Chapter 9: Supernatural Training.

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Chapter 9 Supernatural Training I opened my eyes to a bright, sun shiny day. Yawning, I climbed out of bed and went over to the window to have a look at the beautiful weather outside. People were out walking. Kids were playing all over the place. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It was definitely the best day this spring. I had a quick shower and headed down for breakfast. The dining hall was rather empty compared to normal because I was a lot later than the normal morning rush. I ate my breakfast in peace. I then grabbed a lunch bag and packed some fruit and snacks for during my practices. Cleo insisted I was going to need them for all the things I was planning on practicing. I didn’t bother arguing because I knew she was right. Trixy hadn’t surfaced yet today. Cleo said she was still sleeping and kept referring to her as the lazy Fae. I went up to the Alphas office to find out if there was somewhere I could practice today without being seen or disturbed. I knocked softly on his door. “Enter” came his now familiar deep, authorative voice from the other side of the door. I opened the door a smidgeon and poked my head in to see if I was disturbing anything. “Ah Clarry, come in. We were just talking about you.” Said Alpha John with a heart-warming smile on his face. I went in and sat in the vacant seat in front of his desk, next to ben who had been in the office talking with the Alpha. “Good morning John, Ben.” I nodded to each of them in greeting. “What can I do for you today Clarry?” Alpha John asked sweetly. Well, as sweet as he could with that alpha voice of his. You got used to it after a while, “I was hoping for some advice actually. I want to practice some of the things I have learned over the past few days and was hoping you could point me in the direction of somewhere out of sight, where I won’t be disturbed?” I asked shyly, feeling like I was a bit useless at the moment with all these powers and not being able to use them properly. “Actually, Ben and I were just talking about providing you with some equipment and the old training field behind the packhouse. Belle said she was going to find you a spirit tutor and would need a place where there were good souls buried. There is a graveyard right next to the old training field where we bury only our best and most loyal pack members. Those who were special to us. We were about to head out there now to inspect the old training field to see what we need to do there. We would also both like to go along with you and help you train if that ok with you. Ben is our pack trainer and also Jasons Beta. Joe, Edward and Lisa also want to join in training with you. The more the better really. You have a lot of power, but you have never been trained to fight like our pack members have been taught since they were children. We would all like to helping catching you up. That and, I am dying to get back out onto the training field again. I’ve been sitting behind desks far too long.” The alpha finished with a grin. “That actually sounds amazing. I was also worried that I have all this power and still feel utterly useless. That’s why I want to go and practice everything I have learned.” I was now staring down at my suddenly fidgety fingers, feeling really small. “Well that settles it then. Let’s head out and have a look at that field, shall we?” Alpha stood up and motioned with his hand for me to walk out first while held the door for me. I waited for them to lead the way and followed them out back and down another path behind the packhouse, ( I really must go exploring at some point, There are so many paths behind here.) We followed the path until it opened up to a huge open field. Along 1 side of the field, there were fighting/punching dummies (I have no idea what they are called). They all looked a bit beaten and broken, but still useable. Along the other side was an obstacle course type thing with poles, climbing ropes, things to jump over, things to crawl under. It honestly looked like it was more fun than training. I used to love obstacle courses in physical education class. It was always my favourite. “You ready Clarry?” Alpha John asked. “As ready as I will ever be.” I replied with a smile. “Alright, Ben, You’re in charge.” Alpha instructed Ben. “Alright, I always find it best to let our beasts our first an let them have a run. Not really a strong point for you Clarry but I think if you fly above us and try keep track of us it will help with your tracking skills and also you can practice your flying skills.” (Cleo was now about to scratch a hole through my skull to escape she was so excited.) “Lets all find our own trees to strip and shift behind.” Ben finished and started heading for a tree while Alpha John and I also headed in separate directions. “We need a tree with a lot of space behind it. We don’t want to shift and end up with a tree up our arse!” Cloe advised and we both giggled. Trixie was still snoring away in my head. I closed my eyes and waited for the now more familiar feeling of bones cracking and skin stretching, once I was done I flew up and out from behind the tree which was doing absolutely nothing to hide me now. Seeing as I was much larger than it. I still have no clue how that works. Science still tells me that it should definitely not be possible but here I was, in my scaly flesh, many times my own size. It was starting to get easier to shift. I didn’t feel as though I had run a marathon after the shift anymore, I felt more energised. I landed in the middle of the training field and waited for Ben and alpha John to give me some sort of signal that they were ready. They seemed to be discussing something between themselves. Ben gave a ‘Yip yip’ noise and the two of them took off into the forest. I took flight and followed them with ease, only losing sight of them for a few seconds at a time while they went through thick brush. I was quite amazed at how fast they moved. They zipped around dodging trees and rocks and jumping over objects in their path. It felt like this was more training for them rather than me. But Cleo was enjoying spreading her wings and the thrill of the chase while she trailed the two wolves beneath us. When we arrived back at the field, I took care getting back behind my tree and centring myself so I could shift without ending up standing naked in the middle of nowhere. Once I was shifted back to my human form and changed back into my clothes, I joined Ben and Alpha John next to the field by the obstacle course. Ben said he would go first to make sure the equipment was still strong enough as some of the wooden poles looked a bit old and worn. I watched him run through the course with ease, like it was second nature to him. “Wow, he is really fast.” I said to Alpha John. “Well, he grew up on this obstacle course and has been training since he was 10 years old. As Jasons best friend as a child, he had to work hard to earn his Beta position. Technically speaking, Lisa should have been beta, being the only child of my Beta, Joe. But, she did not want the position, and lets face it, Lisa enjoys being a girl. She likes being in malls and is a free spirit, The position would have made her miserable. So, Ben was given the opportunity to earn it. He surpassed the rest by a mile and has been doing an amazing job. I couldn’t ask for a better Beta for my son.” The Alpha replied just before ben got back to us. “You two ready to give it a try. Don’t worry Clarry, Alpha John hasn’t done this since he retired from the Alpha position a good few years ago, and we know you have never trained before so we wont judge you at all.” Ben said. This made me feel a bit small again. But, I knew with enough practice I would be good enough to not be looked down upon and doubted so much. Alpha John and I stood at the starting line and waited for our signal. “Three, Two, One, GO!” Ben shouted. I took off giving it my absolute all, following suit of everything I saw Ben doing a few minutes ago. I jumped over the first hurdle, skid under the second, climbed up the net, jumped off the other side, leopard crawled under the low nets, ran up the incline, rope swung across the two ledges, landed just on the edge of the second, ran down the ramp, climbed up and over the wall and darted for the finish line. I turned around and Alpha john was only half way through, giving it his all. Confused I looked to Ben who has an expression on his face that I couldn’t figure out if it was shock or amazement. “What?” I asked, unsure of weather I should be proud of myself or worried about the Alpha. “ Holy Crap Clarry! I’ve never seen anyone move that fast. Its definitely not your dragon, because Edward trained with us yesterday and he was slower that most of the wolves.” Ben said with excitement and wonder in his eyes. “That, (Puff, Pant) Ben, (Puff, Pant) would be the vampire in Clarry…….. Excuse me, phew, its been a while since I trained. I tried my best to keep up with you, but evidently I failed. You aren’t even out of breath.” Alpha john said with a short laugh and a proud look on his face. “Well, with that said, I cant wait to tech you to spar. With speed like that, you will be our strongest fighter yet, if you can learn to read what your opponent is going to do next.” Ben said excitedly. “ Lets get you started with punches and stance. Lets go over to the training dummies to start with. Alpha, I don’t need to tell you what to do there.” Ben finished and we walked over to the dummies. Ben took a dummy next to me and started showing me how to stand and where my hands should be. He taught me how to jab, how to punch and how to kick. We practiced these for the rest of the afternoon, until Cleo and Trixie, who I hadn’t even notice had awoken, were both complaining about being hungry, Trixy was more upset about missing out on the whole day though. We headed back to the pack house and I found Lisa and Edward in their usual place at the dining hall. “Geez, Clarry you stink!” Lisa said while holding her nose and scrunching her face up. “I know, I’ve been training all day. I’ve never worked so hard in my life. But I feel so good. I mean, I’m exhausted, but I feel so good. I feel like I’ve actually learned something today. I can’t wait to do it again.” I blabbered on to Lisa and Edward and told them the rest of my days events. Edward was excited to train with all of us privately. Lisa said that uncle Joe was also quite excited to train again and that they were all going to train with us next time. After dinner, we headed up to the room. I couldn’t wait to have a shower and snuggle into my bed. When I opened the bedroom door, Lisa had done it again. She had decorated our room exactly the same way she had our old room at her house. “Aww, you made it look just like home!” I said with tears in my eyes. I missed normal so much. “Well we went to move all our things here today. Dad has gotten a little house outside the pack house. I kind of like being in the pack house, but I also missed home. So, I thought I would bring home to us. And, I even got Edward to go with me to have coffee at the mall. It was a quick visit, but it was enough to calm my withdrawal.” Lisa finished off with a giggle. “ Now go shower. You stink. You’re going to taint the air!” We both laughed and I went to go wash off my stink. I stood Under the shower stream for a long time and thought about Jason in his cell again. Only this time, I felt like I was getting closer to being able to save him. I decided I would sneak out after dinner at night and practice, even just for an hour a day if I could. Maybe Lisa would go with me. When I came out of the bathroom, Lisa was already fast asleep. I went to cover her with a blanket and noticed she had tear stains down her face. Perhaps her mom’s death had affected her more than she had let us believe it had. I kissed her forehead and tucked her in, before climbing into my own bed. I lay there staring at Lisa for a while. It killed me inside that she lost her mom because of me. I know I could never bring her mom back to life, but maybe, when I’m able to use my spirit magic, I call her mom to come and say goodbye, and I could apologize for getting her killed. I just hoped it was possible. Belle had said I could call upon spirits of the dead to do my bidding, so I just hoped I could call them to speak to them. Only time would tell. With that thought, I had a new sense of determination. I got myself comfortable, closed my eyes, and let sleep consume me.
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