Extraordinary ( Idina Menzel )

1045 Words
Kaylie's POV From the passenger seat, peering through the large window of the car, I catch sight of a middle-aged woman who still looks remarkably beautiful, standing in front of her house. It seems like she knows we're coming and she's already prepared to welcome her guests. If that's the case, it means Witch Melda truly is a super-powered witch who can foresee events before they happen. My curiosity gets the better of me, prompting me to ask Samuel, "Does Melda know we're coming? Did you inform her?" "No, Luna Kaylie, I didn't inform her at all. But it's true that Melda always knows when there are guests visiting her house. Once, I was sent by the head of the border to deliver documents for Former Beta David to sign. I was in my wolf form that time, and as I approached her house, Melda was already waiting for me in the backyard, which borders the forest. She knew I was coming, just like now, she knew we were coming by car, so she's waiting for us in front of her house, which can be accessed by car," Samuel explains, praising Melda's greatness. "I've also heard stories from Gabriel. A few weeks before Gabriel's father passed away, Melda had already informed her husband, Beta David, that the former alpha would soon die, so it's better for Alpha Gabriel to be inaugurated quickly so that the power could be rightfully passed down to Gabriel without any objection from the elders or the council. That's why our inauguration was rushed and didn't invite other packs," Chiko adds. "Wow, Melda is truly amazing," Rose praises. "Indeed, Witch Melda's powers are extraordinary," I chime in, my admiration for her growing with each story shared. "It's incredible how she can foresee events and guide us through them." "Absolutely," Chiko agrees, her eyes reflecting a mix of respect and awe. "It's like she's always one step ahead, ensuring the safety and well-being of our pack." "And not just our pack," Samuel adds thoughtfully. "I've heard tales of her helping neighboring packs too, offering her wisdom and guidance in times of need." "It's like she's the guardian angel of the supernatural world," Rose remarks, a sense of gratitude filling her heart. "We feel fortunate to have someone who had wisdom , kind and helpful not like witch Huiwi." I say "Definitely," Samuel nods in agreement, his voice tinged with reverence. "I've seen firsthand how her interventions have prevented disasters and brought about positive outcomes." "We should consider ourselves blessed to have her on our side," Chiko says solemnly, her tone reflecting the gravity of the situation. "Especially now, with the threat of Huiwi looming over us, we need all the help we can get." "That's true," I acknowledge, feeling a sense of reassurance knowing that Melda is there to support us. "Let's put our trust in her abilities and work together to overcome this challenge." With renewed determination and faith in Melda's powers, we continue our journey, the anticipation of meeting her growing stronger with each passing moment. Whatever obstacles lie ahead, we know that with Melda's guidance, we'll find a way to overcome them and emerge victorious. As the four of us step out of the car, Melda greets us with a warm smile, nothing like the scary witches you read about in fairy tales. She's more like Cinderella's fairy godmother, kind-hearted and helpful, ensuring Cinderella gets to the prince's dance party. With her motherly smile, she greets Chiko, "Good day Luna Chiko," then turns to me, "Good day Luna," and faces Rose, "Good day Beta." What the heck... she knows we're Luna and Beta even though it's our first time meeting her. "How did you know?" Rose blurts out, unable to contain her curiosity. "Hahahaha," Melda chuckles lightly. "We witches can see the aura radiating from Alphas, Lunars, and Betas. The aura surrounding you all is exceptionally bright. Like when I first met Luna Chiko, back when she was an omega working in the kitchen. I told my husband, 'One day, Omega Chiko will become a Luna,' and when I met Alpha Gabriel when he was 18, I immediately knew Chiko would be our future Luna because there's a pink thread that binds them every time they walk side by side. They're like the sun and the moon, always revolving around each other. It's a sign of their strong mate bond," Melda explains, leading us into her warm and inviting living room. It truly feels like stepping into a grandmother's house, cozy and comforting.We settle down on the comfortable couches, and Melda serves us tea and cookies, continuing to share stories of her encounters with various members of Black Amous pack. Despite her extraordinary abilities, she's incredibly down-to-earth and welcoming, making us feel right at home. It's hard to believe we were ever worried about visiting a witch's house. As we enjoy the tea and cookies, Melda shares another example of her foresight. "There was a time when a rogue wolf was planning to attack our pack. I had a vision of it and warned our former Alpha, who took precautionary measures. Thanks to that, we were able to fend off the attack and protect our pack members," she recounts, her eyes sparkling with pride. Rose and I are completely blown away, amazed by Melda's extraordinary abilities. It's abundantly clear that she's not your run-of-the-mill witch. She is a powerfull witch. She's intricately intertwined with the pack and possesses a genuine desire to safeguard each and every member. Witnessing her ability to peer into the future and hearing her wise and caring words instills in me a profound sense of reassurance. My hope begins to surge, as if I've stumbled upon exactly what we need. I can't shake the thought that perhaps Melda holds the key to helping us combat the dark magic Huiwi has unleashed. Fueled by a newfound determination, I stand poised to seek Melda's counsel, eager to harness her boundless wisdom. My feeling more determined than ever, I am ready to ask for Melda's advice, excited to tap into her wisdom and power to fight against witch Huiwi's darkness, to protect my family and my pack, and to ensure my dear husband's success as Alpha King. .
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