Chapter 11

1219 Words
Nathan’s POV   I groaned in frustration as we are now approaching the gates of the academy. According to what Sir Ichigo said last time, we are the ‘special group’ since there are only three of us.   I was like, what on earth made this all special? If only they knew the truth about me, or atleast let me be with my hunters, then maybe I will consider myself special.   But with the frowning face of Micaelle and this grumpy dude beside me? I don’t think so...                     “Are you all ready? I had sent someone to fetch you once you got out of the forest. He will be the one in charge to take you safely on the mortal realm.”   Before we reach the gate, I turn my back and saw a smirk plastered on Sir Ichigo’s face.   “How will we know if we found the right members for us? Can we get back here ASAP?” I asked that made the two stopped from walking and face our direction. I kept my attention to our professor who laughs as he pats my shoulders.   I kept my mouth shut while waiting for him to stop because I am not in the mood to play games with him. Even though the Ichigo we will be working with on the near future, he seldom laughs like this. Only on times that he plans something as he waits for it to happen.   He straightened his back and return to his fierce expression when he saw that we’re waiting for his answer. A smirk form on his lips as he said the words that bring more confusion to our already confused minds.   “You will know it when you meet them and... You can only come back when you gathered the correct and worthy psychic from the mortal realm and if not, you’ll be stuck in there...   Forever.” -- My sweat is slowly flowing from my forehead as I reached for any available scarf on me. I sighed as I don’t have any because our entire luggage is teleported to the end... It’s so weird that they had to let us walk miles and miles to reach the end instead of just teleporting in a second.   Also, maybe I should be familiar with this new body, new identity with new psychic ability. I must accept the fact that I am no longer Salvatore in everyone’s eyes but Nathaniel Rosario, the guy who also has a rare ability.   I was about to move forward when a handkerchief appeared in front of me. I slowly turn my gaze to whoever is holding it and slightly smile when I saw Mica holding it for me. Her eyebrows raised when our eyes met.   “Why the hell are you not getting this? Do you want me to wipe your face off?” She sarcastically said and threw the scarf at me before turning her back. She already walked a few steps ahead when she stopped and looked back and rolled her eyes.   “Next time you go bring your own things. No everything will be given to you in a snap,” she said before completely walking away.   I took a deep breath and smiled sadly as I felt guilt entering my system.   When I was on my original body, I can do anything. I can transport things or people in and out in just a snap of a finger that’s why I don’t prepare luggage or bring other things with me.   Ahh, those where the days...   “You two, stop flirting. I’m seeing a damn car a few miles away from us. Keep going!” The guy with reddish eyes shouted. I still don’t know his name that’s why I’m calling him that way. Though, I don’t even plan on knowing him. His red orbs already screamed something in my body that he shouldn’t be trusted enough with our lives. Mica and I just shrugged our shoulders and continue walking.   True enough, after a few minutes of walking, we saw a black car shining as the sun reflected on it. As we move closer, I can see a figure of a man leaning on the car and waiting for us. As his face went clear, my mouth gape in shock as my eyes stayed wide open as I realize who the familiar man is.   “Antonov...” I silently murmured under my breath. He raised his head and look at me straight in the eye when he heard me call his name.   “Who are you and why do you know me?” Instead of answering, I hurriedly went to his direction and gave him a tight bro hug. When I felt my eyes getting blurry because of tears, I hurriedly break the bond and turn my back on him.   Good thing that I had a scarf to wipe the tears slowly building up before I face him again. This time, he’s the one who looked shock but suddenly return to his usual blank face.   I can’t help to be sad and happy at the same time while seeing his face, his entire being alive...   Antonov is one of my closest friends when I was in the academy before. He should be the leader of the hunters until one tragedy happened that changed everything...   He used to tell me tales about the so called Arielle. You know, the fictional girl with a mermaid tail? I don’t really understand what or who he is pertaining to before that’s why I always laughed and shrugged it off. If only I knew that he will be gone a few weeks from that...   “Move,” the red eyed guy arrogantly said and pushed me back a bit to open the doors. I was about to shout at him when he forcefully closed it creating a loud sound that echoes in the forest.   Mica rolled her eyes in annoyance and shook her head before gracefully opening and closing the car doors as she enters. Antonov stares at me directly as his eyebrows are raised while waiting for me to enter the car. I took a deep breath before opening the passenger seat and seat beside him.   I keep stealing glances at him whenever I had the chance. I was about to look again when he abruptly stopped the car and hit the steering wheel hard.   “What the hell, dude? Are you gay or something?” He said that made me snap back in reality.   Damn you, Sal...   “What?” I asked back. Trying to deny the acts I did a while ago.   “Oh come on” he already seems frustrated before hitting the acceleration and speeding our way out of the trance hiding the academy.   I took one last glance before closing my eyes and resting my head on the chair. I smiled sadly as I kept a promise to myself that I hope will change what the future will be.   ‘I will never let you die... again. I promise.’  
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