Chapter 11 - The Knowing-1

2176 Words

Chapter 11 - The KnowingHeat seared through me from head to toe, waking me. I wondered—halfway out of a sound sleep—if I shouldn't get up and adjust the thermostat in my room. But I didn't want to move one iota. I'd been having a very nice dream, one in which Dante starred. In the dream, I'd held his face between my palms and gazed into his gray eyes, and longed for his luscious lips to inhale mine. My gaze flicked down to his lips. I needed his kiss and wanted his hands all over my body. His lips traveled hotly across my breasts. Knowledgeable hands, firm when he needed them to be, and gentle when it was required. His incredibly cool hand slid up my thigh under my night gown. Chills followed his hand over the curve of my hip. Was I still dreaming? Goosebumps rose on my skin all over. Whe

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