My Universe ( Cale)

1241 Words
Lucas's POV During a tea break meeting at Blue Sapphire Pack, while strategizing my victory as the Alpha King with the other alphas, I decide to take a moment to visit Adam in his room. He's my son from my first wife, Leah, who tragically passed away after giving birth to him. Her death led me to meet my current wife, Kaylie. When Leah was severely injured, Kaylie bravely delivered Adam, despite Leah's insistence that she save their unborn child instead of rushing her to the nearest hospital. Initially, I wrongly accused Kaylie of causing Leah's death, sparking her anger and reluctance to interact with me. However, Adam's refusal to be separated from Kaylie led her to join us back at Blue Sapphire Pack, where our love story began. It wasn't an easy journey, but we managed to overcome the challenges together, making our love stronger each and every day. As I open Adam's door, memories of our past flood back. Adam jumps into my arms, shouting with his adorable voice, "Daddy!" "Hi, little boy," I say, ruffling his hair. Adam giggles with delight. Glancing around the room, I notice only Melany, Adam's nanny, playing with him. Kaylie, who usually sits on the sofa reading her medical journals, is nowhere to be seen. "Where is Luna Kaylie?" I ask Melany. She seems a bit flustered but quickly replies, "Luna Kaylie, Luna Chiko, and Beta Rose went shopping at San Lucas Drive." "Strange. Kaylie doesn't usually enjoy shopping," I remark with a smile. Despite my immense wealth from my businesses in the human world, Kaylie never extravagantly spends my money on branded things. Instead, she prefers to invest in advanced medical equipment for the Blue Sapphire Pack hospital rather than splurge on designer bags. That's what I love about her. She never asks for more, even though I could give her the world. It's Kaylie's selflessness that makes me love her even more. I turn back to Melany and inquire, "Did Luna Kaylie mention what time she'll be back from her shopping trip?" Melany pretend to tidy up Adam's toys. I quietly wait for her response. Melany avoids eye contact and responds, "They'll be back before dinner, Alpha." "Good, because after dinner, all the alphas will bid farewell to leave our pack before heading back to their own packs, so Alpha Toby can bid farewell to his sister," I say as I hoist Adam onto my shoulders and head towards the balcony to enjoy the fresh air. Adam bounces with joy, always delighted when I carry him on my shoulders. "Hooray! Now I'm taller than mommy and daddy and Uncle Jenson too," he exclaims. As I gaze at the sky from the balcony, I notice dark clouds rolling in the distance. I observe them with concern, hoping the storm won't head towards Blue Sapphire Pack. I silently pray before lowering Adam from my shoulders and leading him back inside. "Daddy needs to go back to the meeting now. You play with Melany for a bit, alright, champ?" I say to him. "Yes, Daddy," he obediently replies. Then, I turn to Melany and instruct her, "Bring Adam down to the dining room at 6 so he can have dinner with all of us before all the alphas and Luna bid farewell." "Yes, Alpha," Melany nods dutifully but still avoids meeting my gaze. I have a feeling she's hiding something from me, but I don't know what. Before I leave the room, Beta Jenson contacts me through mind link, saying, "Alpha Lucas, the meeting is about to start." "Okay, Jenson," I reply through mind link and promptly head to my office. On the way, I spot Liana, Kaylie's sister-in-law, walking towards the guest room while carrying her baby. "Hi, Liana, why didn't you join Kaylie and the others for shopping?" I inquire. Liana seems embarrassed, much like Melany. She avoids eye contact as she responds, "I have to breastfeed baby Leo, so I couldn't possibly join them, especially since they said they're going shopping along San Lucas Drive until dinner time." Understanding her situation, as a good and wealthy brother-in-law, I offer, "I'll ask Kaylie to buy the latest edition designer bag that just arrived yesterday to cheer you up since you couldn't join the ladies for shopping. I'll mind link Kaylie later." "No, don't! No Need." she panics, her voice trembling with fear. What's really going on with them? Why are they so afraid of me mind linking Kaylie? Now my suspicion is at its peak. Surely there's something Liana and Melany are hiding to act so strangely. But I remain silent, just nodding and smiling as I leave Liana behind, who adds hastily, "Lucas, there's no need to mind link Kaylie to ask her to buy the designer bag. I already have the latest designer bag. Toby gave it to me when he visited human territory for bussiness trip as a breastfeeding mother, I need a diaper bag more than a designer bag," she explains convincingly. I simply nod, determined to ask my alpha friends about my suspicions. There must be something happening that's causing Melany and Liana to behave so oddly and avoid looking me in the eye when speaking to me.But I don't know what they're hiding. Are Kaylie, Luna Chiko, and Rose planning something behind my back? What could they be planning? Is Kaylie asking for Chiko and Rose's help to organize a surprise party for my upcoming birthday, which is just a week away? That must be what Kaylie has in mind, I say with a smile on my face now. I'm no longer curious about Melany and Kaylie's behavior because I'm convinced why they acted so strangely. It must be because Kaylie is preparing a surprise birthday party for me. I open the door to my meeting room with a heart full of joy, looking at the alphas who gaze at me puzzled because my face is now filled with a smile. "Did you win the lottery? Why are you coming back with such a big smile?" Toby, my brother-in-law asks. I reply with a wide grin on my face, "I didn't win the lottery, but I'm happy because my wife is planning a surprise party for my birthday with the help of Luna Chiko and Rose. Right now, the three of them are surely figuring out how to make the surprise party. Melany and Liana were told to keep it a secret from me, but I can already guess it. So when they come back, we all have to pretend not to know, okay? So my Kaylie won't be disappointed." "Wow, my sister really loves you," Toby says, patting my shoulder. "Yeah, you're a lucky man. Kaylie loves you with all her heart," Alpha Gabriel continues. "Not only Kaylie love Lucas with all her heart, but for Kaylie, Lucas is her world . To Kaylie, Lucas is the beating of her heart and the breath in her lungs."" Jenson adds, smiling warmly at me. "For me, Kaylie is everything, just like you all mentioned. She's my universe. Without her, I wouldn't be able to live." These words resonate deeply within me as I sit among the other alphas, contemplating the depth of my feelings for Kaylie. She truly is the center of my world, the light that guides me through every moment of my life. Without her love, support, and presence, I feel lost and incomplete.
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