Chapter Five

1141 Words
DANTE. I found myself staring at my pack getting burned down by the witches, wolves getting slated like animals. “Dante, take your sister and get out of here.” Someone yelled, and I turned to see it was my dad. Dad. “Dante go.” My mum yelled at me and I snapped out of my trance. I looked around and saw everything going down, nothing was saved. “Dante, go now.” Dad yelled again, fighting against four wolves at the same time. No, I can’t leave them here, I need to do something. “I can’t leave you dad, tell me what to do.” I ran to him, and he growled using his Alpha voice. “Take your little sister and get out of this pack, right now.” He ordered and I nodded. I went behind the tree Alesia was hiding and brought her out. “Where are we going Dante?, what’s happening?” She hugged me, crying silently on my shoulder. “Shhh, everything will be fine.” I reassured, and even I wasn’t sure of what I was saying.” I turned to look at my parents the last time, but what I saw shocked me. “No mum, watch out.” I yelled, but it was too late. I was too slow, I couldn’t tell on time. The magic arrow hits her chest and she fell down, bleeding from her mouth. “Nooooooo.” I yelled and looked at the intruder and saw her. “I’m sorry, Dante.” She apologized and made to take my dad’d heart. Nooooooo . . . . I thrashed on the bed, moving my head sideways. “Noooo.” I screamed loud, shaking my head from side to side until I finally opened my eyes and jerked up from the bed. I was breathing so fast and loud, trying to stabilize my breathing, I placed my hand on my chest and felt the same dull ache anytime I have this dream. It has been my torture for the past seven years and I always take it, even if it doesn’t go half of what I’ve caused, the lives that were lost. I sighed and ruffled my hair before climbing down from the bed, I looked at the wall clock and saw it was just past four in the morning. I stepped into my walk-in closet and changed to my gym clothes, I took a short towel before walking out of my room. I passed the hallway and met some guards on duty, they greeted me and I nodded before walking past them. I entered the gym room, and I wasn’t surprised when I saw Fred already waiting for me. “Morning, Alpha.” He greeted, staring at me and I nodded, moving to the boxing ring. “Are you okay?” He asked and I remained silent. Of course am not okay, I had many things to say out, but I can’t because I believe this is my cross to bear and I shouldn’t add anyone to it. I caused it, and I’m paying for it with my sleepless nights. “Dante.” He called out lowly. “I’m fine.” I answered, hitting my fists on the punching bag. “No you’re not, anytime you’re with that punching bag I know it’s to release your stress and right you are visualizing it your enemy.” He added and I stopped. He knows me too well, but I won’t say anything. “I’m fine Fred, don’t worry about me.” “How can I not be worried, how many times will I tell you that it wasn't your fault and I will keep on saying it. You getting a mate was a blessing from the moon Goddess, but when she exploited that, you can’t blame yourself….” I cut him off. “Goddamn it, I said am fine.” I yelled and hit the punching bag with so much force. I glared at him, and he raised his hand up in surrender. “Fine, you’re okay, that’s all I care about. But now I’m calling your psychiatrist later on.” I growled at him, but he just smiled and continued his workout. I sighed and went back to mine. ••••••• I was in my office going through some important files that needed urgent attention in the pack when a mind link came to me. ‘Alpha we’re under attack’ Fred said, and I stood up immediately, running out of my office. ‘Where are you?’ I asked as I changed to my wolf. ‘The north side Alpha’ I ran to the northern side of my pack with speed. ‘Who are the intruders’ ‘Rogues Alpha’ I snorted. Rogues again, this is the second time they’re attacking my pack in just a space-time of a week. I ran there and saw my beta and gamma with other guards fighting the rogues. I charged at them, biting their heads off, taking their hearts out and biting their limbs. ‘Don’t kill all we need one or two for questioning’ I ordered them through the pack’s link and I focused on fighting the ones who tried to enter the pack ground. I saw two trying to escape, and I grinned, no escape for you rogue. ‘Deal with the rest, I have those two to catch’ I ran after them. ‘Yes Alpha’ they replied. I watched as they ran like toddlers, I growled as I ran after them in the dark forest, I got closer to one and held his fur on his neck with my teeth. He attempted to wiggle itself out, but I shrunk my teeth deeper, he stayed still, and I dropped him on the floor when he became unconscious. ‘Get this one to the dungeon’ I said when I felt Fred at my side and moved to go after the other one. I growled when I couldn’t find him, but paused when I heard a silent whisper. I took conscious steps in the direction with all my senses on alert, I looked around and when I didn’t hear again I made to leave, but a scent hit me. I could perceive the air filled with strawberry and mint, mouth-watering flavors, I took steps and followed the smell, but it stopped when I got to an old tree. Furthermore, I looked around with a frown but paused when I saw a girl lying on the floor with her face covered, she was sleeping with a little whisper coming out of her mouth silently. She opened her eyes slowly and when she met mine, she screamed, and I felt that electrifying tingle on my skin. “MATE” I heard ‘Blaze’ my wolf said and I growled.
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