Chapter 49 - The fairy tale

2103 Words

Valerie’s POV We listened to the recording and actually hearing them admit to their agreement with the rogue leader was more shocking than I thought it would be. “How could they do this to my people?” I looked at Aries pacing the floor while rubbing his chin. “Alpha, this is the evidence we needed.” Gerard seemed just as shocked as we were. “I guess they felt they had to do it to keep people in line.” Aries sighed. “Gerard, call the council. We need to move up the meeting and get this over with.” Gerard nodded and left. I didn’t care about their motives. They had been hurting our pack for goddess knows how long! Demanding ranked members only mate with ranked members. It all made sense now. They wanted only their loyal servants around them to keep their position and their secret. Aries

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