Chapter 17: Cerberus, The Three Headed Hound

1981 Words
  Nathan’s POV “Pun in, ten dead! The arson and bombing that happened at the world’s largest tower is still under investigation. According to the reports, a serial bomber named Pun has been bombing the convenience stores in Arabia and his latest has the biggest damage of all. Here is an officer to give us a few details regarding what happened. Sir...” The reported handed the microphone to someone who looks familiar to me.   Oh, I remember him... He’s that guy...   “Good morning, thank you. I’m Officer Cadet Pearson and I am given the permission to spill details for the public to know.” He turned to the camera and look directly at it, as if eyeing us personally. He cleared his throat before talking.   “As you all know, the Albraj Al Bait is now closed due to the damage this Pun had caused. Yesterday, we received a tip as to where he is possibly hiding and when we went there, he is indeed in there, waiting for us to come up and arrest him.” There is a wide pause before he exhaustedly sighs and turns his head down.   “We will do everything to track him down again and put an end to his doings. That’s all I can tell for now. Keep safe and have a good day,” he said before leaving the area. The reporter tried calling him but he never respond and just continue walking.   “You’re still watching that?” Gene said as he threw a packet of hot sandwich on my direction. Good thing that I managed to grab it with my left hand with gloves as to protect it from extreme heat.   “It’s still all over the news. I’m glad he never mentions anything about us,” I replied while munching the food I was holding. I turn my attention back to the television and watch my next favorite part.   “So far that this is the last incident involving the Pun after allegedly killing all six people plus while the other four bodies are still under investigation. Before ending this report, I just want to ask all of you this question... Do you think that the Pun will ever come back and damage our properties again? Stay tune to the next report, I am Nicholas Park, your resident reporter.” He nods at the camera before it completely shuts down.   “They still can’t get over the fact, right? I wonder where they are looking for to find him,” a wide grin formed on Gene’s lips while shaking his head and chuckles a bit.   “I wonder how they will find someone who is now gone from this world...”   My lips formed a small smile as I rest my back on the comfortable mattress here in the hotel we’re currently staying at. My eyes wander around the place and fly directly to the person who just came in from the door. She nods at me before walking to my direction.   “You still can’t move on that we survive, right?” She asked while laughing and grabbing the sandwich I have and bite at it. I just shook my head and close my eyes as I remember in vivid detail what really happened and how come that we survive that explosion.   We hurriedly ran to their direction to detonate the bomb. We only have 10 seconds to do it and it is indeed not enough for us to survive in this attack.   Pun starts laughing hysterically and stares at us directly in the eyes.   Three...   Two...   One...   “I am Pun, and you are all dead!”   Gene tried hugging all of us and emits a red energy that passes on through our body. It envelopes us in a heat that serves as a barrier for the flame like things that might hurt us.   The time wasn’t that enough as a loud, damaging explosion can be heard exactly at our location. I can feel the heat of Gene protecting us from the burns that we might get from the bomb. The debris spread everywhere and we only have our hands to protect us.   “Haha, I am Pun and you are now dea—“ The Pun stopped laughing when he saw us still standing beside him, unscathed by his explosion. His eyes widen in shock as his mouth gape while staring at us.   “H-How come that...” He stutters and starts shaking when he saw still complete and surrounding him.   “N-No... You must be dead! You are already dead, especially you!” He pointed at me even though Antonov is holding him on his back. I grabbed his fingers as I slowly removed my gloves without breaking eye contact.   “I am Nathaniel Rosario and we will be ending your bad doings in the mortal world. Go and suffer the consequences of your actions Puns. See you on the other side.” I muttered the last words and closed my eyes as I drain his energy, making him lose consciousness and almost drop on the ground.   “Why didn’t you catch him?” Gene asked while eyeing Pun whose face landed first on the cold, hard ground. Instead of answering him, Antonov stared at me directly and hold me on both arms. My eyes went wide as I felt his energy coming to me but he seems like he’s not bothered at all.   “W-What? Stop it, man. Get your hands away from me. I don’t want to carry another unconscious body because of me,” I truthfully said and pull my arms away from me. As soon as he loose grip, I wore the other gloves to make sure I won’t be knocking off someone accidentally.   He just shook his head and lift Pun like a sack of rice with his face facing his back. Gene started walking away from us while gently carrying Mica from his arms. As Antonov passed through me, he stopped to say something that made me shiver in fear.   “I don’t know why I really feel him in you... Be careful. I’m watching you, Nathaniel Rosario.”   I snapped back to reality when I’ve been thrown another sandwich on the face. I glared at Gene who is just smirking while slowly chewing his food without breaking contact with me. I just rolled my eyes on him before opening the new sandwich packet and eat it.   “How about those civilians whom you promised to help?” Mica asked while checking for other television channel. I smiled when I remember how we manage to give everyone what they deserve instead of sacrificing himself to the Pun.   “What shall we do to those civilian? We promised them but we won’t be giving Pun to the government,” I told Antonov who is staring at the glass side of the restaurant we are eating out. We saw a few familiar face roaming and begging people for money but most didn’t give a tip at all.   We didn’t got the pot money as we chose to keep Pun and send him literally to the other world where special people like us will get what they deserve, depending upon the crime that they made.   “Hand me your wallet,” Antonov said while waiting for me to place my wallet in his hands. I easily gave it to him even though it had a few Riyals. He closed his eyes shut as the wallet glows before giving it back to me. When I opened it, the few notes I have left became full and this might equate to at least more than a hundred thousand or so.   He grabbed his phone and dialed someone. While waiting for him to answer, I went up from my seat and grab a few couple bucks and hand it to the man begging for money outside.   He almost cried in joy but he stopped when he saw me.   “I-It’s you... You are the...” I just smiled at him before adding a few more bucks before stepping away from him.   “Go treat your family and buy your son the toy he wants. Start a business and spread kindness to everyone,” I said before waving goodbye at him and return to the restaurant.   When someone went in to our direction, Antonov triples the money on the wallet left and gave it to him.   “Go give this to those who are in dire need. I’ll send more to your account.” He said before dismissing him and smiled at the one whom I gave money earlier who is bowing his head at us behind the glass. -- “I already checked out. Let’s get moving.” Antonov said as he opened the door. He saw us having our breakfast and he just shook his head before handing his hands to Gene as if waiting for something. He grabbed another pocket from the side table, heats it and gave it to him.   “Where will we go next? Is the Pun the only reason why the portal had sent us here in Arabia?” Mica asked and shrugged her shoulder. I just shook my head as a response before consuming the entire sandwich I was holding and starts packing my things. -- As usual, I am on the passenger seat; Antonov is the driver while the two are at the back and sleeping soundly. I am also tired but I refused to sleep as I want to know the answer to Mica’s question a while ago.   Back then, I never experience this wherein we will find our own members in order to become a complete group. What happened to hunters is just immediate and magical. Even though we had various differences, we all clicked and instantly form a team when that accident happened.   “Antonov...”   “Nathan...”   We called in unison. I smiled a bit and shook my head before talking again.   “I want to ask you something...” We both said in unison again until silence envelops us.   I stare back at the window and watch cars passing by. Most of them are going to a specific direction while their phones are put out as if capturing something. I tried squinting my eyes to see the end of the road and gasp when I saw what they were trying to take a picture at.   Antonov abruptly stopped the car that made us move forward from out seats. Good thing that we are wearing seatbelts so the impact is lesser, except for the back that are immediately waken up because of the noise.   “What’s happening?” Gene asked while blinking his eyes and yawning. His eyes widen when he also saw the reason why the people around us are behaving because of the creature in front of us.   “What the hell!”   “Who in their insane mind would went nearer to that location?!”   No one is too insane, expect for the people who is videoing the creature right in front of us. Some went out of their cars to go near and get a clearer view of the creature.   “This is bad as hell...” I muttered under my breath.   For the creature in front of us is none other than the dog of the underworld himself...   Cerberus, the three headed hound who howls angrily at everyone, ready to incapacitate and kill anyone who went to his direction.                      
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