Chapter 64 - Vampire blood!

2372 Words

Valerie’s POV I was deep in a dream where Carl was doing naughty things to Betty when Edward’s voice interrupted play! “Your majesty,” I felt him shake my shoulder and my eyes flew open. “You should come with me. It’s Alpha Aries.” His eyes were filled with fear and I jumped out of bed, grabbing a gown to cover up with on the way. “What happened? What’s wrong?” I could hear the fear in my voice and took a moment to compose myself. Even if something was wrong with Aries, I couldn’t show that I was in a state anymore. I had to remain strong for my people, but I couldn’t stop my heart racing as we rushed down the passages to the cells in the basement! Why would he … My breath caught in the back of my throat at the sight of my mate. He was in wolf form, but he smelled and looked like a rog

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