Chapter 31 - New faces

2341 Words

Valerie’s POV I walked down the stone path and smelled the beautiful roses. It’s strange, but the strong scent of the roses didn’t make me sneeze for once. Taking a deep breath, I saw a beautiful green lawn ahead and fastened my pace, only to find a huge willow tree creaking in the soft warm breeze as its leaves rustled slightly. Then I noticed the huge swing and I ran to try it out. It felt incredible to let the wind float through my hair as I swung higher and higher, and it reminded me of something, but I couldn’t quite place my finger on it. “I see you found my swing,” A beautiful blond woman smiled and I nearly fell off the swing mid-air with fright! “Hi, I’m sorry,” I slowed it down quickly and climbed off. “Oh, no,” She waved at me, and her blue dress shimmered in the sunlight.

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