Chapter 11 - The Knowing-2

2009 Words

Rick magicked the glass door open, and held it open for me. It amazed me at how I would forget he had magic abilities, and then he would do something like this. “Thanks.” I stepped inside the restaurant. By the looks of things, breakfast rush was on the down side. Rick caught up to me. People gawked at us. Rick for his armless body. Me, who knows why I would be stared at—aside from the fact I'd just had the most amazing s*x—but we probably made quite a pair. It annoyed me, but I could do nothing about it. But credit to Rick, he took it all in stride. I had to admire the guy. He wasn't ashamed of his “disability” or that he looked “different” from most folks with arms. I knew it must have been a hard thing to live with. I had to wonder if he were a human—not a leprechaun—how he might have

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