Chapter 49

1522 Words
Third Person’s POV   “I move very fast but I don’t have feet. You can hear me but not from my mouth. I can bring down a building but I’m not a machine... What am I?”   A minute already passed but they still don’t have an answer. Mica kept checking her watch and her anxiety shows. She has this almost defeated look on her face when another group opened and doors and sees them.   The look on their face are quite similar to ours today. Exhaustion is evident on them just by looking at the dripping sweat from all over their body. They are wearing a green shirt that has a printed ‘The Dark Psyche’ in them. Even their shirt hugged their body and become almost moss in color due to severe sweating.   “How many minute do you have left?” A girl from them asked. Mica raised her watch and answered with a small voice.   “Only a minute left... We’re not gonna make it...” She softly muttered and sadly looked at us.   The other girl stifle a laugh and show their watch that has almost the same time left as ours.   “Same... Let’s do this together?” She asked and offered her hand to Nathan. The latter looked at everyone before nodding and accepting her hand.   “I move very fast but I don’t have feet. You can hear me but not from my mouth. I can bring down a building but I’m not a machine... What am I?” The lady repeated to the newcomers.   “What moves fast but has no feet?” Remus asked while looking at the ceiling. A member from TDP stifle a laugh and shook his head.   “Well, your team.” He laughed again and then continued what he was saying. “We say you floating in the air while getting carried away by the fastest Roscoe. You guys are so cool...”   The laugh suddenly faded when the man realized what he had said. Everyone in the room has the same look on their eyes.   The clock starts ticking on a countdown when everyone shouted in unison.   “WIND!”   They all cheered when the time stops ticking and reset.   “We did it!” A member of TDP happily said and hugged the nearest to her which is Carina. Even though it feels awkward, she hugged back and the other team members did the same.   “Congrats to us!” Mica said and kiss them at the cheeks.   “We did a good job but we’re still not done. Let’s go find that wind the riddle is pertaining to!” Another man shouted and walk out of the room. The others followed and even the PD went out with them too. However... There was this one girl who is last to leave the room.   Maria is staring at the lady that is also staring intently at her. She doesn’t open her mouth but with the ability Maria has, she can clearly hear her cry of anguish and despair.   “Come back for me, please...” -- “The wind is everywhere. Where do you think would we find th—“   “Oh look, a bunch of losers teaming up to win. As if they can beat us...” The red group with a big ‘PARANORMAL HUNTERS’ sign printed on their shirts came and mocked the TDP and PD. It is led by the class president who has a hidden grudge on the last group which is led by Nathan.   There is an invisible tension between the three groups when a member from PH laughed her ass off and looks at the other groups from head to toe.   “This is second to the last before we got to the grand finals and I think it would be too boring if we’ll win instantly ayt? Though, as if we’re losing anyway,” she snorted and grab their recent paper.   “The answer to the riddle a while ago is wind right? Go on and find the freak Sheritan. She’ll the last one before you got a chance to beat us,” she continuously said and wipe her shoulder as if there’s dirt in there.   “She’s quite an easy one for us... I just know about you,” she continued and laughed before heading to the field where the final battle will happen.   “You btch!” Mica lashed out and was about to grab her hair when the others stopped her. It is against the rules to fight physically with each other unless they were in the final battle.   “Let’s just win this final round and see their reactions when they step down their high horses later...” Carina snorted and walk directly to the direction where Sheritan is located. -- “I am not a freak nor weak... I am not a freak nor weak... I am not a freak nor weak...” Sheri continuously chanted until two groups came to her location. She heaved a deep sigh and smiled weakly at them.   “I d-don’t want to fight anymore... Just... Let me just give this piece of pap—“   “Stop...” Nathan’s voice echoed in the air that made everyone froze. Sheri’s hands are left in mid-air as Nathan approaches his direction.   “We made it pass the other riddles. Don’t be too easy on us for the essence of this tournament will be gone,” he continued that made the TDP group smile. They looked at each other with knowing stares and smiled at the PD squad who looks proud of their leader.   “B-But...” Sheri tried to protest but seeing the determined eyes of the participants, the words of the former group who got her earlier temporarily got out of her mind.   “Okay... Be sure to prepare because this will be all hell!” She shouted and the wind goes on random directions. A smirk formed on the students lips as excitement rushed through their veins. They formed their position based on what they agreed upon before and take it to action now.   “Ooh, the time is reset to fifteen minutes. Can we do it, team?!” Mica asked and the squads replied with full of enthusiasm.   “We can do it!” The two groups said in unison and starts using their abilities to fight Sheri off.   “Position, Paranormal Detectives!” Nathan shouted. Gene immediately went to the front while Remus is on the right side behind him. Mica went to the other side and the twins went to the end of the triangle just like they planned. Lastly, Nathan stepped up and stayed at the most corner of the triangle they created.   “Attack!” He commanded and Gene threw a flame ball at her direction. Sheri dodged it and threw an air ball at their direction. Gene managed to dock before it hit him and passes directly to Nathan. He just raised his arms forward as if stopping the ball and it suddenly loses its force.   A smirk formed across Nathan’s face while staring intently at Sheri who was fighting with the TDP squad.   ‘You’re so good and I really can’t see the reason why you can’t accept it on your own but I know... I know you will realize it, not now but on our timeline soon...’ He muttered on his mind while watching Sheri still backing out and not releasing her true potential yet.   A vine came out from the ground and capture Sheri’s feet. It is controlled by the man from TDP who is holding his head hard and concentrating on keeping it tangled with her but since he’s still not use to it, it dug deeper into Sheri’s skin and she winced loud in pain.   The other group members start stepping back when they felt a sudden surge of wind in their direction. Nathan tried stopping Sheri but he’s too late.   An intense amount of wind swept TDP group off their feet and come flying away from their direction.   “The Dark Psyche, OUT!” Sir Ichigo’s voice echoed in their head. The healers on standby immediately help the team who lost consciousness and disappeared from their sight.   The wind continues its surge, rotating harshly on their space. Nathan slowly shook his head as he know they are no longer facing the Sheri a while ago. Because the girl who is always proud and brave is now laughing while staring at their direction.   “Itan...” He muttered as their eyes met.   “Let’s start the REAL game, shall we? Are you ready to taste my power...   Paranormal Detectives?”    
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