Chapter 48 - The truth and nothing but?

2139 Words

Luna’s POV ~The Moon Stone Pack years earlier~ “And how the hell do you suggest we do that?!” My husband wasn’t a very ambitious man, or at least, he had the ambition, just not the damn drive to see it through! We had been living off the scraps packs gave us when they took us in, but unfortunately, it didn’t take long for them to figure out we weren’t really the people we said we were. We had been lucky thus far that only one pack threatened to kill us. Mostly the packs would just chase us away with the threat that we would become rogues. Having been manipulators for so long … We figured out when they were onto us and had our next target ready and waiting, but I was tired of all this running around always begging for scraps! It was time we played the largest con of our entire lives. It

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