Chapter 5 - What is my real destiny?

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Valerie’s POV After years of having the same routine, it was common sense that I would forget that Ruston arranged for me to no longer work in the kitchens. So, after we finished our homework, I got up from behind my desk and looked at him with my hands on my hips, blinking my eyes. “What?” He was stretched out on my bed, lazily paging through a magazine. Half of his bottom legs were hanging off my bed, and I wondered for a moment if he wasn’t uncomfortable. “I need to get ready for the dinner service, and I want to take a shower before then. Do you mind?” “Not at all.” He grinned, and I noticed how white his teeth were. “Ruston! Get up.” I playfully smacked at his leg, making sure I didn’t physically touch him. He sighed and got up, stretching out, and I noticed that his hand almost hit my ceiling! He almost towered over me like an Alpha. “I will see you at dinner.” He encircled me with his arms and smiled. “Don’t you mean after?” I co.cked my head to one side, feeling slightly confused. “No, I’ve requested that a place be set for you beside me. If this pack is ever going to accept you as my future mate, it would be best to have you by my side as soon as possible.” He grinned and something told me he had more in store, but I didn’t dare ask. “Ruston, you can’t be serious. Do you really want to continue with this … this charade?” I pulled from his embrace, but wished I hadn’t. “It is definitely not a charade, Val.” The way my shortened name rolled off his tongue gave me shivers down my spine. From the sound of the determination in his voice, he was clearly not going to give up. My only option was to play along until he grew tired of me. As long as I made sure we didn’t … He didn’t … My reputation would be fairly safe. As soon as I was showered and dressed, I tied my hair back and made my way to the kitchens. If I had to join him for dinner, at least I would be early enough to still help in the kitchen. In my mind, nothing had changed for me. As soon as he dropped me like a hot potato, I would have to be able to face the rest of the omegas again. I lost track of time and was startled when a strong arm clamped around my waist and his hot breath blew down the side of my neck. “Alpha is waiting. Didn’t I tell you that you were to be seated next to me?” I turned around to see his eyes burning with anger, and I felt guilt flood my face as I followed him into the dining room. Everyone was waiting for me to take my place. Nobody was allowed to start eating dinner until everyone was present! Another ridiculous pack rule, if ever there was one. I heard the soft hum of murmurs and decided to keep my gaze down. The last thing I needed was for Alpha to lose his temper with me again, and I could hear him softly growling. I would prefer my small dinner to the huge plate that was handed to me, and the food kept getting stuck in my throat. I could feel the numerous sets of eyes that were all focussed on me. Assessing my every move. One pair, in particular, was flaring with anger. As soon as I realized where she was, I looked up and then smiled at Ruston. “Thank you for inviting me tonight. It’s a true honour to be sitting at the table with your parents.” I knew how to play my shy disposition to my advantage. Hated it, but I knew how to do it. We might not have been taught how to be precious ranked members in the omega house, but moving around in the background, we learned tricks of the trade that come in handy in difficult situations like this. “It’s only a pleasure to have you here. Perhaps my parents can get to know you, and they will see why I’ve chosen you.” I felt heat rush over my cheeks at the mere mention of one day possibly being his mate, and I was thankful when his mother started to bombard me with questions. In all senses of the word, I was the perfect lady. I was born ranked. I was well-read and could hold almost any conversation with my vast experience of general knowledge after spending as much time as I had on my own when nobody else wanted to be friends with me, reading … A lot. Aries’ POV I walked into the dungeon and looked at the girl that hung from the ceiling restraints. Sighing, I realized it was not a good idea for me to play tonight. My wolf was restless, and seeing HER with that boy had anger boiling up inside me. I was finding it difficult to control. Besides, the number one rule in my playbook was to never harm anyone, because I was angry. Play, even when inflicting a certain amount of pain, should be pleasurable. It should never, ever turn into abuse. This was one of the topics I discussed in my class in the third year. It was the lesson I was going to prepare for the first-year students soon after seeing her on that first day, but I decided, after seeing her with that boy today, that it was not a good idea. If I drifted off my set curriculum for each year, there might be questions raised that I didn’t want to answer. I walked over to the girl and left a soft kiss on her shoulder. My hot breath caused her skin to break out in goosebumps, and she leaned into my touch. “I’m sorry, I don’t feel it tonight. You look ravishing, and I will ask them to send in someone else if you want.” She pouted and shook her head. “I only want you, Sir.” YUP, it was time for this partnership to end! She was not my destined mate, and I explained my position to her on our first encounter, but as with many submissives, she had grown too fond of me by the looks of it. They all thought they would be able to make me fall in love with them, even though they weren’t my mates. I had a suspicion a while back that things were going in this direction, but I was hoping they weren’t. That I would have more time with her, but once they fell in love … “You are perfect, but I fear our relationship ends here. I gave you the rules at the beginning, and I think you are about to overstep the largest deal-breaker of them all.” I walked around to look her in the eyes. “NO! Please, Aries.” The fact that she broke character told me I was definitely doing the right thing. “I will ask one of the girls to come and help you. Good night.” I had found it was best not to untie my submissives on the night I broke up with them. I made that mistake once, and she became a bit of a stalker. I had to find her a new Dom to latch onto before she eventually let me be. They came here out of curiosity at first and then fell for the first Dom who treated them right! What was it about this girl that had me in such a knot? Anyway, it didn’t matter anymore. She was clearly with that boy, and I wasn’t going to interfere with an innocent who seemed to be happy. Valerie’s POV Ruston walked me to my room after dinner, and we hung out outside the door. The snickers and giggles down the passage didn’t go unnoticed by either of us. “I feel uncomfortable with you staying here. I will arrange that you are moved to my floor.” He rubbed the sides of my arms and goosebumps broke out all over her skin. I looked into his eyes and for the first time noticed the dark chocolate flecks. I guess they weren’t all perfectly blond and blue-eyed. His hand stroked my face as he moved a stray piece of hair behind my ear. It felt as if he was drawing me in, as if he was a flame, and I was the moth. I shouldn’t be doing this, but when his arms circled around my waist, and my hands rested on his chest, my heart started to race. It felt as if everything around us disappeared and when his lips softly touched mine, I almost gasped. His lips were softer than I expected as he coaxed me along slowly. Licking my bottom lip, I instinctively opened my mouth and shivered when our tongues met for the first time. He pulled me even closer, and I slid my arms around his neck as he deepened his kiss. I tried to fight the intense feelings that were starting to stir around my doodah! It started to ache just as he broke our kiss and pulled away. I accidentally looked down out of habit and noticed the huge bulge in his pants! My cheeks turned bright red and, for the first time since I became an omega, I had no idea which way to look! His soft laugh told me that he noticed, and I was just about ready to die when he lifted my chin with his index finger, his one hand still resting on my hip. “Soon, my beautiful girl. Soon I will teach you all the pleasures your body can provide for the both of us.” He left a soft kiss on my cheek and opened my door, waiting as I walked in before closing it behind me. “OH, GODDESS!” The air I had been tightly keeping inside my lungs rushed out, and I took in gulps of air. Surely, he had to be my mate if he could make me feel like that? I sat down on my bed, feeling completely flustered. That was ridiculous! In just a couple of days, I had turned into one of the girls! A bumbling i***t, and all that because a boy kissed me. Okay, fine, so he wasn’t just any boy, but still! Was this my destiny? Was this what the moon goddess planned for me? Was I meant to mate with Ruston to be saved from what is probably going to be a very sad and lonely life? Nope, it couldn’t be that easy. It wasn’t possible that he actually wanted me! What if it WAS just a cruel joke that he and the others were playing on me? Laughing behind my back at how stupid I was … But they wouldn’t go as far as announcing it to the world, would they? My mind raced all night and by four, when my alarm screamed for me to wake up, I had not slept a wink. It was going to be a long, long, long day … And I still didn’t know what I was going to do.
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