Chapter 18 - An "F" for "Flirting?"

1738 Words

Valerie’s POV The next week flew by as I tried to do research for our project, but no matter how much I did, I couldn’t find a single subject that wasn’t s****l! Fine, I understood it was s*x therapy, but surely there was more to it than that! Especially that b**m thing the professor mentioned. That, in my opinion, wasn’t sexy, it was just plain abuse! Who in their right mind would want to be tied up and beaten, so they could have an orgasm when normal “vanilla” did the same thing without someone having to get hurt! Ruston became more demanding as the week ticked on, and I was relieved when my time of the month interrupted us! I had been so preoccupied with this stupid project that I hadn’t kept track of my time, and it was the first time he actually looked disgusted with me. I sat in

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