Chapter 57

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Gene’s POV   “Do it again.”   “Try again.”   “You have the fire ability yet you can’t even create one?”   I irritatedly slump my body on the ground and lay on the grass. The sun is blazing hot while we are here in the open field where the battle was held. Some students who are taking their lunch are on the balcony and watching me while she yelled at me.   It’s been hours since we started and I could already feel my energy drained from too much use of my power. The power that is useless for the past few hours for I can’t even create a single ball of flame.   I closed my eyes tightly and tries concentrating more of my energy to my palms. I feel the tingling sensation running through my veins and I smirk while waiting for it to come out like it used to.   My smirk instantly fades when nothing happens and the tingling sensation is gone. The only difference from a while ago is that I have a little more energy left but now... I’m too drained to even move a finger.   “What now? We’re wasting our time you know? Go on and try some more.” I look at Sheritan’s direction as she spoke. She is sitting under the tree while her hair is swaying because of the circulating air around her.   I took a deep breath and calmed myself and try doing it again for a couple of times but I still failed. I’m getting stressed and irritated and all of the bad thoughts are spinning on my mind. I closed my eyes shut and calmed myself to prevent me from doing shits I know I might regret soon.   Having Sheritan as a trainer means having to deal with her two personalities. We’ve only been training for a few hours but I already noticed the difference between the two and know who is commanding me.   “Get the f**k up there asshole and continue what you are doing. We ain’t leaving this place without you producing anything.” That is definitely Itan, the aggressive one.   “I’m too tired! I don’t even know what’s wrong!” I blurted out in anger and threw myself on the ground. Sweat is dripping all over my body and I’m getting thirsty and dry mouth already but this bitchy Itan doesn’t let me drink a single drop unless I did what she said.   She sighed exasperatedly and looks at me dead in the eye. She also looks tired just by commanding me that made me grit my teeth in anger.   ‘Is that really hard to train me? I really thought...’   “Think, Gene. THINK. Not everything evolves in your power so do not depend too much on it. Fire is a damn good and strong magical power but when used wrong may cause more trouble than ever so think wisely.”   Think... I should also think and not just depend on my powers alone.   Does she know?   I stopped in my tracks when I heard students approaching near our direction. It seems like they are going back to class based on the books they were holding and the topics they are talking about that piques my attention.   “Ugh! Why the hell do we still need to study chemistry and that stupid periodic table? Will I ever use it when I use my ability?” A tall girl said to her classmates. She has an irritated face and they seem like they didn’t notice that I stopped to watch them.   “Hell yeah, plus the fact that we have a quiz later and the only element I know is f*****g oxygen and carbon dioxide!”   They continuously mutter while walking on a faster rate when the bell rings. I stood there staring at the direction they went even though they are no longer there. Their last words stuck in my ear as memories from my previous school come rushing back to me.   “What do you think are the components of air?” The professor asked. As usual, I just lay my head on the table as continues explaining.   “Feeble, stop sleeping in my class before I bring you to the dean’s office for the nth time.” He shook his head as I heard stifle laugh from my classmates. That brings my blood to boil and kicked the chair in front of me. The girl who was sitting there shrieked while throwing curses at me. I just rolled my eyes in annoyance and continue laying my head on the table.   The genius in the class stands up and answer the professor even with what happened a while ago. He doesn’t fear me, wow. I sarcastically said on my mind.   “Back to the topic, air is composed mainly of the oxygen we breath and the carbon dioxide we disposed out of our body and other minerals and toxins in the air.” The professor clap and praised him as always and added his follow up questions.   “For all of the natural elements, the fire, air, water and earth, what do you think is the strongest and why?”   “Feeble, now answer my question.” He demanded and stares at me intently while waiting for me to speak up.   I raised my head and answer in a monotonous tone.   “Fire. Fire is the strongest element.” I saw the reaction of my classmates and I feel a bit happy because they also agree with me, not until...   “No. Air is the strongest element among the four.” The genius in our class answered. The professor’s face brightened and laugh in a proud way and urge him to go on.   “Can you explain why you answered Air instead of fire that everyone seems to agree in unity?” The genius nods his head and start explaining.   “Fire is indeed dangerous and harmful but when we study their component, one of its main component i oxygen which air is abundant with. Removing oxygen from the place will not ignite the fire and even stop it from producing.”   The professor claps his hand in agreement and my classmates also praised him as always.   “You are right as always. So class, remember that fire can never be produced when you removed the oxygen from it. That’s all for today, thank you for the productive discussion. Class dismissed.”   I snapped back to reality and looks at Itan who is grinning at me. Her expression confirms what I’ve been thinking earlier. I hurriedly went to her position and look at her directly in the eye.   “You. You are removing the oxygen from my fire that’s why I can’t manage to produce one!” I said and she just nodded. She looks at me from head to toe and slowly claps her hand.   “Finally...” She said in relief and removes the circulating air around her.   “Go. Try once more.”                 I heaved a sigh and closed my eyes tightly while pouring all of my remaining energy to my palms. I feel the tingling sensation again and the warm coming from it. When I opened my eyes, I saw a fire ball circulating on my palms.   I shouted in joy and laughs continuously.   “I did it!” I shouted and show the fire I’ve finally created.   “Yes, you did it.”She smiled at me and held the back part of my hand while staring intently at the fire.   “Not only that you think about the weakness of your ability but... This training indeed increased your power and capacity.” I slowly looked at my fire that I produced and my eyes widen in shock when I saw how the color of it changes from red to yellow.   “Your fire is now stronger and hotter than ever but always remember to use it wisely to prevent any chaos from happening.” She continued and stare directly at my eyes with a smile on her face.   “Congratulations, Gene. You passed our first session.”    
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