Chapter 66: Lunar Village

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Third Person’s POV A man wearing a long, black cloak stood in the open windows. His suit is swaying through the wind as the big blue moon shines and illuminates the surrounding. There was a big clock tower on the center and his lips curve a smirk as it strikes at exactly 12 o’clock.   Howls of wolfs and animals could be heard simultaneously with the cries and wails of individuals under that cold starry night. The man’s lips twitched and stifle a slow laugh as shouts and screams from the villagers echoed in the entire area.   He slowly raised his head up and met the big, bright moon that illuminates his dark red eyes. The eyes that is the color of the blood that is now shedding as the clock continuously strikes its second hand.   He smiled once more before turning his back from the window and starts walking to the place where everyone was waiting for him. Before completely leaving, he stopped and turned back before whispering the words that gives shiver and joy to anyone who hears it.   “We’re almost there...” -- “We’re almost there...” Mica uttered while holding the map. Gene used his little flame to illuminate the way and also to let her read it fully. Nathan stifle a laugh and shook his head while remembering the moment a while ago.   “Where are we going again?” Remus asked after breaking the silence. Maria is now beside them but still quiet and still not talking to her twin. Gene nodded his head and look at Nathan asking for answers but the latter just shrug his shoulders.   “We were supposed to be meet by the friend I asked to take us there but...” He paused and looked at his watch and shook his head in disbelief.   “It’s only 10 in the evening and I’m sure that mf fall asleep hays. I knew I shouldn’t trusted him on this...” He murmured to himself and looks to the forest while thinking of other ways to go to the borders.   “Hey, don’t you worry. I got y’all covered,” Mica announced and grabs a paper from her backpack. The squad stopped on their tracks as she put it down the ground and spread it even more.   “What the—“   “Hell...” Nathan continued while checking the map she was holding. She motioned Gene to lit up a fire which he immediately did and turns her attention back to the map and points at it.   “So we are currently here in the forest that is connecting the school from the nearby village called Zaraiah...” She pointed at the location where they were at and used a marker to write an X mark on it.   “The village I was telling you a while ago where I heard about the rumors is here,” she pointed at the center of the map close enough to the line that serves as the border or barrier. She grabs the marker and encircle the spot she was talking about.   “Lunar... The village of the moon people?” Carina asked in a confused tone. The rest of the squad went closer and reads the words carefully to see if they were reading the same thing.   “There is a village for moon people? So there is also for sun people?” Gene jokingly said and laughs but it eventually fades when he heard what she said.   “Well for the record... Yes, there is a village for sun people like you say. Though it is located over here and we are not allowed to go in there,” she encircle the area across the border and put a big exclamation mark on it.”   “Lunar and Solar village. They were called the moon and sun people simply because of what they worship.” Nathan explained that turned every attention to him. He nodded at them and lend his palm to Mica which she eventually gave the marker to him. He clears his throat and motions Gene to give more light before continuing.   “Not everyone knows this but... These two villages used to be in close ties in each other. They respect each other’s opinions and Gods since the Sun and the Moon all came from one creator. According to the book I had read before, they were inseparable especially the chiefs of both village but...” He paused and took a deep breath while his eyes are closed before continuing.   “Just like everyone, bad things happened. There became a fight between the rulers and that ignites everything. Well, I really don’t know what had happened now and how come the villages got separated so... There’s only one way to find out.”   They all nodded as a response as Mica continued tracing the lines to where they will go in order to reach Lunar.   “We are here in Zaraiah, a few more kilometers and we’ll be down to the Aqua, then to Aero then lastly is the Lunar.” She stated while continuously drawing lines between the places. Everyone nodded in agreement and starts walking.   “You’ve said that a million times already... I’m getting tired,” Maria complained and sat at the big block of rock on the side. Carina wants to shut her up but a part of her is also tired due to restlessness from the past few days.   “Uhm, why don’t we stop by for a bit? Then we’ll just continue later on...” Mica tried suggesting but was cut off when Nathan speaks.   “No, we’re not resting for a bit. It’s almost midnight and most of the crimes happen during this hour. Come on...” He continued walking and leave the rest behind with confused and tired faces. Remus and Gene stands up and stretch their muscles before walking beside him. Mica grabs and folds the map once more and put it on her bag before following them.   Meanwhile, Carina already stands up but stopped for a moment when she noticed that Maria was still sitting on the rock and shaking while her eyes are closely shut.   “Maria?” She softly called and was about to touch her when she opened her eyes and gnarled at her. She immediately took a step back after seeing the rage in her eyes but what stopped her is when tears starts flowing down her face. The rage in her eyes fainted and shifts to the calm and sincere orbs she used to.   “Maria... It’s me –“   “No! Get away from me!”   She steps back and almost stumble and get out of balance when she tripped off a rock. Good thing that Remus immediately used his ability to stop her from falling hard and have broken bones or bruises.   “What is happening here? I thought we already have a deal, Maria?” Nathan faced her and shook his head in disbelief. Mica went to Carina’s side and check for any bruises to heal. When she saw there is none, she just helped her and guide to walk beside her. Gene also lit up another fire ball and with the help of Remus’ levitation, it floats at the top center and illuminates their way to prevent any unwanted injuries along the way.   “I don’t know what’s happening to you now, Maria... Maybe it’s just right if I withdraw you from this mission and –“   “No!” She shouted that made everyone stopped and turned their backs to look at them.   “P-Please...” Her voice cracked and soften before stumbling down. Nathan catches her on time but he froze when he heard her next words.   “S-Save me...”   “Maria!” Carina came running as soon as she saw her sister faints. She tried tapping her but she is not responding that made her heart beat loudly. Mica immediately went to their direction and tried healing her but she is still not waking up.   “What happened? What did she said?” Carina asked Nathan pleadingly. He is still frozen in shock and confusion that he isn’t able to utter a single word.   “I-I—“   “Nathan! I’m here... I’m sorry I fall asleep,” a loud voice interrupted.   Their attention flew to the floating vehicle in front of them. A man in his 20’s get off the vehicle and waved at them.   “Hey...” He greeted and smiled at them one by one until his eyes landed on Maria who is unconscious while being held by Gene.   “Come, bring her to my vehicle for her to rest. Also... I’ll drive you to Lunar village,” he continued and faced Nathan.   “Come on, don’t be mad at me. I’m tired all day trying to catch another boar.” He shook his head as if remembering the struggles he faced earlier that made him fall asleep even though Nathan asked him a favor.   “Who are you?” Remus asked and scan him from head to toe. Gene just got back from putting Maria on the back safely as Carina follows him and take care of his sister. He eyed the new comer and crossed his arms while waiting for his answer.   “Well...” He paused for a while and remembered the time where everything started.   “Looks like I’m getting a big buffet later,” He told myself while eyeing the bear He has been stalking for a few hours now. It has a broad body and long sharp claws that made it harder for him to just kill it using my bare hands.   “Come closer...” He whispered while holding his own invention tighter, a mechanical gun. He was about to shoot the bear when it suddenly turned its back and lashed out at him.   “No! Get the f**k off me!” He tried screaming for help but they were in the forest area where people seldom go, especially during class hours. He tried resisting the bears force but he is way tougher and stronger than he is. He managed to land a blow on his cheek but the bear used his claws and pierce his skin.   “Aah!” He wails in pain as he felt his skin being torn. Blood is also squirting off his body when the bear turned his back and leave him alone.   He could feel his breath slowing down as he became dizzy and all before everything went black. -- Nathan slowly opened his eyes when he heard a dragging sound near his location. His attention flew to Sir Ichigo who is now dragging a helpless man and almost dead man in front of him.   “What the hell? I don’t plan on murdering someone!” He blurted out. Ichigo just laughed at his reaction and shook his head as he assisted the man and lay him comfortably on the ground. He looks like he’s been attack by something or someone because of the wounds on his skin. His flesh is already showing and he already looks pale due to blood loss. His eyelids are drooping and his skin felt dry, including his mouth that is a sign of dehydration.   “Right in front of you is a man who is attacked by the bear you put to sleep earlier,” Sir Ichigo said and pointed at the bear who is still sleeping. He turned his attention back to the man and examines his wounds.   “I know that bear attacked someone because of the skin trapped on his nails. Also, I called someone from the healers to help but I know he’ll die while waiting so...”   He looks at him intently in the eye as a smirk slowly forms into his lips. He is not saying a word but I know what is running on his mind.   “Yes, Nathan. We’ll do the reverse process. Give the energy you sucked from them and transfer it to him,” he commanded and provided him space to do my task.   “How? I never tried this one before...” He admitted and sighed in defeat. The man’s breathing is slow and he knows a few more seconds wasted will lead to his death eventually.   “There’s no harm in trying, Nathan. As long as you did your best, then it is the best already...”   He froze in spot and smiled at him when he heard his words. Those are not directly from him but...   “Salvatore Gertrude told me that... Even though I am way advanced than them, his words are still on my mind and I keep holding on to it, hoping he’ll eventually come back soon...” Pain and longing is visible on his eyes. He snaps back to reality when we heard the faint breathing of the man.   “Hurry up!” He said. Nathan closed his eyes and took a deep breath while slowly pressing my palms on his chest. He cleared his mind and think the other way... Transferring the energy instead of sucking it from them. He could feel my hand shaking but he stood firm as he also feel the loss of energy from him. He stopped and removed his palms when he feel his heart beating and hear him gasping for air.   “W-What happened...” He asked and looks at us. He first saw the bear and then Sir Ichigo.   “He saved you...” Sir Ichigo explained. They heard footsteps coming near them and they were the healers that he called. The man is now getting treatment but his eyes is not leaving him even until he was taken away.   “What was that?” He asked. He just shrugged my shoulders and was about to walk away when he feel his head spinning and vision starting to black out before he faints and fall to the ground.   “So yes... I know what you’re thinking,” the man smiled and offered a hand at the man closest to him which is Gene and smiled.   “I’m Ethan. Ethan Ames and your leader Nathaniel Rosario saved me from death.” -- “Go on... I’ll take care of her, besides...” Ethan paused and pointed at a big wooden gate near their location. The entire squad looked at it and they gasp when it changes its color as the moon shines through it.   They hurriedly opened the car doors and went closer to the gate to see it closely. Their eyes are filled with admiration while watching bursts of white dust flowing everywhere.   Nathan took a step forward and was about to touch the gate when it slowly opened and reveal what they were looking for. He stopped for a moment and faced his squad before smiling as he realized where they were.   The gates fully opened and an old man with a white beard spawn in their front. He smiled at them and pointed at the houses that is starting to show as the fog slowly fades.   “Welcome to Lunar Village...”      
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