Chapter 63

1246 Words
Nathan’s POV I could see everyone’s desire to be qualified and be part of the well-known institution, the Blackport PD. The institution I used to work with before when I was in my original body and the same institution that... got washed away from that chaotic future.   “Paranormal Detectives.”   I snapped back into reality when Mica pinched me hard on the side. She glared at me and pointed at the front where Sir Linux is calling our squad name.   “Paranormal Detectives?” He repeated. I raised my hand and he nodded as he put my name and the others on the paper he was holding.   “Paranormal Hunters?” Ulysses stepped in and gave Sir Linux the copy of their names. The latter smiled at them and pasted the paper onto the one he was holding and then return back to calling others names. “You’ve spaced out for about five full minutes dude,” Remus whispered at me and stifle a laugh. I pushed him with my elbow that made him step back and hold the area that hurts. He glared at me and shook his head before stepping away and leaning beside Maria who is just watching our professor intently.   “Why didn’t you tell me in the first place?” I asked back without looking at him. Remus tilted his head to see me and ends up bursting in laugh that made the class stopped and looked at our direction.   “We called you multiple times but you were just frozen standing there and teary-eyed as if remembering the death of someone lol.” I froze with what he said and turn my attention back to Sir Linux who is shaking his head in disapproval. He closed the notebook he was holding and sat back at his chair.   “Why are you quiet? Hey, did I offended you?” Remus asked while we were getting back on our seats. I refuse to look at him and waved my hand before going to my favorite spot, the one near the windows.   I took a peek at the windows and saw the squad I had been thinking of a while ago.   Monster Hunters...   Itan was furious while Ros was just laughing at her and teasing her more. Meanwhile, Klio serves as the referee to the two who always fights like a cat and dog while Cashmere is just on the bench, sitting while watching them freely.   I just watch them silently while being happy and loud like they used to be when we were together.   I missed you guys...   Cashmere slowly turned his head and his eyes met mine. He is not saying a word but his eye speaks a thousand words. He stand up from the bench and went to the east direction. I immediately stand up from my chair and creates a loud noise. Their attention turned to me once more but I didn’t care anymore and turn to Sir Linux who is staring at me.   “Please excuse me for a while... I just have to...” He just nodded at me as if understanding what I was going through. Without any second thoughts, I ran out from the room even though my squad are calling me.   I managed to get to the field where I last saw him within a minute but he was not there. The Monster Hunters were also leaving the area but Cashmere was not there. I hurriedly went to their direction and grabs Ros from the shoulder.   “Hey what the –“   “W-Where is Cashmere?” He stopped midway and looked at me with curiosity in his eyes. He stopped teasing Itan who looks like she already shifted back to being Sheri because of the calm and concern stares she was giving me.   I was dripping in sweat while she manipulates the wind and let the gentle breeze brush over me. It soothes me to the core and smiled at her before turning my attention back to Ros who is thinking and roaming his eyes around.   “Well, Cashmere is like a mushroom and he always disappears in a blink of an eye. He’s like Salvatore but –“ He stopped midway and I’m sure I saw sadness, pain and anger ran through his eyes. He shook his head and pointed at Klio who is now pointing at another direction.   “I could see him over there, in the big tree near the old library. It looks like he’s waiting for you.” She didn’t say anymore words and nodded as I hurriedly ran over the direction she was pointing to. The distance between the field and the old library is quite far and the blazing sun is not helping at all.   In just a blink of an eye, I was already there and almost lose my balance. I turned my back and saw a fast running figure going back to where I’ve been a while ago. My mouth formed a smile and silently muttered my gratitude even without them knowing.   “What brings you here?” I stopped for a moment and slowly turned my attention to Cashmere who is sitting on the grass just below the big oak tree. It provides shade from the blazing sun and the wind blows our hair gently.   I guess I needed a haircut...   I cleaned my place and sat next to him. We are facing the field where students are coming to play while others trained for their classes. It’s been some time that we were quiet when I decided to break the silence.   “What are we gonna talk about?” I heard him sneered and stifle a laugh while shaking his head gently.   “As far as I know, you’re the one who needed to talk to me,” he trailed off and grab the ID I was wearing and read it aloud.   “Nathaniel Rosario...”   I feel a sudden disappointment for he didn’t know who I am but I shooed away that thought and smiled sadly.   ‘If the Dean and other students here doesn’t even know the real me, what makes me think that Cashmere will see through me?’   I saw Mica and the rest on the field, searching to other directions. I took a deep breath and slowly get up from my seat and nodded at him.   “My squad is already here and they’re looking for me. It’s nice talking to you...” I muttered and turned my back on him. I saw Carina pointing at my direction as they go running closer to me.   I am already a few inches away when he talked that made my body cold as a corpse. I couldn’t move a muscle even though PD is already in front of me and talking about something that doesn’t even make sense to me.   I shifted my attention back to where Cashmere is but he is no longer there. I could feel the lump blocking my throat as my eyes gets warm and wet as tears stars pooling down from it.   I know the PD is concerned at me but my attention is still on the last words he said that made my heart beat in joy.   “It’s nice to know that you have a new squad and you seem happy with them. I just hope you won’t forget about us and be back to Monster Hunters when everything is okay...   Salvatore."
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