675 Words

The sudden whoosh of air made Ally’s waist length hair fly in all directions which forced her to open her eyes. The shock was clear on her face as she looked around herself and almost fainted. She grabbed the railing that was behind her, looked around herself and then downwards, and asked in barely audible voice, “Is this..?” she clenched her eyes shut for a second and opened them again to see everything more clearly, “Are we..” “Eiffel Tower. Rooftop.” I finished her words with a suppressed smile. “Why are we here? How..” before Ally could finish her words, I put both of my arms on the each side of her waist, leaned in closer to her while staring into her eyes and replied in a hushed tone, “In my fantasy. The first thing, the very first instinct and need that ignited in me the first

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