Chapter Four The Secret Friend

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Chapter Four – The Secret Friend   King Xavier IV Point of view   Lady Katherine had been a good distraction, she was beautiful, and pleased me in my bed chamber. I had called upon her services three times since she had arrived in my hareem, and she was beyond doubt a favourite of mine. But she was not my Queen, she lacked that innocence in her looks, and in her actions that I require.  She was overly confident, and although that is preferable in the bedroom, it was dangerous to have her sat on the throne. I however had made a mistake, after her dance, and excellent bedroom activities, I was exhausted and had fallen asleep before calling upon Lord Enoch to have her returned to her quarters with my other women, I had awoken this morning with her still in my bed, that was not acceptable, and the Lady Katherine should have left whilst I slept. “GET OUT” I commanded, annoyed with myself and the Lady Katherine for remaining beside me when she is well aware of the rules of our conjoining. Lady Katherine had jumped from my bed, her naked form scrambling for clothes, and I wanted her out of my sight immediately “LEAVE THEM” I bellowed, “But sire, the men of the palace will gaze upon me” she had the audacity to answer me back, yes, this woman was growing too confident, and after the events of yesterday with Valarie, I must stop it immediately. “WOMAN, REMOVE YOURSELF NOW, OR YOUR HEAD WILL BE THE NEXT ONE TO RESIDE IN A CAGE” The Lady Katherine scurried out of my bed chamber, bowing as she went, she should be thankful I am in such a forgiving mood. The Royal dresser Zachariah, arrived, informing me my hot bath was awaiting my attendance, normally I would have two of my women accompany me, but after inadvertently finding myself waking with Lady Katherine I did not desire their presence. I made my way to the bath house, the large pool of hot water was filled with musk and fragrant oils to cleanse my skin, as I stepped in the tension started to leave my body, relaxing me somewhat. I tilted my head back and my thoughts began to wander about the new virgins that are arriving today, would any of them please me, is there a girl amongst their number that has the qualities I desire to be my new Queen?  I sent a servant to find the Lord Enoch, I wanted an update on his initial thoughts. Cleaned and relaxed, I stepped out of the pool, and headed to the small window, looking out across the courtyard, just as the c**k crowed. In the distance I could see the Lord Enoch, he had a young girl with him, her chestnut hair long a flowing, she carried herself well, and from what I could see she was beautiful, although too small in frame to be perfect. She was obviously poor, and malnourished, this would be something we can rectify, making sure she is well fed will put meat upon those bones. Even in this poor skinny state as I gazed upon her, I felt aroused, there was something unique, and wonderful about this girl, and my stomach felt like a million butterflies had invaded it and were fluttering around unchecked. This was an alien feeling, something I had never before experienced, and I could not tear myself away from gazing upon this girl. Was she one of my new virgins? Or a new maid?  If a new maid, I will have the Lord Enoch relocate her to my hareem if she is still untouched by a man.  I feel she will please me, I would of course have to wait for the 6 months for the Beautifying process, before I would have her in my chambers, and for the first time in my life I was cursing my own protocols, and I am excited to see her when the process is complete. The Lord Enoch and the beauty moved around the side of the palace towards the hareem out of my view, and a stab of disappointment hit my chest, as I longed to get just a small peek of the girl, knowing that it will be so long before I see her again.   Esperanza’s point of view I walked across the courtyard, looking all around, never have I ever seen a place that was so magnificent.  The walls of the palace were adorned with silver and gold ornaments, high towers that pointed to the sky situated on the four corners of the palace.  I looked over to the side and fear washed over me the head of the Queen sat in a golden cage, flies buzzing around it, the look of fear still evident, even though the head had begun to decompose. I shook ever so slightly, knowing this could be my own fate if I happen to displease the King. As we continued across the large courtyard, I had a strange feeling of being watched, I attempted to cast my eyes around without moving my head, and as I did so I caught a small glimpse of someone looking out of one of the windows. As we continued round the corner, we reached the entrance to one of the south facing towers. “This my child is the royal hareem, it has different sections, the first floor is for the servants who tend to the ladies, the second floor, is for the virgins who are undergoing the beautifying process before being presented to the King, the third floor is for the virgins who have been presented and accepted, but are yet to be taken to his majesties bed chamber, the fourth floor is for the official concubines who have visited and satisfied the King.”  The lord Enoch explained. “There are private gardens, no man may glance upon you other than myself, and the king, your gardens are separate from the main hareems, so are smaller than the others, but still there are many beautiful flowers, and waterfalls, along with stone statues,  for your enjoyment there is even a swing between two of the oak tree’s” he continued. “You will be joined by the other offerings and will share a bed chamber with four virgins, we have 25 such rooms, all with the upmost comfort, but of course not as magnificent as the other quarters” I smiled and nodded, I had slept on hay and straw for my whole life. “We have 20 beautifiers, each will take charge of 5 ladies, I will introduce you to your beautifier once all the ladies have arrived by the morn” The lord Enoch continued. “Thank you for your kindness my Lord” I bowed. The lord Enoch looked at me and hummed to himself, as if I had said something perfect to him, and I was thankful I had not offended him in any way. As we walked through the doors, and climbed the stone staircase, we arrived on the second floor, and entered through a small dark oak door that groaned in protest as it was opened. The sight before me I had not been prepared for, it was magnificent, out of this world.  In the centre was a large pool filled with milk, around the edges was different recliners adorned with large comfortable cushions in gold and silver thread, each recliner had a beautifully calved ornate wooden table beside filled with different objects, some of which looked like instruments of torture and I wondered if that was exactly what they were. Others had many creams and perfumes, along with different coloured powders to place upon your face to maximise a ladies beauty. One had upon it a bowl of hot wax with strips of cloth, whilst another had rough paper, and small metal cutters. The areas were separated by beautiful white net curtains with intricate flowers sewn in gold and silver thread. Beyond the large milk filled pool was a smaller round pool, it was filled with water that bubbled continuously, I studied this, wondering how anyone can bathe in water that is boiling. “That is a Jacuzzi, the water is hot, but the bubbles are from air jets under the pool” My Lord Enoch informed me, obviously noticing my confusion.  Along the back wall were rows of white robes, in a thick material.  “You will be assigned your individual robe, and your beautifier will also give you a personal plan on what you will require before being presented to the king.  You will also be given etiquette lessons, along with education on how to pleasure the king within the bed chamber” I gulped, I do not want to think about the conjoining, but my uncle had said to do everything that was offered to me, so I must obey his wishes. “My child, it is not as you think, you may even enjoy the experience, many do after the first time” The Lord Enoch smiled sympathetically at me. My cheeks flushed red, and I suddenly found my feet very interesting, then felt immediately further embarrassed as I saw they had dirt and dust from the road, and I was trailing this where I walked. “Through these doors will lead you to your bed chamber, but your beautifier will show you, also we will take your measurements and have some clothes made for you though out the process, do you not have shoes for your feet?” he asked me, looking down to where I had concentrated my eyes. “No my Lord” I bowed “Here, you can use these” my Lord Enoch said opening a large draw that held hundreds of different shoes and pulled out a gold coloured pair of feet coverings. “Thank you My lord” I whispered, taking the shoes. “Put them on child” I nodded, and looked at the shoes, I had never worn any, and I was unsure how to tie the long lengths of fabric that I had seen on other lady’s legs, that crossed over repeatedly. Noting my confusion, My Lord Enoch motioned for me to take one of the gold cloth covered cushioned seats, as I sat down, I had never experienced such comfort. He placed my foot in the shoe, then explained how to tie the long fabric straps in place by crossing each fabric length at the back and front of my legs then tying them off with a bow at the back. When I was finished, I looked down at my feet, feeling pleased, and a smile crept upon my lips. A maid arrived alongside us. “My Lord Enoch, the King requests your presence” she announced bowing low. “Thank you, this is Lady Esperanza, take her and find her some suitable clothing before the seamstress arrives, then send her to the waiting area where the others will gather.  Burn this dress when she is ready” Lord Enoch instructed her. “Yes, My lord” the maid bowed again, and once he had taken his leave she smiled sweetly at me. “My Lady, my name is Alya, I am here to serve you” I bowed, and smiled, “Thank you Alya, I am Esperanza, may I enquire your age?” I asked “I am one and two my lady, one and three next month” Alya said proudly. I knew she was young only 12 nearly 13 years of age, but she was like a breath of fresh air to me, because she had a warm friendly countenance, and I was pleased she was here, maybe I would find a friend in this place. “My Lady, please follow me” Alya requested joyfully, I was led into another room, which housed so many beautiful dresses, row upon row of long flowing gowns, in an array of different colours. Alya brought out a soft cream coloured dress, then looked at me thoughtfully. “I feel it may be a little big for your small frame, but I have just the thing to help make it fit” Alya enthused, she was enjoying playing dress up with me, and I could not help but smile at her enthusiasm. “Yes, here it is” she held out a long dark pink ribbon grinning at me. Alya helped me get out of my clothes, then filled a bowl with warm water, and proceeded to begin and wash me, embarrassed, I attempted to take the washcloth from her, but she held fast. “No, my lady, this is my job, and I will be reprimanded if I allow you to do this yourself” she said, a small about of fear flashed across her face, making me wonder what the reprimand would be, causing me to shudder as my mind wandered to the head in the cage. I nodded and smiled, allowing Alya to do her job, once she had cleaned my skin she pulled on the dress and tied the pink ribbon around the waist pulling it in and tying a bow at the back.  Satisfied Alya gave me an approving nod, then proceeded to take a silver brush from the side, and began to brush my hair, de tangling all the knots, and mattered hair. “There we go, you look beautiful My lady” she smiled, whilst placing the brush back on its table. “Once the others arrive, we will serve you the welcome feast, but this may not be until after nightfall, I am sorry” Alya smiled apologetically. I was used to one very small meal per day, so this was of little discomfort to me, I was only grateful to be getting some food today. “Thank you Alya, I hope we can be friends” I smiled at the young girl. “Oh, my lady, I would love to be your friend, but I am a mere servant here, and you are to be presented to the King, I am beneath you” she bowed. “Alya, I would still like to be your friend” I whispered, I do not feel any man is beneath me, only that I a lowly orphan is beneath them. “My lady, we could be secret friends” Alya grinned, and winked as if it was some great conspiracy making me giggle for the first time since finding out that I was to be sent here. 
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