Chapter 3

2573 Words
I glare at the small pond, showing a blurry reflection of my face. My white hair is braided in two and falls just above my bum and my face is smeared with mud.  MY green eyes are shining with tears.  I wipe it away. “Rose.” I almost jerk in the pond with fright.  It’s Blake. “I just want to say I’m sorry about yesterday.” You better be.  I want to click my tongue at him but force myself not to. “No, it’s fine.  I’m sorry too.”  “I just wasn’t thinking.” He strokes his bare stomach as guiltiness confronts his eyes. “I understand, it’s fine.”  I say wishing that he would go away and leave me alone. “There’s something else.” He takes a cautious step towards me, making me sigh.  I only hum in response as I keep staring at my reflection. “You’re growing up now.” “Sure.” “You aren't that tiny girl with a squeaky voice anymore.”  His voice is breathy and I frown at him.  Where is he going with this? “You’re growing up to be a beautiful young woman.” I roll my eyes at his words.  This is probably a pep talk.  The type of one’s mom and dad always give me. To be cautious, to be vigilant, to not go further than that and blah blah blah. “Thank you.”  “You don’t understand.” He says and looks up and it almost seems as if tears are running from his eyes. “I don’t understand what?”  Maybe he just wants to talk about his problems.  It’s probably hard to live with men, who don't care about emotional stuff.  I lick my lips and shift all my attention on him. “How I feel.” “How do you feel?”  I try to be as soft spoken as possible. “Whenever you’re around.”  He scratches the back of his black hair with frustration. “What do you mean, ‘whenever I’m around?’” He sucks in a sharp breath, “You make me feel things.” My eyes widen.  Is he talking about what I’m thinking about? I swallow.  Maybe it has something to do about yesterday with dad, when I sucked his soul.  Maybe I accidently did it with him. “What things?” “Things every man feels.” I can literally feel how my face turns pale and my body starts to lightly shake. “Blake.” I whisper.  No, please don’t do this. He’s going to ruin everything. He put his warm hand on my bare shoulder and I jerk away from him. “Don’t touch me.” I say through gritted teeth. “I promise it’ll be fine,” He touches the side of my stomach but I slap it away, “No one will know.” To even have the audacity to say that.  As if I don’t have a choice to say no.  As if it doesn't give me a choice.  The stupid freak. “Leave.” I say, holding in my anger. “Come on.” “I said, leave!”  But still he stays, looking like a hungry dog. That’s it!  I had enough. I lift him in the air, making him hover above me. “How dare you disrespect me?” “Put me down.”  He demands.  He’s brown eyes start to fill with hate. “No, I won’t.”  I lift him higher and jerk him around. I almost start to laugh at the movements his body makes. “I can destroy you.” I laugh.  Destroy me? Who has the upper hand now.  Stupid. “No one can know about you, am I right?  I’ve been keeping you as a secret since you were born.  I can let go of that secret, just like that.” “You wouldn’t.” “Try me.” “So basically what you’re saying, is that if I don’t have s*x with you, you’re going to tell everyone about me?” “Yes.” Unbelievable.  What a jerk he is.  I hit him against a willow tree, right next to the pond,making him grunt in pain. “I’ll tell my dad and he’ll kill you.” “If your dad kills me, he’ll be tortured to death.  It’s unlawful.”  He chuckles. Who would’ve known that he’s such an evil one.  I can’t describe how much anher I’m feeling right now. “What is wrong with you,why are you like this?” “Put me down.” I lift him higher and a faint yell escapes his mouth. I let his head hit on the branches of the tree. “Stop!” He yells, holding his head with both hands.  I drop him to the ground and his body makes a loud thumping noise. “b***h!” And with that he turns.  Into a big furry brown werewolf.  He snarls at me with his sharp white teeth and his eyes are red. “Oh, you think that’s going to help you.” I chuckle and entertain myself by looking at my nails.  Off guard he launches at me and I fall backwards to the ground.  He’s paws push hard on my breasts and he’s even more scary so close.  Drips of his warm spit falls on my face and I shudder in disgust. “Euw.” I violently wipe my face with my hands. I use my human strength to push him off but I’m too weak. “Get off of me.” I grunt letting my head fall sideways to not let him drip his disgusting spit on my face.  He snarls at me again, his teeth just inches away from my teeth. I use the wind to push him off me and I quickly stand. It’s harder to use my spells and power when he’s in his wolf form. “Go away right now!”  But he doesn’t.  He only stalks closer to me, evilness in his aura.  Is he really part of our pack if he has so much evil in his heart and soul.  Is he really who says he is. He jumps at me with a fast movement but I dodge him with the help of wind leaping me away.   “I said, go away!” But he launches at me again and I push him in the pond,only a few feet away.  I already feel shivers inside my body from working against his powerful demeanor.  He cries and yelps as he steps out of the water. They certainly hate water.  I rush towards the tree almost tripping over a large stone, sticking out from the ground. He growls behind me so I sweep him back into the water. I take a deep breath as I start to run. I need to get away from him, or I’ll use up all my energy and he’ll be the one killing me. I know I’ll never be able to outrun him, as I keep tripping on unlevel ground and lumber lying helplessly. Okay. What am I going to do? I try to think fast but nothing comes to mind and before I can do anything his mouth is wrapped around my ankles, his teeth digging deep into my skin. I yelp as I crash to the ground and he starts to drag me, making my bare skin burn.  I’ve never felt so helpless before.  My fingers try to stop him from dragging me but nothing helps. He’s strong.  When he suddenly stops dragging me I quickly pull myself up and without any caution my mind does what it did yesterday with dad.  I go to his soul.  When I touch it I shudder at how different it feels than dad’s. His soul is laced with pain and built up anger, it’s almost like fire bolts. I don’t feel like a thirsty vampire now and I don’t want anything to do with his soul.  I hate how it makes me feel and I want to start crying as I start to steal from it.  I suck it in and it feels as if we're tumbling down a tunnel.  I gasp as I nearly drown in his soul.  I hear him cry, just as I cry as well.  He’s back in his human form, curled in a ball.  Even though his soul is so painful and sad to endure, I still feel more powerful than ever.  When I feel there’s nothing to take anymore I take deep breaths. I don’t know how to describe how I’m feeling. Like powerful in a dark way.  Like I’m sitting in a far corner of a dark room, knowing how much power I have in me but not using it unless… “Blake.” I call seeing his boney body lying helplessly.  Is he dead?  Oh no.  Did I just kill him? I take a few caustios steps towards him to see his eyes wide open, unmoving. “Oh god.” I put my cold hands on my face trying to soothe myself.  He deserved it.  No. No one deserves death.  I swallow. He’s really dead.  I really killed him.   I try to connect my burning energy with his, but he’s like switched off.  I can’t find his soul or mind anywhere.  I put my hands on his forehead as I kneel before him but everything I try is useless. So I cry.  Not the type of cry because I didn’t get what I want or a selfless cry.  A cry with pure sadness. I’ve never felt like this before. “Oh, I’m sorry.” I whimper.  I know what he did was wrong, but knowing how he felt inside kills me.   I look around making sure no one sees me or is near.  Maybe I should tell mom. Or dad.  No I can’t.  I briefly close my eyes, trying to think of something to do. I have to hide him.  I let my eyes travel around and the only option I can think of is under the ground.  So I Gravel with my mind deep under the ground and gently place him there. “I’m so sorry.” I say before I tightly throw the ground back over him and run away.  I can’t believe what I’ve done.  I just can’t place it in my mind. So that no one thinks anything suspicious I take the bucket half full of water under the tree and smear it over my body, removing all the dirt marks.  Blood.  His claw marks and bite marks.  Still on me. I take a deep breath and just like I did yesterday to heal him I try to heal myself.  It works.  Without even using a faint bit of energy.  I bite my lips, quivering in fright.  I can’t even comprehend how much power I have in me. Maybe I should run away and live on my own.  Somewhere where no one goes.  Deep in the mountains or woods.I can live off deer roaming around, perfectly fine to eat and water from rivers or valleys. “Rose!”  I jump, hearing Bulky call me.  I didn’t even realise I already walked so far, seeing the cottage and pack members in front of me. “Rose wanna go for a run with us?” Bulky asks and usually I would’ve jumped for  this opportunity, I just didn’t feel like it now. “No thank you.” I say and walk towards the cottage. “Wow, that’s a first.” “Why is she in such a bad mood?” I hear them talk, but I ignore them and go straight to my room. “Rose?”  Mom calls. “Yes?” I mumble through my pillow “Wow, what’s wrong with you?”  She pokes her head in my room. “Nothing, I feel ill.” I lie.  I know she’ll keep on trying to find an answer.  Deep inside me I wish I could tell her.  I wish I could tell someone of what I did.   I let my feelings consume me as mom probably rushes towards dad.  I don’t want anyone near me.  I hate myself.  I swallow.  I truly hate myself. “Rose!” This time my mom’s voice is urgent and scared so I lift my head, “Come here!” Why is everything shaking?  “Honey, it’s an earthquake.” She calls and rushes to my room with her hand reached out to me. “Mom!” I call as the roof falls flat on her. “Mom?” Oh no.  Please don’t leave me mom.  “Mom.” Even through the shaking earth I try to pry all the heavy stuff of off her. Was this my doing? I don’t understand what’s going on when dad grips me hard from behind,holding me tightly, making me feel safe. But I can’t feel safe now. “Dad, leave me.” I yell, trying to escape from his tight grip.  I feel weak. “Dad!” I try again, using all my muscles to pry myself open but nothing works.  I can’t even see mom anymore but I keep my attention on the exact place where I last saw her. I can save her.  I try to throw the heavy blocks of mom from my mind, but I’m weak.  It’s as if something is holding me back.  Something is stealing all my energy. “Dad, please.” I yell.  What the hell is he’s problem? Why doesn’t he want to help mom?  He knows I can help him, why is he holding me like this? “Dada,mama.” “Wake up, Rosalie.” I open my eyes, to see my mom standing next to me, her eyes big. “Mom?” I say, confused.  I look around to see everything still in place.  I suck in a deep, savouring breath.  It was just a dream.  Mom is fine. Everything is fine.  That’s until mom stares me in my eyes intendly. “What is wrong with your eyes?” I swallow.  “What do you mean?”  I try not to look directly in her eyes, for her to keep seeing what she’s seeing. “As if you lost all your soul.”
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