Chapter 38 - The masks we wear to hide who we are.

2137 Words

Aries’ POV After Valerie rejected me, I didn’t care what happened to the pack. I knew it was selfish, but facing each day without her was the worst pain I could bear. My mother gave me a couple of days of peace, but eventually sent my father to talk some sense into “my thick skull”. I pulled myself together and called for a council meeting. My warriors were strong, but Moon Stone’s sheer numbers would overwhelm us, but I would be damned if I was going to mate that man’s daughter! Thankfully, the council saw reason, and he wasn’t allowed to attack. Not wanting to marry his daughter wasn’t reason enough, but he still tried to convince them he was insulted, and he demanded retribution. The council didn’t think he deserved said retribution and told him to get over it. I was going to tell the

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