Chapter 25

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Third Person’s POV   Nathan keeps running away from everyone who tries to chase him. Not just the security guards in the area but also by the people who are already lost in this paradise, which is a real nightmare.   “Damn, get off me!” Nathan pushes away the man who leeches on him but it didn’t bulge and form a wide, creepy smile onto his face.   “Join us and be lost in this paradise...” The man tried hugging him but Nathan moves sideways and kicked him, before running away from him.   “I’m getting tired of running,” he said while panting and wanders his eyes around the casino. The entire place has been locked up, literally. The huge doors where they went in are enclosed with metal barrier and a guard is smirking at him while playing with the keys. The windows are closed and the curtains had been laid down too. The only possible way to escape is to climb up till the ceiling, behind the big signage where there is a small and open hole in there that regulates the air coming inside and out.   “Where the hell are they?” He mumbled under his breath and slowly raised his head and gaze upstairs where there are fewer people to hide from. He traced where the staircase are and saw that there are people guarding it. He took a deep breath and stretches his arms. He stares at his hands and back to the people as a smirk forms across his face.   “It’s show time.”   Everyone who tries touching or chasing him suddenly faints and falls to the ground, leaving the area clear for him to walk through.   Meanwhile, a man wearing a suit and tie with black sun glasses watches happily as Nathan shows his abilities to them.   “It looks like we got a good one, boss.” Someone beside him says while also watching Nathan coming near their direction.   “Yes... At least I have more to add to my collection. By the way...” He took a glimpse of the man beside him and smirk as he saw his deep burns and scars slowly healing as the place drains the soul of those who are now lost to it.   The presence of a Meta-human like Nathan speeds up the process because of the unusual and special thing in their soul that is needed to keep this place alive and able to trap more and more people to their lair.   “Do you think his comrades are also Meta-human?” He asked without breaking contact with Nathan who is squinting his eyes through their direction as if he knew someone was there, and there is but the thing is...   They can’t be seen with the naked eye. Even if you are Meta-human, only those with selected abilities can see through them. They will easily see through the facade and will be the reason for their downfall once the authority sides and trusts them.   The same authorities who are also lost in their paradise...   “Maybe yes, maybe no. We’ll see...” The other man says while putting a cigarette on his mouth and puffs smoke while watching his comrades welcome him in the middle of the stairs.   “This will be nice...” They both said as a smirk forms across their face. -- Nathan can’t stop smirking as he felt all of the energy of the people who tries catching him coming into his veins and replenishing his lost strength. He was midway in the long stairs when he stopped as he felt the unusual energy coming from somewhere. He tilted his head and squint his eyes at the closed door of a room.   “I’m pretty sure someone’s out there...” He mumbles under his breath. He could feel the rising tension in his body just by looking at it even though he can’t see anyone.   He removes his gaze and shifts it to the people who are walking down the stairs and coming onto his direction. His mouth gape in shock as the random blinking lights stopped and stays in a white color only, making the face of the person in front of him visible.   “Gene...” He blurted out.   Gene forms a smirk across his face and raised one of his hands and ignites a flame on it. He slowly walks near Nathan who is still shock while watching Gene’s every move. Based on what he’s doing, he seems like the same people who are beneath them and watching their every move.   “Welcome to Los Paradise where you will want to be lost, forever.” Gene monotonously said and threw the blazing fire onto his direction. Nathan docks immediately as shivers as he felt the fire passing through just above him. It hits a girl and burns her clothes and skin but she didn’t bulge and nobody even came to help her. They just watch her burn alive as if it’s a normal happening.   “Stop it, Gene!” Nathan shouted and smacks him on the face. Gene immediately caught his arms and tries burning his skin. As expected, Nathan can’t feel his attack as the power from Gene rushes onto his veins, making Gene stopped.   Nathan looks closely at him and realizes he also has void eyes like the others but...   ‘There’s something wrong here,’ he said at the back of his mind and resists hard to get off from his grip.   He starts punching him and the latter just dodge and counter attacks on him. The stairs is wide but also steep and one wrong move would probably be the end of everything.   “Stop fighting and let’s get the f**k out of here!” Nathans shouted and managed to land a punch on his face. Gene stepped back and almost stumbles when Nathan held him to keep him from falling down the stairs.   Nathan tightly holds him but Gene just smirked. In just a swift motion, everything turns around. Gene was now laughing while Nathan tries holding tightly on the railing while his body is floating 5 feet from the ground. The lost people went to the place where he would fall and talks simultaneously in a monotonous voice.   “Join us and be lost in our paradise,” they continuously chant as more and more people gathered in that direction.   Nathan looks up and saw Gene who is just staring back at him. He tried finding any hint of emotion or anything from his eyes but he found none. Only the same void he sees through everyone.   “Why are you doing this? Where is Mica and Antonov? Let’s get out of here...please.” Nathan pleaded as he feels his hand slipping away from the railings and falling a bit. Instead of helping him, he places his both hands into his face as fire slowly ignites on his palms.   “Say good bye to Los Paradise, because this will now be lost.” He said before aiming the fire at the crowd beneath them burning them all to death.
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