Chapter 6

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I take a step back, looking back and forth at the Blake standing before me, his teeth glinting in the half moon’s life and the Blake deep under the ground, dead, from a few days ago. I want to speak but nothing is even able to slip out of my mouth except for strong spasm breathing. I have to stay strong. Not let him see my weakness. So I stand a little taller, trying not to falter at his sight. I lick my lips when he takes three steps towards me and sniff me with a smile on his face. “You’re scared.” My heart leaps to my throat at his words. He can smell my fear. “Don’t be scared.” he continues, circling me with his eyes glued to my face. When he's done circling me he stands before me and takes hold of my hands but I snatch it away and take a step back. He chuckles. “No need for that dear.” Dear? He has never called me dear before. And I can’t take a grip of how he’s acting. He’s acting like a whole different person. What should I do? I almost let myself go deep into his soul but remember what happened earlier. I can’t have an opportunity of weakness or pain right now. I comb my hair behind my ears and let my eyes look deep into his. No, that isn’t Blake. This isn’t Blake. Something isn’t right. I’m in deep danger. I should start talking. I take a dep shaking breath, “Who are you?” I ask, my eyes moving with him as he continues to circle me. “Who am I?” He chuckles. His voice is deep and somewhat of tune form Blake’s voice. I hold on to the possibility that it isn’t the real Blake standing before me and that he’s still dead in the ground. I stay silent waiting for him to continue talking. I have to stay strong. Where am I? Where is the old Rose? I need her. “Can’t you see who I am then?” He jerks his head to the side and put his hands on his hips. I sniff. That already tells me that he is mocking me or Blake who’s already dead. His eyes roll and I swipe my tongue over my teeth. Come Rose. Where are you? I know you would handle things so much better. “You’re not Blake.” I state as if it’s a fact even though I’m uncertain. A small breeze enters the nape of my neck and my thoughts drift towards the front door I left open. I hope it doesn’t wake mom. Or maybe it should wake her to let her know I’m in danger. No. I can handle myself. “Who am I then?” He takes a few steps back probably for me to elevate that he looks exactly like Blake but it isn’t in his eyes and the way he is talking. I hold onto that, so that I don’t seem crazy. I have to get him off guard cause whoever is standing before me is powerful. Maybe it is a interfectore. Should I say it? And it sounds like I know more than him. No, cause I might be wrong. I have advantages. I’m powerful. Without thinking things through I grab the little breeze that’s in the air and rush it towards him with force making him fall backwards. Rose is back. I smile triumphantly seeing a confused frown on his face. When I see him trying to pull himself up I push the air around him like a bubble in his form, pushing hard against the ground. Looks like he doesn’t have any power to overcome me, like I thought. I stalk towards him with a small smile on his face. “Who are you?” I command. He starts laughing and suddenly without any effort he pulls himself up from the ground making me awestruck. I clench my teeth feeling my frightened aura engulfing me again and I back a few steps from him. “You think you’re clever.” “Well I am clever.” I roll my eyes. Could he just cut with the stupid words and show me what I actually should be scared of. “You’re not clever enough.” He says, as if he’s trying to initiate that he’s more clever than me. I roll my eyes again and I let my powers, in a quick movement, go to his soul and once again a severe pain floods through my body. I clutch my stomach and fall to my knees. “Stupid girl.” He says and I grit my teeth almost feeling anger towards him more than pain. I grunt at him, wanting to say more but don’t. “You think a second time will make it work.” He continues and I swallow. “Who are you?” I ask, hoping this time I’ll get an answer that I want. Or need. “I might ask you the same question.” He looks down, his eyes glinting. I open my mouth, to tell him that I asked him first but his voice fills the empty air, “What would you be doing here. Living with this pack. It’s against the law, isn’t it?” I swallow and feel the empty pit in my stomach growing with fear. When every ounce of pain is gone from my body I stand and face him with a deadly glare. I wonder if he can see me so clearly in the darkness like I can see him with my night vision. Everything is still dark, but I can see everything the way I see it in daylight. “I’m a werewolf.” I lie. I hope he falls for it. Please fall for it, I beg in my mind. He shakes his head, “You’re a girl.” And girls can’t be werewolves, I chant in my head, knowing the words from a young age, as I always wanted to turn into a wolf like the boys did. “Well it’s not impossible.” I say and gesture at myself. “You just showed me that you have powers. Werewolves don’t have powers as such.” I force out an irritated breath. He is working on my nerves. What does he want? And what is he? I assume if he wanted to kill or hurt me he already would have, so I don’t feel too defeated. “Does that mean you admit you’re not a werewolf.” He stalks towards me with a smirk on his face. “I didn’t admit to anything.” I don’t know what else to say. I don’t know what else to do. He rolls is eyes and put his ice cold hands under my chin. I pull away with a jerk movement. I want to spit at his face, but not knowing in what position I am with him, I rather don’t. “Your hair is white.” His hands gently combs through the strands of hair that wooshes wildly around my face. “So?” I lift my shoulders and try my best to have a reaction to make him think that he’s making no point. He hums in response, as if he knows something that he shouldn’t. Maybe he is someone who gets people who break the law. Who wants to take me to the place mom and dad were and are protecting me from. Oh no. I have to get away. I have to get away from him. “You shouldn’t be so tense. I can feel it.” He says and his words make me even more tense. Calm down, Rose. I have to calm down. “Who are you?” I ask again somehow hoping that he’s an interfectore rather than someone from the law. “Let’s make a deal.” He starts taking a ew steps away from me, “You tell me who you are and I’ll tell you who I am.” I take a moment to collect the correct words to say.”Okay, but you first.” His mouth turns into a small smile, “Very well.” My stomach hurts at what is coming. Please don’t let it be bad. Please do not let me be crazy. Just when I embrace myself to his answer a loud howling voice enters our ears, making our heads jerk towards the direction it’s coming from. It’s a wolf. But definitely not from our pack. I swallow. It’s probably someone from him, who’s coming to get me. Panicked, I look around and hurl water with force at him, making him shoot backwards with a loud thump on the ground. “What the hell was that for?” He snarls. “Leave me alone.” I yell and start to run away from him, but something invisible stops me, probably coming from him. “Stop.” He whisper yells. “No!” I let my loud screaming voice take over. I need to get out of here. I use all my strength and power to get through the invisible barrier holding me back. I slowly make progress. “Would you stop.”Before I know it a hand grabs me on my waist, pulling me down to the ground with another hand pressed tightly over my mouth. Oh no. Is this the wolf I just heard? Otherwise Blake, or whoever he is must have moved very fast. I try to wiggle myself out of the tight grip, trying to see who’s holding me down. “Shhh.” I feel somewhat relieved, when I hear it’s the person who’s in the form of Blake who’s holding me down. I swallow. If he’s doing this then that means that whoever howled isn’t with him. Ok. I feel a little better. “You’re impossible.” He says taking his hand from my mouth and releasing his arm around my waist. “Well, yeah.” I state in an obvious manner and pull myself up. “Be silent.” he says, putting his finger to his mouth, shushing me. I open my mouth, about to tell him, not to tell me what to do, but rather keep quiet. I swipe my tongue over my teeth and look at my nails, waiting for the silence to be over. When I don’t hear anything I start talking in a low voice. “That was probably someone that’s with you.” I say, rolling my eyes, hoping that he would say no. “Yeah, i just did the effort to keep you quiet for nothing.” He says with a tone of sarcasm in his voice. Sarcasm. I thought only I knew that language. “It could all be a hoax, to make it easier at me.” I confirm, putting my hands on my hips. He only shakes his head with irritation around his aura. “Are you now going to tell me, who you are?” I ask, feeling impatient. It feels like I’m going to explode with nerves and confusion. He takes his time to patt some dry grass from his knees and comb his hair out of face. I sigh, wanting to say curse words at him. He once again stalks towards me and sniffs down my neck. His warm breath on my cold skin my goosebumps erupt over my whole body. I take a step back. “I’m not Blake.” His eyes suddenly shine with seriousness and he takes a step back from me, “I’m not a coward.” What does he mean? Did he know Blake? A gasp escapes my mouth. He could be his twin brother. “Are you his brother?” “What?” He jerks his head back in unbelievable, “No.” “Then how do you know he was a coward and why do you like exactly like him?” “I know everything that happened here.” He confirms. I feel somewhat uncomfortable about him saying that. I don’t want him to know that I’m a monster. That I killed him. That’s probably the only thing that he knows. That I killed Blake. “I didn’t mean to kill him.” I say, looking down. “Off course you did.” He looks past me at the horizon for a few seconds and I turn to see the sun coming up. Oh no. Sometimes the pack goes for early runs. “What do you mean?” I ask, starting to feel jittery. “If I were you I would’ve killed him too.” He says. Why does he say that? Did he know him? “Why?” “I walked in the memory bubble. I know what he tried to do to you.” My eyes widen and my eyebrows knit together. What is he talking about.? “A memory bubble?” “You don’t know anything don’t you.” He shakes his head and looks down with a small smile playing on his face, “A memory bubble. It stays until the smell goes away. I get visions of what happened at this exact spot.” Wow. Does dad mean the pack could… “And no,only I can do this no one else.” He says, answering the question that was bubbing in my head. “Wow.” I comment. That is so cool. I neve thought someone could be more powerful than me. But it’s probably because I don’t know much about this world. “You can do it if you practice.” He says making my eyes light up. “Cool.” I say, trying not to let him see my excitement. Having known things to learn about my powers and abilities, always makes me happy. I let my eyes fall to the ground and try to find a way to let myself into the memory bubble. “Not now.” He says. I I suck in a breath trying to hold my tongue. I probably should go back. “You still didn’t tell me who you are.” “Timothy.” He answers, his voice bland. “As if that’s going to-” My breath is caught in my throat when the guy that stands before me isn’t anything related to Blake anymore. Is that who I’ve been talking to all this time?
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