Chapter 12: Pun In, Ten Dead

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Nathan’s POV   It took around a few hours just for us to leave the enchanted forest and transported to whatever country this is. I went to a number of countries before but this one is kind of foreign to me. As we go by, I see cars moving in and out the road. The sun is also slowly setting in the area and some locals are already going home or either going to work.   My growling tummy interrupted the silence in the car. I was about to apologize when the other’s starts ringing too. We looked at each other before laughing our hearts out. Though, it is only Mica and I who laugh since the other too are stiff as hell.   “I guess we need to stop over at a drive thru or a convenience store. Is there any nearby stalls in here?” Mica said to Antonov who just nod at her before stirring the wheel to the right.   I kept my attention to the road and squint my eyes as I saw a familiar convenience store on sight.   “Is that 7/11?” I blurted out as I study its familiar colors of green, white and red. It has a wider space than the usual convenience store I went through before as we can see what is inside of the glass framed walls.   Antonov slowed down as we are approaching and parked the car. We were about to leave when I remembered something.   “How will we pay in there? I don’t have their currency with me,” I said while grabbing my wallet with the academy money on it. I’m pretty sure they don’t accept it here.   No normal creature knows about the other world anyway...   Antonov grabbed the wallet from my hand and in a snap of a finger, give it back to me with double the amount and the right currency for this country.   “Thanks. You’re ability to duplicate and change almost anything is the best.”   “What do you know about my ability?” I froze because of his question. He is standing on the side of his car while arms crossed and eyes piercing into mine.   I forgot to say... Even though hunters are the best and well-known in the academy, Antonov’s ability remains a secret to everyone. He won’t show it to people aside from me, as Salvatore.    I took a deep breath before smiling at him while waving the wallet I was holding.   “You just showed it to me... Nothing more, nothing less.”  I said before turning my back on him.   “What a nice answer from a newbie in the academy like you,” he said but I refused to stop and keep going as I saw the frowning face of the red-eyed guy.   “What took you so long Nathan? I’m hungry.” He angrily said before grabbing my wallet away from me. He was about to leave when I asked him a question that made him stop.   “How did you know my name?” I asked.   Instead of shaking or whatever I thought will be his reaction, he just faced me and sarcastically laugh on my face.   “Are you really stupid? Don’t you even remember that you introduce yourself to the class? You’re such a hypocrite to ask how I know your name when you don’t even remember mine.” He sneered and rolled his eyes at me before leaving me completely dumbfounded.   “Are you going to the store or not?”   I stopped in my tracks and slowly turn my head to see who talked. My brows furrow as I saw this weird looking guy with a clown make-up on his face smiled widely at me. His teeth on the side are kind of long that looks like fangs. Aside from that, he is wearing a thick jacket covering his entire body. Out of all the weird things he had, is the big, as in BIG watch he was wearing on his hands. It’s so big that I can even hear the sounds of it when the second meter ticks.   I was about to say something when someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me. It was the red-eye guy who looks furious while dragging me on to the store with him. Before I enter the store, I faced the weird guy who is still looking at me with a mischievous smirk while waving his hand with the watch on it.   “Time is ticking...” I read from his mouth before completely entering the store and this red-eye guy face me before throwing my wallet back at me.   “f*****g open it. Like who the hell puts a spell on that so no one can open it aside from you?” He said sarcastically before dragging the cart full of snacks, drinks and everything while waiting in line. The store was quite jam packed even though the night just started.   I left him on the line before going to the aisle where my favorite snack is and grab a couple of it. I was busy checking for ice cream on the side when I suddenly felt chills and slowly turn my head to look outside.   I was dumbfounded when I saw the same weird clown guy staring directly at me while showing me his watch which states that the time is now 6:28 pm.   “Time is ticking...” he whispers before laughing hysterically. I was about to ignore him when I say a group of guys, wearing all black clothes and have bulging bodies went to his direction as one of him smacked him while laughing at his clothes. They were probably around nine or something and they surround him that’s why I can’t see what they were doing to him but based on their expression, they were laughing and bullying him. “You f*****g ass. Stop checking them out and f*****g pay for this!” He was about to drag me again when I put my palm on his face to stop him.   “Stop dragging me, will you red-eye guy?” I said annoyingly before grabbing my hands. He just scoffed before pulling me up on my shirt while eyeing me harshly.   “I don’t know why do you keep calling me that, I have a f*****g name!” He shouted before shoving my face his ID he kept on his pocket.   “I have a name and that is Gene Paul. Not red-eye guy, not anything!” He said furiously before turning his back on me.   Gene Paul...   I saw Mica on my peripheral vision looking at us and shaking her head before going to that Gene and give him her necessities and money.   I slowly walked on their back and silently put my snacks on the counter before handing them the money and giving Mica what she gave earlier.   The cashier just looked at us before punching everything and putting it in the bag. I look at the surroundings and realize that there were only three of us left, aside from the cashier.   I wonder why everyone left...   After the cashier is done, we grabbed all the paper bags and was about to leave when we saw the goons arriving while laughing at the doorway. One even whistled while eyeing Mica but when Gene stared at him, they just rolled their eyes before going to the store and grabbing things and whatever.   “Wait up,” I said to Gene and Mica but only Mica stopped to face me. “I forgot to buy ice cream for our driver. Please wait me up in the car,” I continued and she nodded before leaving the entire place completely.   After grabbing the ice cream, I went to the cashier and was about to pay when I saw one of the goons arguing with him.   I just sighed and grab a couple of bills and drop it on the counter before walking away.   One of the goons was about to run after me when the door opens and the weird, clown guy who has blood on his face laughs that made everyone stop. He faced me and smiled widely, showing his teeth which is also bleeding.   “Time is ticking...”   I saw Gene about to go here when I signal him and open the doors. Before the door closes, I heard something from Pun that made me wide eyed and realized what was happening.   “I’m Pun, and you’re dead.”   As he say those words, the entire store blew up and send me to wherever as I felt my head banging somewhere else.   I saw the store I was in a while ago burning and the glass walls shattered as there are moving people burning inside before I went dizzy and everything went black.                                                                                                                                        
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