Chapter 9 - Vasyl

1780 Words

Chapter 9 - VasylReaching out with is mind, using their blood bond, Vasyl tried to locate Sabrina. He had sensed she was in danger twenty minutes into a thunderstorm over her house several hours ago. But he had been detained. Vampire guards had attacked him one hour after the sun had set and kept him busy for several hours. At the time he didn't believe they were there for the mere folly of pissing him off. They had been sent by their master to detain him, he later deduced. There was only one other master in America. Tremayne. Had he been with Sabrina? Was that why he had felt her distress? Was she in danger still? Using his bond, he couldn't feel this emotion from her any longer, which he found strange. Perhaps the danger had passed. Maybe the Dagger of Delphi (the magical dagger which h

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