The extra project

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The anticipation of Pike's presence in the class sends my senses into a whirlwind. As he enters, a smile graces his face, and my ability to hold onto coherent thoughts falters. There's an undeniable magnetic pull, an inexplicable effect he has on me without even physical contact. His smile alone is a catalyst for a myriad of emotions, leaving me to wonder what would transpire if his touch were to be added to the equation. The mere thought of Pike's touch, of his lips meeting mine, sends my imagination into a realm of uncertainty and excitement. It's a contemplation that simultaneously exhilarates and unnerves me, hinting at the unexplored territories of emotions that linger in the air between us. I find myself caught in the delicate dance of curiosity and apprehension, wondering how deep this connection will go and what would happen if I let my feelings and emotions take over. As I catch sight of Allen standing behind Pike, a wave of normalcy washes over me, dispelling the fleeting, tantalizing thoughts of Pike's touch. The vivid fantasies evaporate, leaving behind an empty feeling, a longing for something more. In that moment, I yearn to focus on Pike, to dwell on the sensation of his fingers tracing my skin, igniting a trail of desire that leads us away, alone, to a secluded place where we can share an intimate moment without interruptions or distractions. The desire to escape into that fantasy consumes me, leaving me longing for a reality where I can explore the depths of connection with Pike without the intrusion of external influences. As Allen approaches me, I'm fully aware that my eyes are smiling in tandem with my mouth, betraying the thoughts that had occupied my mind just moments ago. His question pulls me back to reality, and I respond with a casual shrug. With a quick glance down at my book, I respond to Allen's question, trying to downplay my previous thoughts. "I have no idea what you're referring to, Allen. I'm not doing anything," I say quickly, hoping to deflect any further inquiry. Deep down, I know I'm lying, but I can't help it. I'm determined to keep my friendship with Pike separate from my friends, fearing they might interfere and ruin it. Plus, I made a promise to Pike to keep his secrets, and I intend to honor it. "Hi," Pike greeted from behind Allen, catching me off guard. "Hey," I replied as I stood up, feeling a bit flustered. "Pike, this is Allen. Allen, this is Pike," I introduced them, hoping the awkwardness wouldn't linger. "Nice to meet you," Allen said, extending his hand for Pike to shake. "I'm the boyfriend," he added with a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you, Allen. I'm the lab partner," Pike responded, placing his bag beside his chair. "Okay, you can go now, you've announced your claim," I said to Allen, feeling a hint of irritation. He gave me a quick peck on the head before walking away. "I'm sorry about that. He's never been territorial," I apologized to Pike, feeling the need to explain Allen's behavior. "Not a problem. I understand. Pretty girls need extra protection," Pike replied with a crooked smile, lightening the mood with his easygoing demeanor. As I stood there, Pike's words lingered in the air like a soft echo. "Pretty girls need extra protection," he said with a crooked smile, his gaze lingering for a moment longer than necessary. And in that fleeting moment, I felt a rush of conflicting emotions. The realization hit me like a sudden gust of wind, knocking the breath out of me. Now I knew. I knew that he thought I was pretty. And it wasn't just a passing thought; it was there, lingering in his eyes, in the curve of his smile. It was a revelation that sent my emotions tumbling like an avalanche, unstoppable and overwhelming. Every glance, every word, every gesture would now carry the weight of that knowledge, shaping the fragile landscape of my feelings into something unrecognizable. Professor Grady enters the class and silence follows. “Good morning students.” He greets. “We have a new project that we will be starting with today. It is a research-intensive project so it is a lengthy project. We will be discussing Genetic Engineering Your objective is to investigate the applications and ethical implications of genetic engineering techniques. You and your lab partner can explore the principles of genetic engineering by designing and conducting experiments involving gene editing techniques like CRISPR-Cas9. You can focus on topics such as modifying gene expression in model organisms, gene therapy applications, or ethical considerations surrounding genetic manipulation. Students can also explore the potential benefits and risks associated with genetic engineering technologies. You do not have to use this example but you may. Your deliverables will be to present your research findings and experimental results in a scientific report or presentation, including discussions on the ethical implications and future prospects of genetic engineering. If you have any questions please come and ask me. The project is the only project you will do for the term. So please be prepared to present in the last week of the term.” “That sounds like a huge project," I remarked, feeling a surge of apprehension at the thought of juggling multiple assignments. "Do you think we'll still have time to do an extra project?" Pike nodded thoughtfully. "It is a big project," he acknowledged. "I think we should ask Professor Grady what the extra project will be and then decide." "Good thinking," I agreed, already considering the logistics of managing my time effectively. "Should we ask him now?" "I can't see why not," Pike replied, a sense of determination in his voice. Together, we made our way to Professor Grady's table, where he was sorting through a stack of papers. "Althea dear, can I help you?" Professor Grady inquired, looking up with a warm smile. "Is it possible for you to tell me what the extra project will be?" I asked, trying to gauge the extent of my workload. "I need to know if I would have enough time to do both projects." "Sure," Professor Grady replied, setting aside his papers. "The second project will be a report on ‘The butterfly effect’. You'll need to delve into the concept and provide a comprehensive analysis of its implications. Your report should include your findings and the methodology you used to arrive at them." I couldn't help but notice the spark of excitement in Pike's eyes as Professor Grady outlined the details of the second project. It was as if he had been waiting for this opportunity, his eagerness palpable as he absorbed every word. "Thank you, Prof. We will take it," Pike said confidently, his smile holding a hint of mischief. There was something in his demeanor that suggested he either had prior experience with a similar project or possessed a deep understanding of how to approach it effectively. "We will," I replied, a mix of uncertainty and determination in my tone. Pike's commitment was evident, and for now, I chose to trust him. As we settled back into our seats, Pike shared his availability for working on the projects. "On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I cannot work on any projects. I work till late," he explained. "But I'll be available from 6 pm till whatever time you have on the other days for the projects. Is that good with you?" His willingness to accommodate our schedules eased some of my concerns. "That works for me," I replied with a nod, appreciating his flexibility. "We'll make it work." "That sounds like a plan," Pike agreed with a nod. "Dividing the project into sections and seeking feedback from Mr. Grady as we progress will definitely help us stay on track." I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that Pike was onboard with the plan. "Great," I said, feeling more optimistic about tackling the project together. "Let's aim to have the first section outlined by tomorrow's meeting, and we can discuss it with Mr. Grady then." Pike nodded in agreement. "I'll start researching and drafting my part before work tonight," he said confidently. "We'll make a great team, Althea." His assurance buoyed my spirits, and for the first time in a while, I felt genuinely excited about a school project. As the bell rang signaling the end of the class, Pike and I gathered our things, ready to embark on this new endeavor together. The way he said my name sent a shiver down my spine.
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