Chapter 4 - From Omega to Girlfriend

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Valerie’s POV I sat down with Ruston next to me and nearly jumped out of my chair when he casually put his hand on my leg. I smacked his hand and almost laughed at his look of indignation. Then, when the look changed to amusement, I felt a bit frustrated. He was enjoying this far more than he was supposed to! “Stop that!” I whispered through clenched teeth. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.” He winked and shrugged as I heard someone clear his throat. When I looked up, the professor was looming over me with his hands on his hips and his eyes turned a slight shade darker. “Sorry.” I mouthed the word and wondered if I dug a hole myself, if the earth would swallow me then. Even though the professor clearly didn’t like me, I loved this class and soon got engrossed in the discussion about nature versus nurture and the effect it had on people of today. I didn’t dare speak up in class for fear that I might sound like an i***t and earn myself one of the professor’s intense glares, so I just sat there listening to the different points of view of others. “Anyone else?” There! He did it again! He looked right at me as if waiting for me to say something! I pondered giving my opinion for a split second, then decided against it. I had enough attention on me for one morning. I seriously didn’t need more, and I lowered my eyes in the hopes that he would look at someone else for a change. I could have sworn I heard him sigh before moving on. I was saddened when class was done and felt fear rise throughout my entire body as I realized Melody was in my second class, and Ruston wasn’t. I would have preferred to stay here and discuss the chemistry of the brain all day if I could. Ruston grabbed my books from my desk and took my hand in his before we walked out. I was waiting for him to stop and turn around somewhere on the way to my class because he was meant to be on the opposite side of the building, but nothing happened until we came to a halt in front of my next class. “I will pick you up here after class.” He winked and dropped a soft kiss on the palm of my hand before handing me my books. Little sparks of electricity ran up my arm, and I was astonished at the loving way in which he had been treating me. Turning on the spot, I clutched my books against my chest, because I could feel Melody’s eyes glaring at me on the way to my seat and, for the first time, prayed for the class to be over. If I thought that this was a good idea, I would probably have jumped at the chance to get to know Ruston better, but I didn’t believe it was a good idea. I couldn’t see his parents ever accepting me as his mate, even if the Alpha ordered our union to be accepted. Not even mentioning the rest of the stuck-up ranked members! Distracted by my train of thought, I didn’t hear the professor asking me a question, and only realized he was talking to me when he was standing right in front of me. “Perhaps if you shared your thoughts with the rest of the class, I would be able to gain your attention.” “Sorry, professor.” I found myself having to apologize for a second time today. No, this was NOT going to work! I had to find a way to get Ruston to leave me alone. I had no idea how he did it, but Ruston was resting against the wall across from our classroom when I stepped out and, in an instant, he was standing there facing me. His tall, lean body stretched out over me, and I quickly turned to look at where his arm was aiming. I saw orange juice dripping from the squished orange in his hand. “That was meant for my head, wasn’t it?” He nodded, and I could literally feel the anger radiate off him. When my eyes followed the direction he was looking in, they made contact with Melody’s! Damn that girl! That was it! I had had enough of her and her entire crew! Turning to look at Ruston, I slid my hand down the side of his cheek, feeling the slight stubble starting to form. His eyes made contact with mine, and I reveled in the gasps that followed when I kissed him. He went rigid for a moment before his free arm slid around my waist and pulled me up tight against his chest. My anger was so loud that I didn’t even think about the kiss or how it felt, or even the fact that it was my first kiss! The only thought in my mind was how this would upset that stupid little b***h! The professor cleared his throat behind me, and I nearly flew over Ruston with fright. “Good catch.” He grinned at Ruston, who grinned back before he moved out of the way. Our little encounter completely blocked everyone from entering or exiting the classroom, and I felt my face burn with shame at what I had just done. Talk about a reputation being ruined! Ruston walked into the class, not taking his eyes off Melody, dumped the orange in the bin, shook the rest of the juice off his hand, and walked out, sliding his clean arm around my waist. “Do you mind if we make a quick stop on the way out?” He grinned lopsidedly looking at his sticky hand and I nodded. By the time we left, most of the brat crew had already left, and I breathed a sigh of relief. “Are you okay?” He looked concerned when he slid into the car beside me, and I fought back the urge to cry. His hand softly touched my shoulder as he turned around to pull out of the parking spot, and I flinched. Of course, I burned tomato red on the drive to university! “Did she hurt you?!” His face was bright red with anger, and he stopped halfway out of the parking spot to check me for injuries, and I shook my head. “No, I just got a little toasted on our way here.” I pointed to my shoulders. “My skin isn’t used to this much sun.” I shrugged. “Why didn’t you tell me?!” He pressed a button and the rooftop started to cover us automatically. “Do you have something for it?” He frowned as he pulled into the road, and I shook my head. I’d never really had much of an opportunity to get out into the sun, so there had never been a need for me to purchase sunscreen or anything like it. Pulling up outside the supermarket that I had only seen from the road on my way to school and university, I felt my heart start to race. “Come on.” He held out his hand to steady me as I climbed out, feeling nervous. His constant touching me was weird for the first half an hour, but it almost felt safe now as we walked into the enormous mall hand-in-hand. I fought the urge to openly gape at the sight of the number of shops while we walked into the first one. He bought a bunch of sunscreens that would probably last me my entire life and some extra to attend to my already burnt skin. Then we walked to another shop, where I was startled by the number of clothes hanging from the different shelves in the store! The bright colours and different kinds of styles were astonishing. How was it possible to have so many kinds, sizes, and shapes in one store? “You need a bathing suit, and probably a sun hat.” “NO, I DON’T!” I turned my attention back to him, feeling intimidated by the size of the store. “If you are going to spend time with me by the side of the pool, you will need them.” He dragged me down an aisle to where there were rows upon rows of different kinds of bathing suits. “NO, I WON’T! Besides, omegas aren’t allowed near the pool.” I accidentally smacked my hand against my leg, and it drew his eyes to my hips, making me feel a little self-conscious, to say the least. “You are. I can’t have you get sunburned every time we open the roof of the car, and the only way to fix it is to get this incredibly hot body of yours tanned up a little.” His charming smile was slowly starting to break down the walls I had built around my heart, but I didn’t want him to buy me things. Unfortunately, he simply chose a couple of bathing suits and paid for them. “What if they don’t fit me?” I protested when he handed me the bag. “They will.” He winked, and I wondered how many times he had bought girls' clothes if he was confident. “Come, I’m hungry. Aren’t you hungry?” He tried to take my free hand, but it was already on its way to slapping over my mouth as I realized I was late for my shift in the kitchens, and he must have guessed what I was thinking. “You will not be returning to that damn kitchen. You are with me now, and my girlfriend does not work in the damn kitchen.” I looked at him and then slowly put my hands on my hips. “Who said I’m your girlfriend?” “I just did, now come on. It’s never a good idea to challenge a hungry wolf.” He winked, and I swallowed the words I was on the verge of uttering.
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