Chapter 8 - The Outlaw

2795 Words

Chapter 8 - The Outlaw“You didn't answer me. How did your night go? Or do I want to know?” Rick said from his spot on the couch, feet on the coffee table. He turned down the volume of the television with the remote. Bjorn shot a frown at the leprechaun's feet, then softened. This wasn't his place… Why should I give a f**k if Rick is comfortable? “It was nearly a bust,” he said on a heavy sigh, running thick fingers through his hair. He paused near the kitchenette. Frustration from the need to feed and have s*x with the woman he'd captured—but couldn't because all hell had let loose—had him wanting to rage on someone, and the only available person was the leprechaun. Could life suck more right now? Brown eyes stared up at him. Leprechauns and vampires did not mix well. His decision to br

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