Chapter 23: Los Paradise

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Nathan’s POV   “Welcome to Los Paradise, come in and feel lost to our paradise,” A sexy, brunette haired girl with bright strikes of pink and blue to her hair cheerfully welcomed us. She was wearing a mini skirt and a top that is tightly hugging her body and showing her full cleavage. She has these seductive expressive eyes while leading us to the main area where people are all having fun.   “Enjoy and let be lost to our paradise...” She repeated and blows a kiss before waving us goodbye and went back to her post on the lobby.   “Man, she’s hot. No wonder this is called a paradise,” Gene said while wiggling his eyebrows and chuckles a bit when he heard Mica scoffed.   “I didn’t know you’re a playboy,” Mica answered back and rolled her eyes on him. Antonov just shook his head while wandering his eyes to the entire place.   Just like what we’ve seen on movies, and also to other casino’s I’ve been before, the usual disco like set-up on the side, plus the billiards table on the left. There is also like a bar for drinking and a leisure spot to relax. In the center of this wide space is the slot machines and the card and poker tables where people wearing ties and women who looks elegantly dashing with their dresses and gracefully drinking wine offered by servers.   Everyone seemed having fun while enjoying every privilege and freebies that this casino could offer like the free drinks and an unusual looking dessert on the side. Lots of people are trying it and by the looks on their face, it really seems good.   I wander my eyes above to the uppers floors where there are the rooms where anyone can stay while the others just smoke or have a chit chat with someone. As I was scanning them, one of the by stander caught my attention.   It was a man who holds a drink on his hand while looking directly at our location. Based on his suite, I’m sure he has a lavish lifestyle because everything that he wears, from head to toe, clothes to shoes and accessories screams moolah or money in their terms. His lips form a small smile and raised his glass while nodding at me. I nod back before facing Antonov who is also staring back at the man earlier.   “Antonov,” I called him. He diverted his gaze and looks directly at me with a smile plastered on his face.   “Why are we here? Is it to enjoy? Because I’m pretty sure that is not your main reason.” I hear coughing from the side; I slowly tilted my head only to see Mica coughing after tasting the wine offered by the server while Gene is busy munching the dessert I saw earlier.   “You do have a good sense of understanding, Nathan.” He meaningfully said before turning his gaze to the server who is smiling wide while showing us the tray with wine and the dessert.   If I were to describe it, it looks like a normal dessert but in a creative way. It looks like a real flower but when you eat it, you can see the insides as a soft, chocolate dessert with some white bits I’m not quite familiar about.   “Would you like to try our best pair of wine and this scrumptious dessert?” He offered. I slightly nodded and grabbed a piece of the dessert and a glass of wine while Antonov does the same.   “Enjoy your stay here, and let yourself lost in this paradise.” The server happily waved at us as he went away and offers other people their freebies.   I sniffed the wine and the aroma it gives off gives excitement to my nerves for unknown reason. I took a glance at the dessert and it already made my mouth water as I felt its soft texture on my hands.   “Cheers!” Mica said and raised her glass in the air. I smiled at her and was about to drink it when Antonov taps my shoulder and slightly move his head toward my ears.   “Don’t,” he whispered and smiled at Mica who looks suspiciously at us.   “Hey, I don’t like him that much and I don’t plan on doing something to him when he’s drunk, duh!” She defensively said while rolling her eyes. She grabbed Gene from his arms and drags him to the center where the fun is already starting up.   “Why?” I asked Antonov as he slowly put my drink down to the table near us. Another server seeing this approached us and asked politely.   “Is there any problem with your wine, sir?” He was about to sniff it when Antonov stopped him and smiles slightly.   “I’m sorry, my friend right here has low alcohol tolerance. I don’t want him puking on those marvelous floor and carpets, don’t you do too?” He asked back leaving me shocked.   ‘Damn you!’ I cursed at the back of my mind and fake a smile as I felt him pinching on my back. The server in front of us turns his gaze on to me so I took a deep breath and acts as if I’m shy as hell.   “Yes... I also don’t want to ruin everyone’s mood,” I pertain to the people around us who are clearly having a good time. The server understandingly nods and glance at the dessert I was holding.   “Well then, won’t you like to try our best dessert? I’m sure you won’t throw it up,” he replied without breaking eye contact with me.   I can feel Antonov’s piercing stare at my side as I slowly lift the dessert and level it up to my mouth. The smell of it is already enough to make my stomach rumble and the server to smile wider.   I closed my eyes shut as I feel the soft bread on the tip of my tongue. The taste exploded and brings a sensual feeling all over my body. Before I knew it, I continuously take a bite until I already ingested the whole.   I opened my eyes and saw the server happily waving at me before walking out and serving other people. My mouth felt a bit dry and sweet so I grabbed the wine Antonov placed on the table earlier and drank it.   The first sip of the drink tasted a bit sour first, until it exploded into different flavors into my mouth. I drank it straight up and took a glance at Antonov who has a grim expression on his face.   Seeing the wine and the dessert he hasn’t taken a sip or bite yet, I immediately grab it from the table and consume it until I felt a bit satisfied.   “I didn’t know you’re that hungry or thirsty for alcoholic beverages, Nathan.” He shook his head while wandering where the two went. I squint my eyes and saw Mica and Gene looking so happy and excited while holding a small bag of poker chips.   Gene went to Antonov’s back and whispered something to his ear that made his face grim. I faced Mica who was drinking another shot of the wine while holding it up in the air and wiggling her eyebrows at me.   “I told you, this feels good. In fact, I do feel like I’m in a...” she stopped for a moment and glance at the big and glowing sign hanging at the center of this casino. She smiled and blurted out the last part, “paradise.”   Mica signaled a server passing by and grabs another drink and a dessert from the tray. Gene grab some too while holding a bigger bag full of poker chips. The smile on mouth and the grim expression of Antonov made me realize what he has asked him to do and he succeeded.   “Enjoy your stay here, and let yourself lost in this paradise...” The server repeated before waving his hand and walks away from us.   I let my eyes wander in the surroundings with blinking lights with random colors and listening to a calm and classic music from the past. I sat at the couch near me and the two followed as we all consume the food and drink we grab a while ago.   I rest my back at the couch while closing my eyes and smiled widely as the alcohol starts kicking in my system. It is true that I have low alcohol tolerance but this is a good feeling that makes me feel like I am floating in air. I can’t even remember the last time I had a fun time like this because of the hectic schedule and lots of cases for the hunters.   I still remember the hard times I had and also the good ones with them but with the reality that is happening right now, I’m still torn and I want to rest for a while from this problems that I don’t even sign myself up for.   I opened my eyes and shifted my glance to the two who are happily chit chatting and laughing to their hearts content. I look around and see other people do the same and have the time of our lives that made me smile as my gaze went up to the large sign board on this place.   ‘Los Paradise’   I slowly closed my eyes and drifts to sleep with the words that keep repeating on my head.   ‘This is indeed a paradise that I want to get lost with and don’t want to leave anymore’                      
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