Chapter 64

1125 Words
Third Person’s POV “Everyone I’ve got the assigned task for your groups,” Linux announced and the class went silent. Excitement is visible on their eyes as well as fear for the unknown. Sabagay, they were not used to this and if I’m not mistaken, this will be the first time that they will be immersed in such hunting to be deemed worthy of a spot in the Blackport PD.   ‘Ah yes, the BDP. Land of the greatest detectives and hunters to ever existed. The same land that I work with but I was sent here for something. Something I cannot disclose... for now.’ He said at the back of his mind and grabbed the paper from his hand and starts calling out their team names and putting the assigned task next to it.   “Psychic Magicians,” he called out and their leader went in the front and grab their paper. He was about to open it when he was stopped by Sir Linux and called out the class.   “The tasks are given randomly since it is sealed when I got it so... let’s open it simultaneously later okay?” The entire class nodded in agreement and he continued calling them out.   “The Dark Psyche.” A female stands up from her seat and gently grabs the paper from his hands. It is true that she cannot see the contents of their mini mission because it is sealed in an envelope. She muttered her gratitude and went back to her seat while her teammates surround her.   “Paranormal Hunters...” The class went silent as the president went up to the front. Ulysses stared at the paper for too long as if reading its contents and smirk before Sir Linux handed it to him. Their names are engraved in gold stating that they have a high spot in this class. He nodded at Sir Linux and turned his back on him. He roamed his eyes around and stop at Nathaniel Rosario who is looking outside the window and doesn’t pay attention to them. He just shook his head and went back to his seat as their adviser called out the next team.   “Monster Catchers...” A petite woman walked up to the front and raised her hand, asking him to give the paper to him. Sir Linux looked at her from head to toe and before he say a word, a vine get out from somewhere and grabbed it from him. The letter ended up on the woman’s hand and she smirked vigorously while motioning the vine to get out.   “Yes, I’m a dwarf and I can manipulate the power of the vine and other trees...” She stated and walks back to her seat. Sir Linux snapped back to reality and tilted his head into her direction.   “Why didn’t you apply in Caelum Academy, Land of Mystical and Paranormal Beings?” The woman just face palmed and answer the question for the nth time.   “I’m half psychic, half dwarf. Both of my parents came from different academy and life so...” Sir Linux just nodded and grabbed the final piece of paper on the table. He raised it up in the air and read the name engraved in diamond carefully.   “Paranormal Detectives...”  As soon as he put the paper down, a serious looking Nathan appeared in front of him and open his palms next to him. Linux stared intently at the man in front of him and tried reading anything but his head just hurt and the latter smirked at him.   “You’ll get nothing from me...” He slowly muttered in a slow voice and smiled when Linux handed the paper into his hand. He muttered his gratitude and was about to leave when he turned his back on him and said something that made Linux surprised.   “You’ll get nothing because I know you didn’t have the same ability like Sir Ichigo but...   I’m sure you can get something from me when you used your true powers and didn’t hide it from us all. I know you have something, Sir Linux.”   Linux frozed in shock while staring at Nathaniel’s back while he get back to his seat. His words linger on his mind and keeps repeating as if an old and broken record.   ‘He knows...’ He muttered under his breath and sigh before slowly shaking his head in disbelief.   ‘He managed to see through me but... How? How does a mere student like him knows him when even his brother didn’t know what he has been hiding all throughout?’ He took a deep breath and smiled at everyone before signaling them to raise their papers.   “On my count, let us all open the tasks. Tomorrow morning you’re all exempted and go to your respective mission. The one who finishes it first and those with a great performance will be held the winner. Alright?” The crowd cheered and counted with Linux with excitement evident on their voice.   “3...2...1... OPEN IT NOW.”   The teams opened their task and read them to their group mates. Shriek and gasps has been heard from different teams as they read the tasks assigned to them. Meanwhile... The Paranormal Detective squad are silent while staring at the paper in front of them.   “A case of people who went missing on the night and is acting all weird when they went back the next morning. Your group is assigned to check what is happening and put a stop on whatever paranormal activity on that area.”   The paper revealed the location of their task but they are still quiet for they are thinking something deep when Mica breaks the silence.   “I do heard a case similar to that that is happening near the boundary or edge of Licht divisio...” All eyes turned on her and listen intently on what she is saying as she continued.   “They said most of the victims are male and when they come back the next morning, they act up weird like in a wedding or something. I don’t know... I just heard it from the rumors...”  Her voice is low when she said the next lines. Nathan gently taps her in the back and stare at everyone who is now waiting for his signal.   “Prepare your bags after the class. We won’t wait till morning. We are leaving tonight.”  
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