Chapter 5-2

993 Words

The sun was rising when they pulled into the city. The first thing on their agenda was breakfast. “Real food,” as Rick put it, “Not something from a gas station.” Beau agreed it was a good idea. He saw a breakfast spot on the next block, with its own parking lot in back. The place was large, and busy, which was fine with him as it lessened the chance of anyone remembering them. They found an empty booth for two, ordered their meals, ate, and were back at the car forty minutes later. “Now where?” Rick asked. “There.” Beau pointed to a convenience store in the next block. “We need burners.” “My own phone.” Rick pressed his hand to his chest in feigned shock. “I’m surprised you didn’t have one.” “I did, until someone boosted it. Not that it did me much good since I didn’t have the money

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