Chapter Six

1329 Words
ANDREA. I stirred awake when I heard some muffled noise in the forest, the sound of footsteps running and a growl. I opened my eyes slowly to see what had invaded my space and was shocked when I saw a wolf, a midnight black wolf with red blazing eyes. I stood up with speed and made to run, but someone held me back, I turned to see a naked man with a frown and a look of irritation on his face. “Please don’t kill me.” I begged and tried to free myself from him, but his hold on my gown tightened. “Please.” I muttered with tears already coming out of my eyes. I can’t die like this, not when I haven’t met my mate yet. Please help me mum, dad, wherever you are, please help me. “What are you doing here, rogue?” The man asked with a growl, and I shrink into my shell more. I don’t know what to say, I don’t know whether I’m going to live or not. “I asked a question rogue, what are you doing here?” He snapped, and I was forced to open my sealed mouth. “I..... I ...... I” I couldn’t form a coherent sentence. Gosh Andrea, you’re so pathetic. “I wouldn’t want to repeat myself for the third time rogue.” He gripped my neck this time with his fangs and I whimper in pain. “I…. I’m from Crescent moon pack.” I said in a single breath, and he paused, staring at my quizzically. I stared at his eyes and for a moment I was in a trance, I could see his wolf trying to get out, but he’s resisting and pushed it back. “Please.” I croaked, feeling my life leaving my body at a quick pace. I placed my hand on his on my neck and I felt that same electrifying tingles on my skin, I raised my head to see him staring at me with disgust. I know I’m pathetic, but you don’t have to show it vividly. “You don’t have a wolf, I can’t feel it.” He suddenly said, and I nodded, feeling my head getting fuzzy with the lack of breath. “P….” he glared at me and his hold on my neck tightened, it was like he had the intention of killing me. I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just a lowly omega without her wolf who was banished from her pack because she was mates to the Alpha’s son. I closed my eyes and resigned to my fate, Mum I’m coming. “Alpha no.” I heard someone yelled, and I was immediately freed from his hold. I held my throat, coughing and taking a huge intake of air to feel my lungs. “How dare you Fred.” I heard the man growls, and I opened my eyes to see who saved me. I saw someone kneeling on the ground with his head bowed. “I’m sorry, Alpha.” He apologized, and I came to know he was the Fred who saved me. I coughed more and tried standing up but failed due to exhaustion and hunger. “I’ll deal with you back at the pack.” He removed his eyes from Fred and faced me, “Steve, Stefan, take this rogue to the dungeon, we need her for questioning.” He said and walked out, changing into his wolf as he ran like lightning into the woods. “No, no please, I didn’t do anything. Let me go.” I cried out as the two men made their way towards me. I couldn’t even stand, so they dragged me towards their direction. “You will treat her with care and not like some criminal.” The Fred guy yelled at the two men, and they nodded, carrying me with utmost care like I was a baby. “I…. I didn’t do anything wrong, please let me go. I won’t come back to your territory again, I’m sorry.” I begged, which all fell on deaf ears as they continued walking. When I saw no one was answering me, I kept quiet and once again resigned to my fate, whatever that is coming for me, I’ll accept. The walk back to their pack took some minutes and as we entered I couldn’t help but be amazed at the beautiful and modern houses all of very the pack. This pack was well-designed and it wasn’t like the Crescent moon pack where all houses were built with wood, but these houses were built with beautiful stones and paints. We passed some of their pack members who stared at me like a criminal whilst others yells curses at me, they stopped at a huge house and took me inside. Some guards who saw them bowed and let us pass. “Fred.” I heard someone yelled, and we all turned to see the intruder. It was a red haired lady with a nice shape and a beautiful face. She was curvy, and I was jealous, who was she? “Alessia.” Fred said in a gruff voice, and the Alessia rolled her eyes. “What’s going on? Where is Dante?” She asked, taking her eyes from Fred to me and me to Fred again. “He will come back soon, he had some important things to do.” Fred replied and turned to leave, but she held his hand. “Who is she?” She asked, staring at me. “A rogue.” Fred replied in a monotone tune. “But she doesn’t smell like one,” she faced me, “what pack are you from rogue?” She asked, but before I could reply, Fred cuts in. “Mind your business Alessia and let us do our job, let’s go.” The two men continued dragging me gently to wherever destination they had in mind. “Hey, I’m just doing my job!” The red haired yelled and Fred scoffed and muttered,“ job indeed.” We got to a hallway, a dark hallway and I saw a huge door, which they opened with a key, and finally, we got to the dungeon. There were rows of cells on my left and right-hand side, everywhere was filled with the smell of blood, feces and sweat. One of the guards opened the cell, and I was dragged in by the other one, I stared at my cell and since it was still bright outside, I can see around the cell. It was filled with bones and bones, nothing more. Everywhere was filled with bones, and it was creeping the hell out of me, they don’t expect me to stay here, do they? The sound of the door locking brought me out of my thoughts and I saw the Fred staring at me. “Hey, you can’t leave me in here. Please get me another cell, I don’t want to stay here.” I walked to the door and held the handle, they didn’t say anything and after making sure the door was securely locked, they made to leave. “Hey! No, don’t leave me here.” I yelled after them, but it all fell on deaf ears and my voice echoed back to me. I heard the sound of the first door opening, and it locked with a bang. I slide down to the ground with a sad smile, I was once again thrown and abandoned. I looked at the little window of the cell and frowned, that window wouldn’t bring much air to this damned cell, and it wouldn’t take too long before I die of hunger and suffocation. “Arrrrgh.” I screamed, ruffling my hair, and before I knew it, I was crying. I was laughing and crying at my pathetic self at the same time. Weak and pathetic, Andrea, you’re weak and pathetic.
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