Chapter 16

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Nathan’s POV   We hurriedly ran upstairs as I was constantly checking on the watch I worn earlier. Based on the time that the military officer zoomed in, he said that we only got around 25 minutes before everything blows up. Unfortunately, those 25 minutes is long gone and we are now down to 18 minutes.   18 minutes to f*****g climb every stair of this more than ten story tower. We do tried checking the elevator for easier transportation method but the cables are cut down and that metal box is completely useless now.   “My legs kind of hurt...” Mica blurted out while panting. She opens her mouth to gasp for air as we already ran about 6 floors high from below. I could also tell that my knees are already trembling in fatigue and this body is not used for any cardio activity like this.   ‘Oh, I swear I’m going to make you athletic Nathan,’ I said at the back of my mind without making it too obvious that I’m about to collapse any moment from now.   “We can’t stop now. Nathan, how much time we have left?” I checked my watch and sighed desperately as I saw that we only have little time left.   “15 minutes left. We’re not going to finish this with this short span of time,” I honestly admitted as I wipe the sweat from my forehead.   Antonov closed his eyes tightly as his finger is touching his temporal lobe. I heard him mutter something under his breath that made me draw closer to him, only to stand froze when I clearly hear his words.   “If only Sal was here, we can easily transport to any place in just a second.” He slowly opened his eyes and met mine.   “Why are you looking like that? Think! Does anyone here have this quirk that might help us go faster?” He seriously said while looking at the other two.   Everyone kept silent as a minute is wasted thinking of nothing. If only I have my abilities back...   Wait a second...   Yes, I may lose most of my abilities when I travel back to this timeline and transfer to this body but...   I know one thing that could save us all and buy a few more minutes.   The only ability left from my original self that won’t be taken away by anything because it is in my blood and soul and this is none other than... time itself.   The power of time...   I may not be able to use it fully for time travelling because it is too risky, especially that I don’t owe this body and I still don’t finish my mission to save humanity. But there is one special thing about this quirk that may help us today and will only have mild effect to this kind of soft and untrained body.   I closed my eyes tightly as I tried concentration, trying to find within me the power that I needed this time. Slowly by slowly the bright gold energy from inside is glowing, transferring from one cell to another until I am completely blinded by this gold rush. I slowly opened my eyes and check the watch I was holding. My breath stopped as I saw the clock stopped ticking and stick to its original time.   Mica gasped when she saw me stumble from the ground. Good thing that Antonov and Gene is here to catch me before I go rolling down the stairs. I showed them the watch while catching breath that made them stop for a while due to admiration, but Antonov’s face shows otherwise.   “You really are like him in various ways...” He muttered under his breath and shook his head. His expression turned back to the normal cold one before commanding all of us.   “Let’s go now. This will buy us some time.” His face turned to me as he nods and smiles a bit before continuing. “Thank you, Nathan.”   It took us a while to climb all of these stairs but as soon as we step in the final, and upper floor, the wind welcomed us with its wild, cool breeze that made our hairs fly away, especially Mica who has the longest hair of all. She tried hard to hold it back as we ran through the direction where we hear noises coming not far from here.   “Do you need help in burning that to cut it short?” Gene tried joking but he just received a death glare from Mica and rolls her eyes at him.   “No time for joke around. Mica, take this and tie your hair. We’re approaching them,” Antonov commanded and threw a pony tail from his pocket. I stopped in my tracks to watch Mica catch it but that is not what caught my attention the most but its intrinsic design of green band with a clam and pearl as a design. It glows brightly as the moon shone through it that made the wearer more stunning than ever.   “We’ll f*****g kill you, you freak!” Someone shouted that made me snap back in reality. I check the watch I was holding and see that it is slowly ticking now. I felt this body is exhausted and can’t bear any longer the power of time.   I tap Antonov at the back and show him the watch I was wearing. He looks at it and into my direction where sweat is profusely streaming down my face.   “It’s ticking now, but a slow rate. This would still give us time but I don’t know how long I can stay to hold it back...” I said in between gasping for air.   “I’ll renew your energy, Nathan. We still need more time,” Mica suggested and is about to touch me when I step back, away from her touch.   “No... I can still hold this for a little while. You need your energy to help them once we fight with those goons first and then Pun. We need more man power so please keep it to yourself,” I said before turning my back on her and follow Antonov who is now facing the goons and the Pun who has a big, wide smirk on his face.   “Ooh, another four people to add to my collection. Well, would you look at that... You’re now ten!” He said and laughs hysterically. I slowly tilted my head and count the goons on the side and they were indeed six in number.   “Pun in, ten dead.”   The headline from the news starts ringing into my ears. The repeated scheme, ten persons to kill and in a store where people with this number of customers may go, this is his pattern and way of killing. But why?   “Who the heck are you? Another freaks? Get lost. We’ll take this b***h and get the pot money and we won’t let you to steal that from us.” One of them said while arrogantly eyeing us from head to toe. When his eyes landed on Mica, he whistled while wiggling his eyebrows and sticking out his tongue as if licking something.   “p*****t!” Mica shouted while her face is getting red because of anger. I clinch my fist as I tried to not kill them all in one touch. However, the guy beside me can’t be stopped and move forward, pushing me a bit as he face them all.   “Antonov, Mica, Nathan... Go get Pun. I’ll teach these bad guys a lesson,” he said seriously without taking his eyes off them.   Antonov nodded and signal us to follow Pun who is now running away from us while laughing annoyingly. I stopped on my tracks to look at Gene who is also looking at me with a smug look on his face. His palms are now emitting smoke that is not yet visible to other people’s eyes. I shifted my glance to the six goons who are looking all arrogant without knowing that this might be the last time they will be well, without burns in their body or probably no longer breathing.   I nod at Gene one last time before following Antonov’s tracks that lead me to the same place where he is sitting a while ago. In the big clock tower that is now ticking normally. I looked sadly at Antonov to apologize but he just smiled a little before patting me in the back.   “It’s okay... You did give us enough time. Rest for now and regain your energy. We’ll need your other quirk later.” He said before leaving me and goes to Pun’s direction.   “So it’s you who made this stop a while ago,” Pun said while pointing at the clock and to his bomb that is normally ticking while glowing in bright red. He laughs again before giving us a serious expression, specifically to me where his eyes are glued to my direction.   “I knew you were something...” He said before grabbing something from his pockets and threw it at my direction. I hurriedly roll to the side to avoid the clock hands as sharp as knives that he threw at me. One of them even pierces the wall I was exactly in a while ago. If I’m slow enough, I’m sure I’ll be a dead meat, just like the goons near us.   We can hear their confused screaming and shouting continuously inaudible words as we felt the place heat up a bit. The only words I understand from their shouts are the words freak and f**k. A smile slowly crept in Pun’s mouth as the sound of agony is like music to his ears.   “Instead of stopping me, why don’t you just join me to conquer the world? Freaks like us are always bullied by these mere mortals who don’t know how dangerous we are and with you being added to the group, we’ll create a massive fear to instill on everyone and they will no longer treat us trash!” His last lines were full of emotions, anger mixed with sadness. It looks like it’s the treatment he got from everyone that made him do this serial killings, ten people at a time.   “Why are you doing this? There is a world for us, specifically for people like us who have abilities. We are not freaks, we are special...” Mica gently asked him while slowly walking to his direction. She refused to look below as I know that we are floors high away from the ground.   “No! Don’t come near me!” He shouted and threw another clock hand to Mica’s direction. She dodged it but lost her balance putting her on the other side of the grills.   “H-Help!” She panicky shouted while holding firm on to the railings I waste no time and ran to her direction as Antonov starts chasing Pun who clearly don’t agree to put this in a calm talking.   “I got you,” I told Mica while pulling her up from the railings. She holds on tight to my hand that made me able to pull her up. She landed specifically on my direction and went directly on top of me. I hitch my breath as I saw her beautiful face up close, only to realize one thing.   I’m not wearing a glove and had drained Mica’s energy. I hurriedly went up and tried waking her up but she doesn’t bulge. We are in that situation when Gene came and soon as his eyes landed on us, he knew what happened.   “Why are you not wearing your gloves?” He asked irritated before lifting Mica and carried her bridal style.   “I forgot them in the car... I –“ I stopped midway when he threw a pair of gloves at my direction before turning his back on me.   “I thought that might stop me from burning them all, but I can’t fight this urge so I just gave those morons what they deserve.” He said before walking away from me. I wore the gloves and followed him up to where Antonov is and be shocked with what we saw.   Antonov is holding Pun tightly on his neck while he is on the back but the latter just laughed as the timer starts ticking loudly, the same sound that this big clock is creating as it is now approaching at 12 midnight.     We hurriedly ran to their direction to detonate the bomb. We only have 10 seconds to do it and it is indeed not enough for us to survive in this attack.   Pun starts laughing hysterically and stares at us directly in the eyes.   Three...   Two...   One...   “I am Pun, and you are all dead!”  
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