Chapter 2

2706 Words
I run with all my might and human strength to stay with the pack but they keep beating me with miles ahead.  I sigh in frustration contemplating if I should continue running or just turn around and give up. I look up at the cloudy sky, feeling wisps of wind against my bare skin. “Hello.” I say to the long grass tickling my thighs. It almost feels as if they could be alive and are urging me to continue. “Okay.” I whisper to myself and start running again.  I let the wind push me hard and it almost sweeps me right next to the leader of their pack. “What the?” Dad says and stops in his tracks.  I start giggling as everyone behind him stops and crashes into each other.   “Rose!” Dad softly yells in irritation. “I told you not to use your powers.” “It was the wind.”  I say and as a matter of fact, it was the wind. “Obviously you're communicating with it.”  He runs his hands through his sweat hair. “No, it just gave me what I wanted.”  I continue to state my facts until dad doesn’t have anything more to say and just sighs. I look at the other six pack members and give them a toothy grin and they all start to shake their head and stalk backwards. “Oh come on just one.” “Last time, you broke my knee.” Harris moans with fright in his eyes. “Okay but you healed in like three days.” “Doesn’t mean it wasn’t painful.” “Just one.” I give them my big sad eyes and they all sigh, which I know they already gave in. “Dad, you’re it.” I call starting to run as far away from him as possible. Dad grunts and waits several seconds before he starts to run after Nick.  Nick is the weakest link from everyone in the pack as he's the youngest. Also the handsomest, with his tall masculine built and light brown curls.  Dad grabs him on the ankles and Nick face palms on the ground. I laugh out loud and point my finger at him.  Ouch, that must have hurt. Dad’s next victim is Bulky. Well that isn’t his actual name, we just call him that because he's very bulky.  More on the fat side than on the masculine side. He’s the cutest of them all with a fat baby face and ocean blue eyes. He gives dad a hard time, dodging him more than the other’s could but dad eventually tackles him down. “Nice try, Bulky.” I call and he just shakes his head at me. Dad is after Paul now.  Paul is tall and skinny with shoulder length blonde hair.  He’s the most funny of them all.  Knowing that dad is hard to defeat I let the wind blow him backwards. “Rose!” He calls angirly. It’s my cue, “Switch.” I call and now everyone is after dad, but Paul gets the upper hand and he pulls dad to the ground. “Switch,” I call again, “Paul, you're it now.” Everyone scrambles away from him, so I blow them all in a circle around Paul.  Paul nods at me and just as he’s about to tackle Tristen I call switch.  I hear some swear words when Tristen is on top of Paul but laugh it off. “Switch!”  Oh no.  He’s after me.  I woosh myself in the air away from Tristen. “That’s unfair.” He whines so I summon some concentrated sun late on him.  Thankfully the sun is still shining. “Ouch.” He calls. “Sorry.” Maybe it is unfair but it sure is fun. “Please don’t hurt me.” Blake calls and I roll my eyes. “You’re such a pissy.”  I let the grass curl around his feet, making him stuck to the ground.  Tristen pushes him to the ground and Blake starts yelling like crazy. “My feet just broke.” A laugh escapes my mouth, seeing the stress lining around his face. “Shoot, I’m sorry.” I loosen the ground around him and he falls forward like a piece of lumpy wood. “Rose.” Dad says and this time I can see serious anger in his eyes and in his posture. “I’ll heal him.” I say quickly. “She didn’t heal me the last time with my knee, you can handle it.” Harris exclaims. “You’re a soulless bitch.” Blake spits at me as tears stream down my face.  I stumble backwards as no one says anything to support me.  Not even dad. “I’ll heal him.” “Why do you always have to do stuff like this, Rose?” Bulky says, looking down and shaking his head. “I’m sorry, I thought that you are strong.” “We are, but it doesn't mean you have to break our legs and hurt us.” I purse my lips and clench my teeth. Maybe they are right.  Why am I like this?  Now they’re all against me and I’m standing like a complete i***t, watching as they all give me hateful stares. “Let me heal you.” I say and step through the pack until my hands or on his broken ankles.  I start to shiver as I look up at dad, who doesn’t stop me.  I’m handling the healing process well, I know. It’s like giving all my energy away.  But it’s my doing so I have to deal with it. With his warm skin under my cold hands, I can feel how my energy and strength surges towards him and I can feel how his bones knack back to normal.  When I’m done I fall backwards in tiredness.  I suddenly feel weak and it feels as if the sun is eating me alive. “Take some of my energy.” Dad insists and kneel beside me.  He gestures for the other pack members to go away and one by one they leave me and dad alone. “That’s not how it works dad.” I say breathily. “Just try.” “Dad, then you’re going to be in my position.” I say, irritated that he doesn’t understand and that I just want to be alone as I get my energy back. “Okay try it with the sun then.” He continues.  What? “Dad.” I say defeated, hoping that he can hear the tiredness in my voice.  My muscles and even my bones feel numb and my mind weak. “Try Rose.” He says sternly so I look at the sun, summoning its energy but it only spreads heat and fire circles around us.  I sigh and give dad a mean look.  Now I’m the verge of passing out and the field is on fire. “Okay okay.  It’s okay,” He bites his lips as he thinks deeply. “Just take a little bit of my energy and get some water under the ground.” “I’ve never done it before dad.” I say.  I have never summoned someone else's energy.  What if I take too much and kill them. “I trust you.” Dad says with wide eyes. He trusts me. Okay.  I take a deep breath and swallow all my gathered spit.  I reach into his mind and soul. “Wow.” I exclaim.  I’ve never confronted a soul before but it’s so cool.  I reach deeper, feeling his energy levels so high.  It’s so warm, but not in a sunny way.  Like in a bolted electricity way.  As if my soul is inhaling his soul, I feel how my energy rises.  It feels so good.  It feels as if I’m becoming the most powerful person on earth right now.  As if I could be unstoppable.  As if my soul is so thirsty and can't get enough.  Is this how vampires feel about blood? Like an endless tunnel and you need everything you can get to fill this tunnel “Okay.” Dad whimpers and takes me out of my deep concentration. “Oh dad.” I yell, getting myself out of my concentrating state.  Dad is crouched on the ground with a pain and tired expression on his face. “Dad I’m sorry.” I touch his skin, icy under my touch for him to shake his head. “Take out the fire first.” His voice is so gaspy.  I sigh and let my mind travel deep in the ground until I feel dirty liquid.  I surge it up, all over the growing fire until it’s completely down and I immediately shift my attention back on my dad. I touch him and even though he keeps shaking his head for me to stop, I five him half of my energy, until we’re both in a normal state of energy.  We both gasp for breath as if we’ve been running a million miles. “You can’t tell anyone?” Dad starts and I frown. “What?” “You can’t tell anyone what just happened. You can’t tell anyone what you can do.” “Why?” I thought we never lived in secrets.  We all are like a close knitted family and we know everything about each other. “You can’t.  Not even your mom.” “But why.”  I don’t understand. Why can’t I even tell mom.  I feel thrilled to tell her everything that just happened. “Rose, you’re more powerful than you can ever imagine.  You don’t even know how much.” I lick my lips, starting to feel a vulnerability brewing in my stomach. I’ve been raised that if people other than the pack and mom find me, I’ll be in the most danger I’ve ever been. “But can’t I trust mom.” “No!” He lashes out, “You can’t even trust yourself.” I wipe the beads of sweat forming on my forehead with the back of my hand. It’s true.  I could’ve taken dad’s life. I could’ve killed him. “I’m sorry dad.” I say again, trying not to cry. “Promise, you won’t tell anyone.” “I promise dad.” I never break promises. With weak smiles we start to walk back towards our little cottage.  Well me and mom’s.  Dad and his pack live under the ground together.  Mom and I are the only women and it’s actually forbidden.  But if others find out about me, we’ll be in big trouble and they’ll try everything to hurt me, mom and dad.  Mom says I can be thankful that I still have her, because she could’ve walked away anytime, but she chose me.   “Hi mom.” I call and jump on my usual couch on the left side of the living room against the window. “Hi honey.” She comes out of the kitchen, throwing a napkin over her shoulder. I smile at her, still feeling shook about the incident with dad.  She looks me up and down with judgy eyes. “Did you go out with the pack like that?”  I look down at my short and tight ski pants and shirt made out of light wool, showing some of my stomach. “It’s comfortable.” I say and raise my shoulders.  Mom always has  problems with what I wear and it’s starting to irritate me. “You’re living with boys growing up, Rosalie.” She says my full name whenever she’s mad.   I sigh, “Mom, they’re all like my brothers.” “You’ll never know what goes on in a boy’s mind.” “Thank god.” I say sarcastically and widen my eyes.  She should stop with her nonsense. “You’re not a young girl anymore.” “I’m seventeen.”  Seventeen is still young and I’m pretty much small built. “It’s old enough for boys to get thought about you.” “Well let them!  I can protect myself.”  I accidently make the window c***k and I quickly cool myself down before I make anything worse happen. “Rosalie!” Mom yells angrily and launches at me.  Her sweaty hands wrap around my throat and I can feel anger and frustration silvering out of her.  Her face becomes bloody red. “Stop!” I scream and try to push her off of me. “Get off me!” “You little brat.” She yells and yanks my hair backwards. “Don’t try me.” I yell louder, knowing what I could do to her. Not that I want to but sometimes I get so mad it’s hard to control myself. “You think you can hurt me.” She scratches me across the face, “Show me what you got.” Bitch.  I push her off my body with all my strength and scramble to the edge of the other side of the couch. “Psycho.” I comment, hoping that’s she done now but she launches at me again with the most horrific scream I have ever heard. Just when I’m about to push her away with some wind, two strong arms wrap around her body. Dad.  Dad to the rescue.  Like always. “Calm down Ulanni.”   “She’s killing me.” She says and starts crying. When I open my mouth to say something dad looks at me with warning eyes, so I don’t say anything. “Calm down Ulanni.” Dad says again and I can visibly see her calming down. “Sorry.” She says more to dad than me. “Watch what you’re doing with her.  She’s much more powerful than you.” That’s right.  Thanks dad. “I’m her mother.” She emphasises making me roll my eyes. “And for you, Rose,” Dad starts and I mentally facepalm myself.  She is your mother.  So watch your tongue and whatever you have in mind.” I sigh.  He’s right.  She is my mother. “But I haven’t done anything.  She started with me because of what I’m wearing.” “Mom’s just looking out for you,” He looks back at mom, “You still don’t trust my back?” Here we go again.  Dad and mom are fighting about trust and mom not getting over about what dad did to her seventeen years ago. “Is the food ready?” I ask loudly, knowing it’s dad’s turn to make food. They both stop biggering and dad nods, so me and mom follow him towards the big outside wooden table, in between out houses.  The rest of the back are already sitting and enjoying a delicious looking meal. “Help yourself.” Dad says and I take a plate and fill it with lots and lots of steaming food. Let me eat like the hungry wolf I am.
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