Angels Without Wings ( Heidi Talbot )

1026 Words
Author’s POV At the surgical doctor graduation bash at Prestige University, amidst the buzz of excitement and anticipation, a woman stands out from the crowd. Disheveled and frazzled, she approaches the security guard stationed at the entrance of the hall where the ceremony is taking place. Her clothes are rumpled, and her hair is unkempt, contrasting sharply with the elegant attire of the guests. "Excuse me, sir. Could you please get Doctor Kaylie for me? I have something important to tell her, and it's really urgent," she pleads desperately with the guard who's blocking her path. "Sorry, this event invitation-only, and you're not exactly dressed for it. You must dress properly if you want to enter," the guard replies, holding firm. "I don't have time to explain. Just please, call Doctor Kaylie," she says, her breaths coming in short, shaky bursts. "We've got a bunch of docs graduating. How am I supposed to know which one is your Doctor Kaylie?" the guard asks skeptically. "Just ask for Luna Kaylie. There's only one. No duplicates," she insists urgently, clutching her chest. "Luna's her first name and Kaylie's her last?" the guard teases. "No, no, you don't understand. This is serious. If I don't speak to Luna Kaylie, there's going to be a huge disaster," she stresses, desperation evident in her voice. "What, like a flood? A tornado? You think you're predicting the weather now? Just calm down, sit tight. The ceremony will be over in thirty minutes. Then you can go find your Luna Kaylie. You're always stirring up trouble," the guard retorts, growing irritated. Desperation flickers across her face as she struggles to make him understand. "I know it sounds crazy, but you have to believe me. Luna Kaylie is the only one who can help prevent it. She's not just a doctor; she's... she's something more." The guard crosses his arms, skepticism etched on his features. "Something more? What, like a superhero or something?" She nods eagerly, seizing onto his fleeting thread of comprehension. "Yes, exactly! She's the key to stopping this disaster from happening. But if I don't speak to her now, it'll be too late." Rolling his eyes, the other guard sighs in exasperation. "Lady, I don't have time for your wild theories. My job is to maintain order here, not entertain delusions." Her heart sinks at his dismissal, but she refuses to give up. "Please, just give me a chance. Lives are hanging in the balance, and every second counts." “We cannot get you in. Chill out, sit tight. The ceremony's wrapping up in thirty minutes. Then you can track down your Luna Kaylie." the guard pushes back, getting annoyed. The disheveled woman looks defeated, too drained to argue further. She decides to plop down in one of the chairs tucked away in the corner of the room, waiting for Luna Kaylie to finish up her ceremony as a surgical doctor. Hopefully, she can hold it together long enough to fill Doctor Kaylie in on the urgent matter. After all, it was Doctor Kaylie, Doctor Kaylie, with her kind-hearted nature, is like an angel without wings. who once saved her from being kidnapped by Monster Blake. Now it's her turn to return the favor, to prevent a major disaster in the Blue Sapphire Pack. About an hour later, Kaylie steps out of the hall where the event was held. Walking beside her is her husband Lucas, a good looking model look’ s guy, with their adorable two-year-old son in tow. Despite Kaylie's big baby bump, since she's in her last trimester, she's still strutting like a champ, not showing any signs of struggle. "Easy there, My Love," Lucas whispers in Kaylie's ear. "You're seven months pregnant. Don't march like you're off to war. Take it slow." "How can I, Luc? Don't we need to hurry to your meeting with the Alphas backing your bid for Alpha King? It's in half an hour," Kaylie says, still moving briskly. "Kaylie, that can wait. They'll understand. Jenson's my Beta, got them covered. Relax. We'll hop on a helicopter to the Blue Sapphire Pack, so it'll be quick. You won't be late," Lucas reassures her calmly. But Kaylie keeps striding on, ignoring Lucas's words, heading straight for the hall. Lucas has to scoop up Adam because his little legs can't keep up with his mom's long strides. They reach the front door of the hall. Suddenly, a weak voice stops the small family in their tracks. "Doctor Kaylie... Wait. Doctor Kaylie, there's something I need to tell you. It's really important. Please listen to me," the woman says, her voice barely making it through. Kaylie turns around and is shocked to see the woman collapse before reaching her. "Oh no... What's wrong?" Kaylie gasps, rushing to her side. The woman grasps Kaylie's hand tightly and struggles to speak. "I'm Inggrid. The omega you once saved. I work in the Greystone pack... Kaylie, you... you gotta be careful. The whole Blue Sapphire pack is in danger because of Alpha Alex... Alpha Alex... working with a Witch... they'll knock you all out... Please, please be careful and find a more powerful witch to stop this..." Inggrid's struggling to speak "I traveled all the way from the Greystone pack to warn you, Kaylie. Alpha Alex's alliance with Blake’s Mom, she is a powerful witch named Huiwi. They're planning something sinister, something that could … Uhukk.. Uhukkk…. “ Inggrid stops and takes a deep breath before she continues. “Please, heed my warning and find a more powerful witch to counter their dark magic." Inggrid's voice trembles, and she coughs up blood, holding onto Kaylie's hand for support. Kaylie's heart races as she tries to process the gravity of Inggrid's words. "Inggrid, hang in there. I'll help you," she assures her, her mind racing with the urgency of the situation. "I can't hold on much longer, Doctor Kaylie... You gotta trust me... You're all in big trouble... You gotta find the Witch... The Witch who can stop Alpha Alex's and... and Blake's mom's evil plans... ." Inggrid's voice fades, her last breath leaving Kaylie "No..." Kaylie screams. .
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