Chapter 28

1037 Words
Antonov’s POV I knew something fishy is going on right now. My instincts never failed me at all. The portal made its way and let us drive through here without telling anything and it is my job as the guide for these new set of group to find the reason why such thing happen, and this is it.   Los Paradise   The name itself piques my curiosity and now it leads us to this situation.   “Get back to your senses, Mica!” I shouted in front of her face. We are in a secluded room here upstairs where I grab her off from the servers who can’t stop giving her their delicacy. I can’t even see Gene anywhere near her that’s why I had to drag her, especially that I can sense that they were drugging her.   “I want to be lost in this paradise,” she continuously chanted. I closed my eyes tightly before slapping the hell out of her. She stumbles down the ground while holding her aching face.   “What the hell was that, Antonov?!” She angrily lashed at me and grabs me by my collar. A smirk formed on my lips as I saw her eyes glimmering with emotions, though the angry one.   “Welcome back,” I said and hugged her lightly before getting off and went outside the room.   As usual, the people are having fun without knowing that they were drugged and the effect will happen sooner or later for the new comers.   My eyes wander around and saw Nathan sleeping on the couch alone. It looks like he’s in a deep sleep that even the servers can’t wake him.   I closed my eyes and feel the piercing stare of someone from the upper floors. I slowly raise my head and there, a black orb was facing directly at me with a wide smirk on his face. He is on the top most floors where nobody else is that made me think about it.   “Where are you going?” Mica shouted but I continued walking and going to the stairs to go up. She ran after me and silently followed as I’m sure she could also sense what I was feeling right now.   The higher the floor we goes, the intense the eerie feeling we felt. As we are approaching the fifth floor, I stopped and roam my eyes around. I can sense something and that is not as good as I expected it to be.   In just a blink of an eye, the floor we were standing in a while ago changes interface and turned black all around. I can feel Mica’s back on mine while we are slowly rotating in the area when a loud and deep laugh echoed. I shiver when the sound went louder and louder as if it was nearing our direction.   “Welcome to Los Paradise where the souls of the lost lives...” Someone whispered in my ear. When I look at it, a man, wearing a suit and tie is smirking creepily at me. When he moves his head sideways, there I saw it, a burnt scar that is covering half of his face.   “A meta-human...I wonder what your ability is?” He asked while eyeing Mica from head to toe. His smirk grew wide as he sniff through the air.   “A healing ability. Ah, I wonder how far can you go?” In just a snap, Mica’s palms are now holding his face while a white light glows below it.   “S-Stop!” Mica protested as she tries to remove his hand from his grip. She screamed in pain as the light glows intensely while the man’s smirk grew wider as time passes by.   “Get off her!” I shouted and pushed him away but he didn’t bulge. In just a wave of his hand, he sent me flying hardly to the walls.   “Ahh,” I grunted in pain as my back met the hard walls. I took a deep breath and squint my eyes to see what was happening. Mica is lying on the ground while the man is busy caressing his face that has no scars anymore.   Even with my back aching, I tried running to their direction and jumped at the man. We roll to the ground as I tried hard to get the dominance. I punched him hard on the face and put my hand on his neck.   “What the hell have you done?! Get us out of here or else...” I look at him straight into the eye and saw his black orbs turns white.   “Or else what, meta-human? What can you do to stop me from doing this to you?” He raised his hand and also put it in my neck, gripping it tightly. I did the same to him as we are now both looking at each other’s eyes.   “I can sense you are almost out of breath,” he taunted and smirked.   “Well, so do you...” I replied and grip his neck tightly. He also looks like having a hard time breathing but he still manage to smirk all throughout.   “Ha, I can’t be – AAH!” He shouted in pain and rolls while holding his head that Mica smashed with an old wood that I don’t know where it came from.   Blood starts dripping of his head. His gaze immediately went to Mica beside me and angrily glared at her.   “No one will get out of this alive!” He shouted as he slowly transforms into a creature that I never saw before.   His eyes turned bright orange as he develops a skin as thick as a metal. Fur starts growing all over his body while he is starting to grow bigger. His teeth sharpen and show fangs while his tongue grows long while producing a hissing sound. He looked angrily at us before speaking in a loud voice.   “You will never escape this paradise... forever.”                
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