Allen did what?

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As I make my way to my car after the final bell, I'm met with the sight of Emmet leaning against it. My heart races at the sight of him, and I can't help but admire his ruggedly handsome appearance. "So damn sexy," I murmur, unable to contain my admiration. With him almost at eye level due to his lean, I'm drawn closer, my hand instinctively resting on his chest as I lean in to whisper in his ear, "I have a surprise for you tonight." "Is that so?" he responds, his voice tinged with curiosity and anticipation. "Yes, indeed. And I need to pick up the proper attire for it since it's the first time I'm considering this surprise," I reveal, watching as his eyes widen and his heartbeat quickens beneath my touch. "Well, then, I better get to work quickly so I can get home sooner," he quips, handing me a note before I leave. It's his phone number. Stuffing it into my front pocket, I unlock my car and drive off, a flutter of nerves mingling with excitement as thoughts of the evening ahead swirl in my mind. Excitement pulses through me as I head to the mall, eager to pick out the perfect outfits for tonight's surprise with Emmet. Yet, amidst the bustling crowd, a nagging sensation of being watched creeps over me. Shaking off the unease, I focus on my shopping list. Browsing through racks of lingerie, I select four different sets, each holding the promise of a memorable evening. However, uncertainty gnaws at me regarding Emmet's preparedness, prompting a detour to the chemist for condoms. Faced with a myriad of options, I opt for the plain ones, grabbing a variety to ensure compatibility. With safety in mind, I then make a quick stop at the grocer for snacks and juice, envisioning a cozy prelude to Emily's bedtime. Laden with shopping bags, I make my way back to my car, only to be halted by a familiar voice calling my name. "Ali, stop, don't do this," Allen's urgent plea pierces through the air, freezing me in place. Confusion clouds my thoughts as I turn to face him. "Allen, what are you talking about?" I inquire, the weight of his words sinking in. His gaze is pleading, filled with desperation. "Do not sleep with him, please," he implores, his tone tinged with anguish. My shock is palpable as his revelation sends a jolt through my system. "I saw the outfits you bought and I saw you bought some condoms. Please do not, I am begging you," he pleads once more, his words hanging heavy in the air. "Allen, I need you to give me space. I need you to back off. I thought I was clear on that," I assert, my voice trembling with a mixture of frustration and fear. "I wouldn't let you. I forbid you to sleep with him," Allen's words cut through the tension like a sharp blade, his desperation palpable. His demand ignites a bitter laugh within me. "Forbid me, who are you, my mother?" I retort, a surge of defiance coursing through me. "I have to go, Allen. Please leave me alone," I plead, my heart pounding in my chest as I move to open the back door to stow away my shopping bags. But before I can react, Allen shoves me roughly into the back of the car, his actions swift and forceful. Panic sets in as he leaps into the driver's seat and starts the car, the sound of the engine roaring to life echoing in the confined space. The doors lock automatically, sealing me inside with no means of escape. I pound on the windows frantically, my cries for help drowned out by the deafening rush of blood in my ears. "Allen!" I scream my voice a desperate plea as the world outside blurs into darkness, swallowing me whole. ***** I awaken to the rhythmic beeping of monitors, the sterile scent of the hospital assaulting my senses. As my vision clears, I find Emily sitting beside my bed, her eyes red and puffy with tears. "Emi," I croak, my voice barely above a whisper. "What... what's going on? Where am I?" "You're at the hospital," Emily replies, her voice trembling with emotion. "You were in a car accident. I saw it all happen, Ali. The guy you fought with, him shoving you into the back of the car. Who is he, and why did he do that?" Before I can muster a response, Allen appears at the doorway, his expression twisted with anger and resentment at Emily's revelation. I sense danger radiating from him as he strides toward her, his intentions clear. Instinctively, I lunge out of bed, placing myself between them and enveloping Emily in a protective embrace. But Allen is faster, his hand closing around my neck in a vice-like grip, his strength overwhelming. Emily's cries fill the room as I struggle against him, desperately trying to fend him off. Just as darkness threatens to consume me once more, Emmet bursts into the room, followed closely by hospital security. With swift efficiency, they pry Allen away from us, dragging him out of the room as his protests echo down the corridor. Emmet rushes to my side as I lay on the floor, weakness overtaking me. "Emily..." I manage to murmur, my voice barely audible. "I'm here, Ali. I'm right here, and I'm okay," Emily reassures me, her voice a comforting presence in the darkness that envelops me once more. When I awoke again, the hushed murmurs of my parents speaking with the doctor filled the room. Emily remained faithfully by my bedside, a steady presence in the chaos that had engulfed my world. "Mrs. Hall, she's awake," Emily called out to my mother, who hurried over to me with a mixture of relief and concern etched on her face. "Honey, oh my god. Are you okay? Do you have any pain?" my mother exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. "Mom," I choked out, tears streaming down my cheeks. "No, I don't have any pain. I'm okay." "Emily..." I began, searching for reassurance. "She's right here," my mom reassured me, gesturing to Emily, who stepped into my line of sight. "Emmet?" I questioned, my voice tinged with worry. "He's giving a statement to the police," Emily informed me, her tone steady and reassuring. "He should be back soon." A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I settled back into the pillows. "What time is it?" I inquired, trying to regain a sense of normalcy amidst the turmoil. "It's 8:30 now, my love," my mom chirped, her attempt to bring comfort and familiarity to the unsettling atmosphere of the hospital room. The events of the day weighed heavily on my mind as I lay in the hospital bed, grappling with the unexpected turn of events. Learning that I would have to remain in the hospital until Friday only added to my frustration and disappointment. "What happened to Allen?" I asked, seeking answers amidst the chaos. "He's being checked out by the psych unit," my mom replied, her tone somber as she relayed the news. As if on cue, Emmet appeared in the doorway, his presence a comforting sight amidst the uncertainty. "Em," I began, my voice catching in my throat. "Thank you. If you didn't come when..." Before I could finish my sentence, Emmet interrupted me with a gentle yet firm tone. "You saved Emily," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. Moving closer, he took my hand in his, his gaze shifting to my parents. "Mr. and Mrs. Hall, your daughter is a hero in my eyes," Emmet addressed them, his words carrying a weight of gratitude and respect. "She saved my Emi, and I will always be grateful for that." Turning his attention back to me, Emmet pressed a tender kiss to my forehead. "Thank you," he whispered, his gratitude palpable in the air. Then, turning to Emily, he gently suggested, "We should go. We'll see you tomorrow." The weight of the situation presses down on me like a heavy blanket, suffocating and overwhelming. The irony of it all is not lost on me, the cruel twist of fate that has unraveled the bond between myself, Emmet, and Emily, while forging a new, unbreakable connection born from necessity and survival. As I sit in the hospital bed, my mind races with conflicting emotions. The bond we share feels as though it has existed for years, woven into the fabric of our lives, and I would protect them both with every fiber of my being. But now, my bond thit Allen has been shattered leaving behind only shards of betrayal and shattered trust. I struggle to find the words to describe the turmoil raging inside me. It's as if a piece of my soul has been torn away, leaving behind a raw, gaping wound that refuses to heal. The bond that has existed for years, built on trust and loyalty, has vanished in an instant, replaced by a sense of betrayal and disbelief. I don't know what to call it, this feeling that gnaws at my heart like a hungry beast. It's not just anger or resentment; it's something deeper, something primal and instinctual. It's a sense of loss and betrayal that cuts to the core of my being, leaving me feeling hollow and empty inside. But amidst the chaos and confusion, one thing remains clear: I will do whatever it takes to protect Emily and Emmet, even if it means facing the demons of my past and confronting the darkness that threatens to consume us all. As they left the room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and relief wash over me. Despite the chaos and uncertainty, I found solace in the bonds of friendship and the strength of those around me.
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