Chapter Three - The Important Secret

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Chapter Three – The Important Secret.   King Xavier IV Point of view   I retired to my chambers, anger and disgust still raging through my veins that my direct request had been ignored by that woman. How dare she! She must pay for her disobedience.  It was such a waste of her beauty that she had to be disposed of, but a failure to do so would be perceived as a weakness, something I could ill afford if I am to avoid a challenge to my complete authority in the realm.  If the Queen had got away with her abhorrent behaviour, other wives and concubines would follow her poor example, in refusing the requests and orders of their husbands and masters, and that would never do, they would forget their place which was to serve their betters, the men they are attached to. A knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts, and I grabbed my Spector waiting to extend it depending on who had chosen to disturb me in my bed chamber.  “Your Majesty” Holden bowed before me, nervously waiting to see if I extended my invitation. I held out the Spector, as he approached me, head still bowed in submission, his fingers reached out and touched the tip as he returned to his full height regaining his composure. “Holden, my trusted advisor, what say you?” I asked, wanting to know what information he had for me to disturb my thoughts at this hour. A lesser man would not have received the Spector and would even now be screaming in fear as my guards removed them from my sight and permanently disposed them. “Your Majesty, the decree has been sent via the royal guards to all cities, Towns and even the smallest of our villages, the young women will arrive at the palace within two days to begin the beautifying to meet with your upmost approval and enjoyment”   Holden bowed again as I nodded my approval of his actions. “If I may your Majesty, the crown has been placed on the Royal cushion, and can be returned to you this very instant” Holden continued “Yes, bring it here, and have it placed in the crown jewels armoire” I commanded, my voice cold and impersonal. Holden may have pleased me with his advice, but it does not serve to make this man believe he is equal to my magnificence. “As you wish sire, also the head of the rebellious Queen has been removed, and placed in a golden cage, if you would like to view this” he continued “Yes, bring it to me” seeing a dead head is not really something I relish in, but it is what I must do. “Sire, if you wish it, then I believe it would be good to hang the cage outside the palace walls to serve as a reminder to those who wish to challenge your commands” Holden advised. “Yes Holden, your advice has served me well, as a reward for your service I am promoting you to Lord Chancellor, and chief advisor to the Crown” I continued very pleased with his suggestion. Holden had proven his worth to me these past days, and I would do well to give him some extra power, and authority as payment for his exemplary service. “Your Majesty” Holden bowed before me. “Have the guards bring the crown and the head, you may leave” I ordered Holden bowed again, then stepped away from me, backwards showing nothing but the up most respect for my status as his King. I sat with the royal crown still upon my head, waiting for the Queens crown to be brought to me, along with the golden cage that contained the head of Valarie. Once this tradition was completed in its entirety, I would remove it and stretch out my aching shoulders before retiring to have some well deserved and much needed rest and recouperation. The fanfare of trumpets sounded in the corridors, announcing the arrival of the Queens Crown, and the door to my chambers was opened, as I held out the Spector to the young guard.  As is required the young guard who was little more than 14 years old, bowed and touched the tip, before announcing in a loud voice, that still had the tendency to go high pitched every other word due to his voice box not yet reaching full male maturity. Had this not been a sombre occasion I may have found his voice humours. “Your Majesty, may I present the Queens Crown” I nodded my approval, as the head servant appeared holding the deep red velvet cushion adorned with gold trim and tassels, that held the magnificent Queens Crown. It was a splendid sight, rare white gold adorned with over 200 small and medium pure diamonds, the centre a full 30 carat diamond pure with the highest clarity. As the twilight sun began to descend the light twinkled through the window reflecting upon the Queens Crown making the diamonds shimmer and dance a rainbow colours around my chambers.  “Place the Queens Crown into the Royal Jewellery Armoire” I ordered, and they entered the small, under stated oak door, that looked like it would lead to nowhere of importance, the perfect disguise for the unsurmountable treasures that lay within the room.  I turned my head slightly watching as they placed the Queens Crown in pride of place within the centre of the room beside the empty dark green and gold cushion reserved for my own. The guards walked backwards, and bowed again leaving the room, another servant entered bowing in respect, who held the golden cage, that looked like a bird cage.  The head of Valarie inside, blood pooled at the bottom of the cage, her golden hair hanging around what would have been her shoulders, the ends coated with her life blood.  Valarie’s face was no longer beautiful, dark purple veins appeared from her neck upwards, her eyes wide open, no light shone in them, only death remained. Her mouth once so soft and pink was now white with a blue tinge opened in shock. I could see in her features,  even now after death the utter fear that her time on this earth had ended. I felt nothing for this woman who had sat on the smaller throne for three years by my side, she was no longer something to be proud of, no man would be wanting her smallest attention now, death did not suit her and so I nodded, and waved my hand, wanting an end to this invasion of my chambers and this matter resolved as quickly as possible. The guards and servants retreated, leaving me with just my one manservant, the royal dresser, who was the only man who could touch me, or the Kings Crown. I held out the Spector for him to touch, and he approached his head bowed.   “Dress me in my night attire and return my crown to the Armoire, Zachariah” I ordered “Yes Sire” I held out my arms as he removed the royal robes, and took off my heavy crown, then placed a long white night gown over my head, as he bowed again, taking the Crown and placing it on the green velvet cushion beside the Queens Crown.  Zachariah returned turning down the plush covers that adorned my large dark oak four poster bed, I climbed inside, as he then returned the covers over me.  The long red velvet drapes that were tied to each bed post were set free, the thick fabric dancing as Zachariah closed them around me. “Send up Enoch” I ordered. “Yes, your Majesty” Zachariah bowed before leaving, again walking backwards. I lay in my bed, relieved to have the weight of my crown lifted from my shoulders, but I knew that I would be restless this night and required some entertainment from my harem. Enoch had been with me for years, the only male attendant, given my concubines and virgins were of not a temptation to him due to his desire of men. He knew my preferences like no other and would always bring me the lady or ladies that would satisfy my needs. Enoch arrived, as I extended the Spector in welcome. “Your Majesty” he bowed “I have need of dance” I requested. “Sire, might I recommend the lady Katherine for your entertainment this night, you were very well pleased with her dancing last month” he suggested. A small smile formed at the memory, yes, the Lady Katherine was definitely a good distraction, her body plump and round as her ample hips swayed the gold coins that had adorned her red sheer long skirt jiggled, as her stomach danced, moving with position and poise. Her ample breasts shook in time with her hips, bouncing before my eyes, yes, she would help my mood this evening. As always Enoch had known my desires and would be rewarded with a young man of no less than 18 years of his own choosing to entertain him this night. “Yes, send her immediately” I ordered as I reclined on my ample pillows excitedly awaiting my personal dancer.   Esperanza’s point of view I was still in shock, fear washing over me as my beloved Uncle took no heed to my plea’s to not leave him and present myself as an offering to the palace. “My child, I know you are frighted, and no nothing of the world of Men, and I am sorry that I must insist you do this, but I know it is for a greater purpose” his voice spoke softly trying to reassure me. I sighed and bowed my head in submission, I would of course obey him, but I could not help feeling almost violated by his request. After completing my chores, I headed to my straw mattress for the last time, to attempt some rest before my early waking time. The night passed slowly yet still too quickly, sleep did not find me, I was haunted by the fear of what will come. “Child, we must go” my Uncle spoke through the closed drapes. I rose from my bed, and placed my dress over my head, before heading to the stream to wash my face, and rinse out my mouth. Returning to my home for the last time, I found my Uncle sat upon the cushions in our living area. “Esperanza, you are beyond any doubt a beauty, your innocence and pure heart will serve you well in your task, but I must give you instructions before we leave for the palace” I sat beside my uncle, noting the look of distress that clouded his features. “Child, you must never reveal to anyone that you are a follower of Eloah, or that I am your uncle. This is a very important secret, do not take anything with you other than the clothes you are wearing, the Palace will provide all that you need.” I nodded to my uncle remaining silent as I listed to his words. “When you arrive, you present yourself at the gates, do not reveal the village you are from, so they do not associate you with me, if they ask only say you live outside of the main area’s. Do everything they request of you, trust in your beautifier, eat and drink all that is given to you, irrespective of its source, and always remain submissive, avoid the conflict that some women find necessary, due to insecurities and jealousy, concentrate only on your treatments and lessons so that all will go well for you, but remember, keep your faith a secret, this is of the up most importance” “Yes Uncle” I replied, “Now I will walk with you to the crossroads, follow the right pathway which will take you to the palace, make haste you must arrive before the c**k crows my child” We left my home in silence, I turned quickly to have one last look at the place that had been a peaceful safe haven for me, wiping away a lone tear from my cheek. We arrived at the crossroads, when Uncle Morton took me into his arms for a fatherly hug. “I am sorry I have brought this upon you my child, but know this, I love you as I would my own daughter, now go, and heed my instructions” “Thank you, Uncle, for everything you have done for me, and although my heart is heavy and filled with fear, I will do exactly as you have requested, because of my love for you.” I whisper “Your obedience will be rewarded by Eloah himself my child” I left then the presence of my Uncle, and headed on the right path towards the palace, alone and fearful but choosing to trust the man who was like a father to me, whom I loved as my only living relative.    After some hours of walking, I arrived outside the palace gates, the c**k had not yet crowed, and the guards looked at me with disgust. “Who goes there?” they shouted I bowed my head in respect “I am Esperanza, and I am here to fulfil the royal decree and offer myself to his highness King Xavier the Fourth” I said, my voice low but clear. The guards jeered and laughed, as they took in my appearance. “The decree asked for beauties, that you are not, look at you, I have seen more meat on a twig, away with you” one shouted whilst laughing at me “Sir, I am 18, untouched by a man, and although my frame is slight, it is only because I live off the land, and have no money to buy meet or pastries, I beg that you will reconsider, and let me through” I do not know if I really want to be let through these gates, but I cannot disappoint my uncle, so I must try, for his sake. “Be gone, you are not what our mighty King requires” The other guard spat at me, sounding irritated by my presence. I bowed my head, accepting defeat, and turned to leave “How do you know what his majesty requires? are you a beautifier? no you are a lowly guard on gate duty, do not presume to know anything about inner beauty, which this lady has in abundance” a voice rang out. I stopped and looked to the small man, who was dressed in such a regal fashion with a dark red velvet cloak. “Lord Enoch, we apologise” the guards bowed before him. “Child, what is your name?” the Lord Enoch asked me “Esperanza my Lord” I answered softly bowing my head in submission. The Lord Enoch approached the Gate, and looked at me, his eyes wandering over my body, as he gazed upon my chestnut long brown hair that was hanging loose in waves down my back. He then, after studying my facial features looked into my eyes as I lowered them not wishing to cause offence by holding eye contact with a Lord.   “How old are you child?” he asked “I am not yet 1 and 9 My Lord ” I answered whilst bowing my head in submission. “you look younger than 18, where are your parents?” The Lord Enoch enquired “Dead my Lord, I am but a lowly orphan” I answered truthfully. “Are you acquainted with the ways of men” he asked, as I felt the heat rise in my cheeks at his question “No sir, I am not versed in that area” I all but whispered embarrassed by my total lack of knowledge. “I am Lord Enoch, the head of the harem, and chief beautifier, I will take you under my wing, you have a purity and innocence that his Majesty delights in, follow me child” The Lord Enoch announced as I was led through the gates, the c**k crowed, its morning call.
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