A Whole New World (Brad Kane & Lea Salonga)

1093 Words
Kaylie POV I drag my suitcase down the path to my new assignment. A small hospital located in the middle of a forest. The forest that you cannot find on maps because it's in the middle of nowhere. As a new doctor without money and power, I cannot refuse when the council offers me this assignment. I accept without complaining. It's better to work in the middle of nowhere than sleep on the pavement because I have no place or dorm to go after. I graduated from medical school. Yeah... I am nothing more than a smart orphan who has been fortunate enough to receive a scholarship from my university. Poor and homeless, I have nowhere else to go. So this assignment is a jackpot for me. And here I am now, staring at the big trees that surround the path to the hospital where I will be working for the next two years. I walked slowly down the path towards the hospital. According to the map given by the bus driver, I only need to follow this path to the end, and the hospital will be clearly visible. He says the hospital is a small, old biulding made of weathered bricks and faded paint. It looks like it hasn't been updated in decades. The driver was very surprised. He wonders why a young woman like me would accept a job placement in the middle of the wilderness. He says that the hospital rarely has patients. Maybe only one or two patients come in a year, and they are usually seasonal hunters who are lost or injured. I respond to him jokingly, saying that maybe I could meet a werewolf who would become my patient and fall in love with me so that I wouldn't have to live a difficult life as a poor doctor and could immediately become his luna. "Don't joke like that, miss. You'll be scared if you really meet a werewolf." "I am only joking, sir. I'm sure there is no werewolf in this world," I said to him before getting off the bus and walking slowly to my new workplace. As I continue walking down the path, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The silence of the forest is deafening, broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves and chirping of birds.Suddenly, a gentle breeze sweeps through, causing the leaves of the towering trees to sway as if they are caught in the midst of a hurricane. I stood there, transfixed and unable to move, tightly grasping the handle of my worn suitcase to prevent it from being swept away by the gusts of wind. Two fleeting black figures caught my eye, leaving me startled. The sound of anguished wails shatters the peacefulness of the forest, causing me to tremble with fear. I can't help but wonder what kind of supernatural or mythical creature there is to welcome my arrival. I shake my head, trying to dismiss all the irrational questions that are making me afraid. It must be the wind and a large eagle returning to its nest. Nothing to be afraid of.There couldn't possibly be any wolves in this modern age. I smile and resume my light steps, heading towards my new place of work, hoping to make new friends and start a fresh life in a brand new environment. I can't wait to see what awaits me there, in my whole new world. As I walk towards the hospital where I will be stationed, the melody of 'A Whole New World' echoes in my heart, and I find myself humming along, filled with hope and excitement for the adventures that await me. A whole new world A new fantastic point of view. No one to tell us no, or where to go or say or say we're only dreaming of A whole new world, A dazzling place I never knew. But when I'm up here, it's crystal clear that now I'm in a whole new world with you... A whole new world, a hundred thousand things to see. I'm like a shooting star I've come so far. I can't go back where I used to be .A whole New world. BRAKKKKKKK! Suddenly, a loud sound interrupts my song, making me stop in my tracks. It sounds like something heavy has fallen from a great height. But that is not the worst part.A pained whimper echoes through the woods, sending shivers down my spine. What could have caused such a sound? Auhhhhh… Auhhh... I try to convince myself that it's just an animal or a big tree branch falling. But deep down, I know that isn't the case. I can sense that something is amiss. As much as I want to run away, my duty as a doctor stops me. "Kaylie, you're a doctor. You have to save lives. You can't leave someone injured just because you're scared," I scolded myself. Taking a deep breath, I slowly made my way towards the source of the sound. My heart is pounding in my chest, and my palms are sweating. I know that whatever is causing the noise could be dangerous, but I can't let my fear get the best of me. I am so shocked that my jaws drop when I arrive at the source of that sound. In front of me, lying weakly, is a large white-furred wolf with was body covered in blood. What makes me tremble even more is that she seems to be pregnant. Her swollen belly is bleeding, and she looks at me as if to say, "Please help me... Please... Please save my child... Please..." My mind races as I stand there, trying to figure out what to do next. I am not a veterinarian, but leaving this pregnant white wolf in such distress is not an option. "Think, Kaylie. Think. You have to do something," I told myself. I know that, as a doctor, my oath is to help all living creatures, regardless of whether they are human or animal. And as I looked at the wolf with pleading eyes, I knew that I had to act fast. Without hesitation, I took off my coat and placed it on the ground beside the wolf. With trembling hands, I knelt down and carefully lifted the injured animal onto my coat, making sure not to hurt her unborn pups. "I don't know much about wolves, but I promise you that I will do everything I can to help you and your babies," I whispered, my heart filled with compassion.
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