Birthday Bash ( VanessaDoll )

1102 Words
At precisely 5:45, we arrive back at Blue Sapphire Pack. The three of us hustle over to the dining room and spot Liana helping the omegas set the table. Seeing us, Liana looks relieved and says, "Oh, my heart's been racing! I've been checking the clock non-stop, wondering when you'd be back. Thank goodness you're right on time, 15 minutes before dinner." "Don't worry, Li. I'm practically an F1 racer" Chiko lets out a hearty laugh, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Seriously though, guys, you should have seen me pressing that gas pedal! I had one foot on the pedal and the other on the gas station, ready to refill if needed," she jokes, miming the actions exaggeratedly. "We were zooming down the road faster than you can say 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,'" she continues, her laughter contagious. "But hey, it was worth it to ensure we returned on time. We can't keep our husbands waiting for dinner, and our secret remains safe," Chiko adds with a wink, her confidence shining through despite Liana's panic. "Besides, a little adrenaline rush never hurt anyone. Keeps things exciting!" "Did you run into Lucas earlier?" I ask Liana. "Yeah, I did. I panicked when Lucas mentioned mind-linking you. I mean, if he mind-links you, we're busted, right? Mind-links don't work across territories," she says, shuddering at the thought, clearly picturing our secret being exposed if Lucas really did mind-link me. Liana's hands flutter nervously as she speaks, a hint of panic still evident in her voice. "I mean, when Lucas mentioned the mind-link, I was practically sweating bullets! The thought of our secret getting out like that... I couldn't bear it. And then, when I blurted out that nonsense about the diaper bag, I just wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. What if he thinks I'm suspicious now? What if he starts asking questions?" She wrings her hands together, her eyes darting around anxiously. "So, what did you say to Lucas?" I inquire. "I told him he didn't need to mind-link you to buy me a branded bag. I mean, as a breastfeeding mom, I need a diaper bag more than a designer one right now," Liana says, laughing. Then she adds, "And after saying that, I regretted it. When will my brother-in-law ever offer to buy me a designer bag again?" We all burst into laughter at Liana's words, and I say, "Thanks, Li, for helping me keep this secret. But it won't be a secret for much longer. We're all going to come clean to Lucas and the alphas soon so we can get this problem sorted out quickly." "Have you found a stronger witch to help take down Huiwi?" Liana asks. We all nod in unison, and Rose says, "We'll explain it to you at dinner. Ah, yes ladies, time to put on our Stepford wife hats and dazzle our husbands with our culinary skills," Rose says, striking a dramatic pose. "Who knows, maybe I'll even whip up a gourmet dish that'll have our husbands eating out of the palm of our hand," she adds with a wink, eliciting laughter from the group. "But first, let's make sure we look the part. Aprons on, ladies! It's showtime!" "What's the show all about, my love?" Suddenly, Jenson's voice chimes in as he walks over to Rose, enveloping her in a hug. "Just a show to prepare dinner for our beloved husbands," Rose replies, returning Jenson's kiss on the cheek. Then, sweetly, she says, "Sit down, please, my husband. Dinner will be served soon." "What did you buy on San Lucas Drive, Rose? Did you get the designer bag you wanted? How much was it? Show me, let me see. What color did you choose?" Jenson asks as he takes a sip of water from his glass. Rose looks a bit flustered before answering, "Hmm, I didn't get the designer bag, maybe later. Luna and Kaylie will explain everything to you guys about where we went." "No need for explanations Rose. We already know," Lucas's voice enters the dining room as he embraces me. "Know what?" I ask, surprised. Has Lucas developed the ability to see the future like Witch Melda? How does he know what we did before I even explained? I wonder in amazement... "I just know. Actually, you didn't go shopping, did you?" My face pales, realizing Lucas truly knows. But why isn't he angry? He seems rather pleased. I ponder this as Rose and Chiko pretend to tidy up the plates to avoid making eye contact with Lucas. "You don't need to be coy, Luna Chiko, and Rose. You don't need to keep any secrets from me anymore. I know everything. Although earlier we agreed not to know. But hearing that you were going to explain everything to me, I decided to tell you that I already knew you didn't go shopping earlier. You must be planning something for me," Lucas says with a grin. I become even more puzzled by his behavior. What does he know, and why? Curiously, I ask, "What do you know about our plan?" Lucas nods, smiling sweetly. "What?" I ask. "My beloved wife, I'm glad you're planning everything for me, especially in your pregnant state. I understand you must need Rose and Luna Chiko's help because you're pregnant. I know you must be planning..." Lucas pauses, looking at me as he takes my hand and kisses it. "What is it, Lucas? What do you know?" I ask. "Oh, don't pretend anymore, my love. You must be planning a surprise birthday party for me. Am I right?" he asks, his smile widening so much that I can't bring myself to shake my head. Rose and Chiko stifle their laughter at Lucas's misunderstanding of our secret. I exchange a bewildered glance with Rose and Chiko, unsure whether to correct Lucas's assumption. Finally, I muster up the courage to speak. "Actually, Lucas, it's not a birthday party we're planning..." I start, only to be cut off by Lucas's excited exclamation. "No need to explain, my love! I can't wait for the surprise birthday party!" Lucas beams, clearly thrilled at the thought. Rose and Chiko burst into laughter, unable to contain themselves any longer. But seeing the joy on his face, I can't help but feel a twinge of guilt bubbling up inside me. I mean, here he is, all excited about a surprise birthday bash that doesn't even exist! If he hears my explanation, I bet his expression will go from 'Happy Birthday' to 'Why'd You Do This' Oh boy, looks like I've got some explaining to do!
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