my knees and just started talking what came to my mind" She didn't see him there but the priest was seated in the confession chamber reading his bible. He was expecting her to come for confession only to see her kneel at the altar. Bethany reminded God he doesn't make mistakes, he had a reason to get her pregnant in the first place and he knew what the future held. She told God that if he allowed her to successfully have her baby after nine months, she was going to dedicate her to him, teach her his ways and allow her to serve him and his people. "There is power in tongue, and God is always listening when no one is. That day I made a deal with God" "Your faith was stronger" "Than ever. From then I became a regular at church and the priest was like a second father to me" Even without assurance God kept his end of the deal and after nine months of hope and a little doubt, Ivy was born successfully through spontaneous virginal delivery. Bethany wanted to be a chef but decided to be a nurse as a result, and she kept her end of the deal too, Ivy was a church mouse. Just like Watson, now her daughter wanted to live her dream, you see the connection? "You changed my life kiddo. Now go take a shower, dinner is ready" "Okay mum, God it smells good in here, what did you put in that chicken master teach me your ways!" "No need, this one is genetic " Ivy grabbed her bag pack and ran upstairs, undressing quickly, her taste buds were holding on a tone s**t of saliva from escaping. Her phone buzzed and she quickly picked it up from the desk, it was an i********: notification. A direct message from Ethan. "Hello, sorry for stalking you online. It felt great talking to you today. Goodnight" And like a trigger that message brought back all the bad energy that she and her mom had managed to put behind them for some time. She didn't answer it because she didn't know what to say. Perhaps a cold shower would have helped but when she emerged he was still on her mind popping up with his knee-squashing smile. Her brain was now like rogue AI, randomly creating someone lust-inducing Images of him she was yet to see. "Let's pray!" Bethany said when ivy joined her in the dining, they were both seated at the far end of the four-seater dining table, "Father lord thank you for the food we're about to have, thank you for the gift of life and my family, Amen!" "Amen!" Repeated Ivy before quickly grabbing her cutlery. The table had a variety of fresh natural delicious dishes of chicken, soup, salad, rice, a number of fruits and a bottle of red wine to quench their thirsts. For roughly ten minutes the spoons and ceramic plates did the talking, the sound of the TV from the console and the AC, the fridge also combined to create a soothing rhythm. "You know I owe you an apology" Bethany said out of the blue as they both stopped eating, "You're my daughter, my best friend you deserve to know whom am seeing because every decision that I make in life affects even you. For that, I'm sorry about yesterday" "Hmmm" "Hmmm? That's all I get really? For the record am not apologizing for seeing coach Watson here, I'm apologizing for keeping it a secret from you" "And I was stupid enough to think that you did all this out of love" suddenly the flames of tension were flying all over the dining room, it was surely the end of the dinner and the ephemeral truce. "Why are we even fighting about this Ivy? You do realize that I'm a sexually active woman with needs!" In her mind she was like, I got needs too but unlike yours mine have to be fulfilled by this hot playboy and your needs are standing in the way of mine. "I'm not denying that fact" "Then what are you denying because you really are in denial that life has to move on. He is dead and he is never coming back!" "I was right..." "About what? Replacing your father? Hunnie, no man in this world can ever replace your father, no one!" "You want the truth mum?" She asked getting on her feet, Bethany did too and they were both a poke away from breaking into tears. '"Hit me" "You can have any man you want. I don't really care after all I don't have long here I'm going to college in less than a year’s time. Just not coach Watson!" She said and walked out on her. That one left Bethany both angry and confused. It's a shame she didn't know what you and I know. Once again, the negotiations hit a deadlock and they both went to bed angry, they would be mad at each other for the whole weekend.
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