
1064 Words
Caeleb's ribs have healed some and he isn't in as much pain as he was and can lift the wheat bales without scrunching his face. He still won't tell me who did that to him and as bad as I want to know, I decided not to push it. I am just glad he is back at work and I don't have to work Leo or any of the other guys. 2 more weeks and I am out of this house. I have all of the money I need. Now I just have to wait until my meeting with the family lawyer. I know as soon as I leave Aaron is going to try and play the hurt big brother card and say I was ungrateful but I don't care anymore. He can say whatever he wants. He has barely spoken to me since I didn't come home until late the night I kissed Caeleb. That's fine with me though. The less I have to hear his mouth the easier my days are. I haven't gone back to Caeleb's motel since last week but we've been texting each other at night. I feel bad he doesn't have anyone to help him. I've also been grabbing extra food in the morning when I leave and putting it in the back of his truck in his cooler. He hasn't said anything about needing food but I know he appreciates the help. "Hey Skyla, what are you doing for your birthday?" "I don't know, Caeleb. Probably just sitting around. You know my life is pretty boring." "Yeah, it is pretty boring." I stood there with my mouth wide open in shock that he agreed. "Not funny, Caeleb." "Yeah, it was. The look on your face was priceless." "Shut up!" "Come on, miss boring. We have work to do." Caeleb and I got back to work and when it was time to head home, I got a text from Caeleb asking me to meet him at his motel. I headed back to the house and parked the cart then began walking toward town. When I got to Caeleb's room, I knocked. He opened the door wearing only a pair of shorts. I stood there for a moment. My eyes traveled up and down his body, before he cleared his throat and asked if I was going to come in or just stand there eye f*cking him. I put my head down and walked into his room. Before I could lift my head to look at him he pushed me against the wall and crashed his lips into mine. When he pulled back I stood there with my cheeks burning and liquid pooling between my legs. "I have been wanting to do that all day, Skyla." "Mmhm." "I have. From the moment I saw your beautiful face walk up to me at work." "Sure." "If I could find a way to prove it I would but I can't so you are just going to have to trust me." "I'm just playing with you, Caeleb. I don't need you to prove it because I have been wanting to kiss you as well." "I can't wait until we don't have to hide this anymore, Skyla. I want to be able to kiss you whenever I feel like it without having to worry about your brother finding out and firing me because you are underage." "Tell me about it. I hate that my brother is holding that over you. It's not like he has ever cared before so why all of a sudden now is he trying to act like my brother?" "I don't know his reason but whatever it is, he needs to chill out." "Yeah, he does. What did you want me to meet you here for?" "I wanted to spend a few minutes with you. I know we spent most of the day together at work but I wanted a few minutes with you alone." "What would you like to do in the few minutes you have with me?" "I'd like to kiss those pretty pink lips some more." I felt my cheeks heat up and knew I was probably turning bright red. I sat down on the edge of Caeleb's bed and he sat next to me. We kissed for a little while and then just talked before I headed home. When I got close enough to see the house I sighed. Aaron's truck was in the driveway and here I am coming in at dark. I'm sure he is going to question where I was and who I was with. When I got to the door I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. "SKYLA! Get in here!" "I'm coming, Aaron. You don't have to yell." "Don't sass me, Skyla. Where were you?" "I was out walking around. Is there a problem with that?" "After you took off that day and were gone for hours, yes there is a problem with that. I need to know where you are and I don't like you walking around town." "Well, If you would let me get a car I wouldn't have to walk, Aaron." "I don't think you are ready for a car, Skyla." "You don't think I am ready for a car? How the hell can you say that? I am more mature and responsible than you are." "SKYLA!" "AARON! I also know Mom and Dad left money for me to get a car so I'm going to need that money, dear Brother." "How do you know about that?" "Uh, hello. Family lawyer, duh!" "He isn't supposed to give you information. I specifically told him to keep his mouth shut." "Well, dear brother, last time I checked, Mom and Dad left money for his p*****t and oh yeah, there's this little thing called policy. He has to disclose any information his client asks for." "You aren't even of age so how could you be a client?" "Hmm. I wonder. Oh yeah, that's right. My name is on those papers as well so that makes me his client too. So if you are done trying to play big brother now, I am going to my room. I have to work tomorrow." I didn't even wait for him to respond. I walked out of the kitchen and went to my room to shower and get ready for bed.
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