Chapter 9

1393 Words
Nathan’s POV   I saw a hint of recognition from Itan’s eyes before she dozed off. The harsh winds starts to tone down as she slowly opened her eyes that revealed a calm, and innocent blue orbs. She waved her hand in the air and in a snap of a finger, everything starts to reverse in process.   The uprooted trees a while ago start going back to its original place as if nothing happened earlier. The random objects that the tornado caught up flying and circling goes back to their proper place and owner that still looks shocked because of what happened.   Everything seems back to normal, except for a group of girls who stayed floating in the air. One of them slowly float to Sheri’s direction and I saw the horrified look on her face as she is approaching the latter.   Sheri gave them the sweetest smile possible before whispering something on the girls ear, and later on sent flying somewhere I no longer see.   “What happened here?!” A loud voice interrupted everyone and most of the students come running to random directions to avoid him.   Well, who wouldn’t?   I smiled at the back of my mind as I saw the younger version of the man whom we serve few years onto the future and his no other than...   The future commander of blackport PD.   His forehead creased as he examines the surroundings. Nothing seems irregular around here except for one thing that Sheri forgot to fix.   “Why are you bleeding, young man?” He asked. His voice is full of authority and his dominance eerie in the place.   After hearing those words, my new body suddenly felt a pang of pain rushing through my veins. I almost lost my balance when Sheri’s wind caught me as Roscoe’s hand stopped in mid-air while trying to catch me. He shook his head before lowering down and checking on the open wounds that starts to release blood.   “You look bad,” he commented before rising up and facing me. Commander Ichigo made his way to me and stares directly at my eyes. I strive hard to maintain eye contact as I felt my vision getting blurry as time passes by.   It’s just a couple of wounds but why am I feeling this way?   I felt my body losing balance. Good thing that Ros caught me before anything happens while Commander Ichigo who is still on his last years in the university is shaking his head. He look at me for the last time before turning his gaze to Sheri who is slowly walking her way through us.   “Ros,”  he called and face him. “I’m afraid that the healers are busy at the moment. Would you mind bringing him to one of the best student healers in the diamond block?”   Ros nooded before leading me to his back. He is whispering inaudible words but I know he is just ranting about how strict and bossy Ichigo can be.   If he only knew that we will work for him for the rest of our lives, I wonder if he still rants like this.   “Hold on tight man, okay?” He said and was about to take off when I turn my gaze to Ichigo standing firm while Sheri is looking down on the grass while playing with her fingers. It seems like she sensed that someone is looking at her that made her peek at me.   There is longing in her eyes while nodding and smiled sadly before Ichigo made her face him with an emotionless face.   “You go to the faculty later, along with all those who are involved in this mess. No ifs and no buts. I’ll see you all later.”   Sheri took another glance at me and cast a little spell before everything went real blurry as Ros runs fast. I am now thanking Sheri because the spell she chanted is to protect me from harsh winds as we rapidly went from one place to another.   The motion from moving too fast made me feel sicker that I wanted to throw up. I made a disgusted face as I opt to swallow the puke that is starting to build up on my mouth.   “We’re here,” Ros abruptly stop to notify me about it. I immediately jump from his back and went to the nearest bin and puke everything I ate a while ago. It has a foul smell that made me throw up a bit more.   I could feel warm and gentle hands rubbing my back that made it easier for me to calm my digestive system down. Someone took out a scarf and handed it to me that I gladly accepted. I made sure that my mouth is now clean even though my breath stinks before turning my back to see who helped me.   A young, beautiful woman with light browned orbs smiled upon facing me. I felt anxious as students from other classes starts gathering around and murmuring about what is happening right now.   “He’s the one I’m referring to.” Ros interrupted that made me snap back in reality. The woman in front of me nodded and smiled at him before returning her attention to me.   “Yes, I heard about him. Ichigo notified me ahead before you went here,” she calmly said and offers her hand for a handshake.   “By the way, I’m Micaelle. You can simply call me Mica and the main reason why Ichigo sent you here is simply because...   My psychic ability is to heal all wounds and take away the pain,” the moment our hands met, I felt a foreign energy rushing through my body as light suddenly takes up the place.   As soon as the lights tone down, I smiled as I saw my wounds slowly closing and healing by itself.   “Thank you,” I murmured before slowly letting go of her hands. She nodded and waves as she was about to go back in the room when she fainted. It’s a good thing that I managed to catch her before her head hits the floor.   I could see her color becoming pale at an unusual rate and her breathing suddenly becomes heavy.   “Medic!” Someone shouted that made Ros went to us and gently get Mica from me and hold her in a bridal style. I thought he was going to go when he suddenly grabbed me and speeds his way to hell.   ‘Damn you, Ros,’ I said at the back of my mind as I felt this digestive system starting to make me throw up again.   We reached the clinic in no time where healers are lined up to accommodate her. One of the masked healers nodded before closing the curtains and starts doing their job.   I sighed heavily as I tried hard not to vomit again. I don’t even eat anything during breakfast then I have the audacity to let everything out? What the hell is even wrong to this body...   “Nathaniel, right?” Ros sit on the seat in front of me and examined me from head to toe.   I just nodded as a response as I’m still not feeling well because of his ungodly speed. He sighed before scratching the back of his head as he smiled awkwardly at me.   “I’m sorry I had to drag you three times,” he started before his face starts to become serious.   “I just need you here. I need to confirm something.” He slowly put his finger on my forehead and sticks it for about a few seconds. He makes face and starts mumbling inaudible words before putting it down. He slowly went up from his seat and pampers himself.   “I guess I’m wrong. I’ll go now, for sure Klio is fuming mad because I left her alone in you class.”   He readied his stance and starts running away from me...   Only to realize he no longer have super speed and is running in a slow, normal pace.              
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