9. Lycaon POV

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"I am guessing you all forgot who your mate were as well?" Leonidas growled at us as we walked into our main living room. Our home was on the neutral grounds or at our father's estate, which included one of Leonidas; they no longer rule but still own land, lucky bastards. I rush to the desk to get things ready to write to my friend, ignoring the entire conversation in front of me like a five-year-old who has received his new favorite assignment. While writing my letter, I overheard Loki speaking with Leonidas; his menacing tone caused me to slow down; I was afraid my brother would take this opportunity away from me, and I was prepared to fight for it if necessary. "Leonidas, why do you believe this is all fair? Why are we ranked lower than your daughter when we have just as much, if not more, value? A woman's position is below us, not above!" Leonidas let out a menacing growl as I continued writing; I did not want to sound stupid in my letter, but hearing these two argue made me think I should wait until Loki left to get Leonidas to read it, and then tell me if there was anything I could add to make it sound more emotional. Unlike my two brothers, I am the most emotional, Loki is the straightforward Alpha head, and Fenrir is the jokester of the three, but also the one with anger issues. Loki is the brutal one, and I am the most stupid. The only thing we have in common is our physical appearance; like Leonidas, we also have three different body shapes. All three of us are the same: six feet and four inches tall, with light reddish hair mixed with light brown hair, green eyes on our square face with sharp features, pale muscular skin, and chest hair. We are currently in the comfort of our home, allowing our half-shift bodies to show; our father's arms, legs, and chest are made of reptile skin, and like our mother, the rest of our boy is covered in fur, and our eyes are black with a green iris. Thinking about these descriptions, I decided to write them down because I wanted her to know how we looked, if she had any sense of humor, and a little bit about herself. As I was writing, I heard Leonidas. "I believe I am being fair to your parents by giving my daughter to the likes of you; have either of you considered the day your mother would return to this world?" His words caused me to stop writing; I looked at Leonidas, who shared the same stare with Loki and Fenrir, and the entire room was filled with fear from the three of us. Years of being raised by our mothers from the moon, they never showed themselves to us, but our father stood in front of us, relying on our mother's messages; each message we ever received from them made any nightmare we would ever had look like a fairy tale. My facial expression had faded, my heart rate was on the verge of leaving my body, and my entire body stiffened as my skin resembled that of a chicken after being plucked. Fenrir walked up to me, knowing I was about to faint, and gave me a smack on the back of my shoulder. I was still stunned, terrified at the thought of netting my mother in person. My mother feared the three of us the most. Loki's mother is Emilia, the Sister of the Past; she could use the past to harm us for educational purposes, as she often told us. However, because she was in the moon realm with her sisters, our father and Leonidas were forced to take on her responsibilities. Fenrir's mother is Emily, Sister of the Present; she can use a timeline to educate us on what we did and what we have to do at any given time. For example, she could have us repeat what we did and how we had to do it the way he projected it in our minds for months, but because she was actually on the moon, our father had to sit us down and repeat it. Then there is my mother, who Loki and Fenrir do not take lightly. I fear my mother more than death itself; with an iron fist, she could kill us just as she has allowed us to live. My mother, Emmy Sister of the Future, can see the future and controls the vast majority of what happens in it. Unlike the past and present, she has the ability to create hell repeatedly, making us all wish we had been given death instead. While I was thinking about our mothers and dreading my own, Loki approached me, his expression clearly worried. He stood on my left, Fenrir on my right, and Leonidas took a seat facing me. His elbow was in the arm of the sofa, his knuckles were on the side of his head, his free hand was on top of his abdomen while the same leg crossed the other, his expression was annoyed, his aura screamed anger, and he was clearly fed up with my current situation. After a brief moment, his facial expression changed to one of confusion, which was unusual for Leonidas; he was usually angry at us, and as he moved forward, I felt a tear drop fall from my eye. We all heard the drop of the water and moved to see where it had fallen. When one of us saw a growl coming from Fenrir, I was still in my state, so afraid of angering my mother one more time, that when Fenrir hit my desk, I did not react at all. "Is this what you wanted?!" Fenrir yelled at Leonidas, who stood up towards me. When Leonidas approached, my heart rate increased, and I got up, tumbling everything around me, not wanting to be punished again by her; I love my mother, I am a good son, and I swear I will never hurt my mate. These thoughts raced through my mind, each word louder than the last. The desk moved forward, the chair flew back, padding far behind me, and my brothers were concerned about my reactions to Leonidas' words. Feeling the curtain behind me, I considered my options for fleeing; my mother can be cruel; she used to make me cry for days when I was a puppy while I begged her not to hurt me. All she ever did was break glass; how was I supposed to know it was a family heirloom? She did not have to hurt me as much as she did when I was a puppy; I was only nine years old at the time. Loki growled at Leonidas as he spoke: "Look what you did! Mother Emmy has been hurting Lycaon since he was a puppy; is this what you want us to show your daughter?" Hi shouting only brought back the worst memories, so I turned to run, hitting the window and shattering it before jumping out of this room; I was feeling asphyxiated in this place, and fear overtook me. While I was running, I heard Loki shouting for me, "Lycaon!" "Come back!" He kept yelling at someone else while I ran and transformed into my creature. Unlike Leonidas and our father, our counterparts were not wolves; instead, my mother referred to us as a new species known as Lycans. When I reached the nearby woods, I was stopped by Leonidas, the wolf who had linked me. 'Let this be a reminder to you, Lycaon: either correct your internal conflict over your harsh perception of what a man should be, or face the wrath of your mother. I took the letter you wrote; my daughter will read it shortly after. Return to your estate; we will meet again, soon.'
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