Chapter 46

1183 Words
Nathan’s POV   “As you all know since the rumor spreads too fast...” The professor looked at our direction and nods his head, before turning his gaze to the door that opened wide and reveal the three new students that is the talk of the town in the campus.   “Come in and introduce yourself. After that, go seat near your respective teammates before we start,” Remus took a step forward and roam his eyes around the room. Every attention is on them and I can see how nervous the twins are since we got them from a not so good mission that reveals that they did not live with being used to seeing people.   However, Remus case is way different than them and he showed it clearly how social he was.   “Hey, I’m Remus Sly and I’m 20 years old. I used to work at a circus where my powers are disguised as a form of magic trick. I may be funny at times but I don’t tolerate bullying, especially to my new found team,” he winks at our direction and waved his hand at us. He closed his eyes and focused until all the pens and any furniture on the desk starts floating in mid-air. He smirked as he walks towards us and the things starts falling down as he passed by them.   “And yes...” He turned his head to face the rest of the class and the professor with a smirk on his face.   “My ability is levitation.” All of things fall down. Some groaned in frustration while the others just laugh and admire his ability. I could also hear side comments about him telling how good his ability is but of course... There are still bullies who never want to accept that there are people with much cooler abilities than them.   “Nice show, circus boy...” Gene taunted and Remus shook his head and shifts his attention to the woman who is standing in front of the class.   “I still am not familiar who the hell is Maria and who is Carina. They look the same,” Mica uttered beside me and smiled a little.   “When we were back in Humanus Welt, they have different taste in clothing so I can easily distinguished the one from another but know, they are wearing our uniforms and they really look the same,” she whispered and I shifted my attention to them when she starts to talk.   “I’m Carina De Caprio, 19 years old. I can see paranormal beings and --” Her words are interrupted when someone from our class laughs.   “De Caprio? Are you related to that Titanic man who –“ The room temperature went cold that made everyone stop and shiver. The windows and door are closed and it is not even that windy outside. The student who raised the question starts to freeze on his seat as his eyes are looking at random directions. He is getting a bit shaky as bits of sweat starts to drip from his face.   “Can you feel him now?” The girl behind Carina took a step forward and walks towards the guy who is now trembling in fear.   “No one dares to make fun of us especially if the paranormal creatures are on our side,” she whispered but the silence in the room makes it possible for everyone to hear it.   “I’m Maria De Caprio and I can hear and talk to spirits and guess what I just told them?” She laughs sarcastically and whispers something in his ear. We didn’t hear it but the expression of our classmate speaks louder than anything. His eyes went wide as his mouth gape open as tears starts falling from his eyes. He is trembling in fear and his eyes are looking at random direction in a fast pace.   Maria snaps her fingers in front of him and that ends everything. He runs out of the room while continuously shouting indistinct words. The temperature starts warming up again and the twins just walk on our table as if nothing had happened.   “That was cool, what did you tell him?” Gene asked as soon as they sat near us. The two just laughed and high five and then starts being cold again. I shook my head and turn my attention back to the professor who is staring intently at us. His lips form a curve until a laugh escape from his mouth.   “That was good, haha. I really commend Antonov for finding special people like you.” He muttered some words under his breath before he clears his throat and looks seriously back at us again.   “I’m Ichigo, your adviser and your teacher in ability combat,” he introduced himself and smirk at us.   “And for your first class work, work as a team to solve riddles and fight your way up to the finish line. The team who survives gets a special prize from me...”   The crowd cheered and forgot what happened earlier. Students go to their respective groups and starts talking about the mini tournament he was talking about. Excitement can be felt by everyone, especially us wherein I could see the desire to win and excitement to fight and use their abilities on people to fight and solve whatever he will give us.   “Take note that this is just a practice game for the main tournament to be held not a little far from today and hurting the opponent with too much force will be automatically disqualified.” He said and grab the folder from his table and starts walking to the door.   “I’m giving you this time to prepare and ready your team. Know yourselves and each other. Know their strength and weaknesses and learn how to trust one another to make the team work. That’s all, good bye class and I hope for the best.”   He left the classroom completely and the students starts getting more competitive than ever. Some were seen stealing glances at us and then murmuring something after. I just shook my head and fixed our seats in a circular way to talk more efficiently.   “So, what shall we do? We know each other’s ability but... Do you think that will be enough?”   “Who will be our leader?”   “What will we do now?”   They speak together making my head hurts. I took a couple of deep breaths as they silence themselves seeing me this serious.   I took one last deep breath and opened my eyes. They were staring at me and waiting for answers. I smiled at each one of them as a plan starts formulating inside of my mind.   “I will be your leader for this and I promise...   I promise that we will win this fight.”            
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