Chapter 50

1453 Words
Third Person’s POV   “Itan...” Nathan muttered as their eyes met.   “Let’s start the REAL game, shall we? Are you ready to taste my power... Paranormal Detectives?”   Itans words struck like a lightning that made everyone froze cold on their spot. The wind within them are getting stronger any second and starts creating mini air blades, piercing to their skin little by little. Itan smirked as she saw the skin of some students in front of her bleeds lightly but the thing she likes the most is that... They never show fear and the flame within their eyes are glowing brightly, waiting for the perfect time to attack.   Nathan’s lips formed a smirk as he slowly raise his hand in the air. In just a snap of his finger, the members of PD shouts with rage and starts attacking Itan.   Gene threw a fireball to her while Carina shoots arrows at her. The arrow caught fire and become a blazing arrow piercing through Itan’s skin.   She winced in pain but did not give up and laughed sarcastically at them.   “Yes, you are good but... You can’t take a member of the Monster Hunters down...” She shouted and formed big air balls and threw at them.   ‘That’s our girl...’ Nathan said at the back of his mind while staring at Itan. He smiled and ran forward to stop the air ball and the rest of the team moves forward, limiting the space within them.   “Second position!” Nathan shouted and the squad moved positions.   Remus is now in the front and beside her is Maria holding a dagger. Gene is behind them with Mica on her side while on the last row was Nathan and Carina on both sides.   Remus didn’t waste any second and use his powers to levitate himself while Maria went up with him. Gene throw flame at their direction making it as a shield as they are approaching Itan’s place. Carina continuously throw arrows at Itan to distract and stop her from attacking the two.   When Remus and Maria got near, Maria jumped and leaped on Itan. They both rolled on the floor and everyone was amazed at how strong Maria is while grabbing her hair and throwing punches at her. However, it is true that Itan is way stronger because they trained a lot and their just beginners so she easily pushed her and reversed the situation.   She was now above Maria and she uses her nails to pierce her skin. She winced in pain and tried regaining control but Itan is also mad because Maria managed to land a punch on her face and made her lips burst and bleed.   She was about to slap her hard when she stopped as a raging arrow pierces her shoulder. She traced the direction it come from and saw Carina glaring at her while holding her bow in the air. Nathan is beside her with a deep smirk on his face and waves at Itan.   Itan’s eyes wide when he saw the blood dripping off from from Nathan’s fingers and then slowly gaze at the arrow that is on her skin. She shakes in unexplainable exhausting feeling and drops away from Maria’s body and lay on the ground as weakness is creeping into her body.   She slowly shifted back to being Sheri and cried silently while covering her eyes from the burning sun.   “I’m really a failure...” She muttered and cry a bit more. Nathan slowly walked toward her direction while Mica was on her side to treat her and Maria’s wounds. She has no strength to resist and just cried a little more.   “You’re never a failure, Sheritan... Just believe in yourself. Besides...” Nathan slowly moved his head closer to Sheritan and whispers at her ear. Her eyes widen as tears starts streaming off more. She hugged Nathan and cry over his shoulders.   Ros, who was watching from a far smiled weakly and walks toward her direction. She gently lift Sheritan’s unconscious body. He taps Nathan’s back lightly and mouthed the words “Thank you...” before leaving the team alone.   Nathan smiled as he watches them walk away. He is happy to see the reaction of Sheritan when he whispered the words he knew that she needed most.   “I got it!” Remus shouted from above as he manipulates the paper to float in the air and travel to Nathan. They all gathered up and read the last riddle that made their brows furrowed in confusion.   “This thing all things devours; Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, And beats mountain down.”   Silence filled the air as the riddle is hard to digest and think about. The timer starts ticking that adds pressure to the entire squad.   “What the hell is this?” Gene shook his head and reads the riddle all over again but nothing came to his mind. Maria grab it from him and checks to see if she can answer it but the frown in her face says otherwise. She passed it on Carina who just passed it back to Mica as it is making their head hurts.   “Damn, whoever thinks of this riddle anyway? I’ll f*****g jump in ice cold water if that Paranormal Hunters made it pass across this level,” she scoffed while remembering the look on the PH’s faces while looking down at other teams. She shook her head and closed her fist tight.   Nathan gently grabs the paper from her hands and laughs lightly that turned every attention to him. His laugh slowly faded as he looks at everyone with burning passion in his eyes.   “Why wouldn’t I know the answer?” He asked that made everyone silent.   ‘If I’ve been controlling that ever since...’ He said at the back of his mind and writes the answer in the paper.   “TIME.” -- The students who were out of the game early cheered wild, especially TDP when they saw the Paranormal Detectives squad walk on the center of the field where a huge clock tower is built.   Sir Ichigo is at the side, clapping his hands as another group managed to pass the final riddle and made it to the final round.   “Welcome back, Paranormal Detectives...” He announced as soon as the squad came near them. They just nod as an answer and look at the other group who was rolling eyes at them and whispering words to each other while staring at them.   “Can I request the two groups to walk inside both sides of the arena now?” He asked. The groups didn’t hesitate and walk at the center where a mini arena is placed. They were now on different sides while staring at each other.   “I won’t let them get away this time...” Mica scoffed as she clench her fist tight while staring at the president who is also looking back at her.   The tension can be felt by everyone who was watching and they know that this will be a good fight. The students starts picking sides but the TDP voted for PD all out. They knew how harsh PH is and they don’t want that kind of students win the contest.   “There is only one rule for this game...” Sir Ichigo said and a big hologram containing a text floats in the air.   “LAST MAN STAND.”   The students went silent as they read the text floating. Even though they are just freshmen, they know what the text means and that is making their chest thumped with excitement and fear.   “You can pin anyone from the opposite group down. Use your full potential and be the last man standing in order to win the game... The group who managed to pin everyone down will be declared as the winner so...”   Nathan’s chest is pounding hard including his team mates. They felt no fear while facing each other. Only burning passion to pin the other group down and win the game is their ultimate goal.   Sir Ichigo used the whistle to signal the impending fight and shouts that made the crowd cheered wild on excitement and anticipation.   “Paranormal Hunters Versus Paranormal Detectives...   Let the game, BEGIN.”    
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