2. First Meetings

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Angelo P.O.V “Remind me why I have to go to this damn thing? At twenty-five I should have already found my fated mate.” Angelo gave his wavy hair a ruffle. “I’m starting to doubt whether the Moon Goddess even gave me a pair.” Jeremy, his Beta and childhood friend, shook his head while finishing with his Alphas tie. “You can’t think that way, Ange. The Moon Goddess never makes a mistake, and if all else fails, your blood brothers will be there.” “Dante and Adrian? It’s been a couple months since I saw ‘em last.” He grins widely, letting his friend straighten out his black overcoat. He was right, that really was what he needed to hear. Maybe this whole thing won’t be so bad. ‘Today’s the day, I can feel it.’ Alessandro, his wolf, purrs. ~~~~~ Angelo adjusts his collar with a slight scrunch of his nose. He needs to have a talk with his tailor after this. His shirt is too tightly fitted for comfort. The dark haired man gave his hand a wave and walked off towards the bar. Jeremy easily took the hint and went to greet some of his acquaintances. He, too, has yet to find his pair. Just as he predicted, both of the guys already had a glass in hand with their a$$es parked on some stools. “Long time no see man, anything exciting happen?” The oldest asks, patting Dante on the back while he sat next to them. “Sh!ts been boring, honestly.” Dante answers with a shake of his head. He sets his empty glass down before glancing with his almond-coloured eyes. The blond shrugs his shoulders and swivels the stool so he could lean his back against the counter. “Yeah, nothing really happens anymore. Don’t get me wrong, peace is great and everything but it’s so uneventful.” Angelo orders himself a shot before looking between the two. He hasn’t even had a drink yet, but the thought struck him that all three of them aren’t half bad. They’re each built up, but of course he’s the tallest at six foot eight. “Oh, but have you heard about the chick from Blood Moon? I guess she doesn’t shift often enough so when her face got f****d up, it didn’t heal properly. Can you believe Alpha Terry invited her here?” Dante gossiped with quite the amused grin. Adrian nods along as he takes a sip of his fruity drink. “I even heard she was abandoned at birth, so maybe she was born with a face even her mother couldn’t love.” He chuckles, rolling his shoulders a little. An unsettled feeling stirs his chest and Alessandro’s sudden tirade didn’t help matters. The Alpha frowning slightly before forcibly shutting the link between him and his Wolf to try regaining a little peace. “Hold on, hold on. How ugly could she possibly be?” Angelo questions before slamming back his shot. “Those rumours are probably exaggerated.” The three begin scanning the crowd, looking for anybody that might catch their eyes. Suddenly, their noses flare up and their bodies tense up when they’re hit with the most intoxicating scent. Vanilla and lavender? It really made the most beautiful combination. Angelo found himself sitting at the edge of his seat, and it took him a minute to realize that he wasn’t the only one. But that didn’t matter. His eyes searching through the horde of people with growing desperation. Alessandro had forced their link open to demand he finds their mate, as if Angelo wasn’t already trying to do so. The whole world came to a sudden halt. A heart beating its way out of the rib cage that confined it. That one beautiful silhouette changed it all. “Mine!” The trio instantly cease and turn to look at each other. Surely the sitting on the edges of their seats could have been a coincidence, as well as the tensing up…but to each growl at the same time? Angelo whipped his head around so quickly his neck nearly cracked, but the dumbfound expression on each of their faces told him that they didn’t understand either. Each of the Alphas grabbed ahold of the others shirt, their faces all inches from each other with deepening glares. “Oh I think the fnck not, she’s my mate!” Angelo snarled with his teeth bore. He releases both of their shirts and gets ready to knock Dante the fnck out. But right before his fist can connect with the other mans face and it was too late to fully stop himself, there was a loud yelp. Her hand cushioning the blow to their face and his heart absolutely dropping to his stomach at the sound of a very noticeable crack. ‘YOU FUCKTARD! YOU BROKE OUR MATE!’ Alessandro snaps, the wolf absolutely roaring. Although it was unconventional, the zap he felt through that contact confirmed it. All three men were momentarily frozen from the rapidity of the last minute. The oldest quickly reached out for her hand, doing his best to be extremely gentle but the yelp that came through her lips once more only tormented him more. Her head hung and her insanely long hair covered her face. Her slightly puckered lips let out some soft whimpers, but she did her best to breathe through the pain. Dante slowly places a hand on his reddened cheek, his teeth gritting before his eyes swirl into a dark black. Desmond took over. It only took a moment for Adrians grey eyes to follow suit. Dmitri took control. Both men yanked the poor girl from Angelos grasp. “Those insolent little sh!ts, how could they be so reckless?” Dmitri growls, the both of them carefully sandwiching her between their bodies. Everybody within ear shot took a couple big steps back. It was looking like sh!t was about to hit the fan and nobody wanted to get caught up in that. A large semi-circle forming around them. Some people were actually hoping for a good fight, but all the tension settled after the woman placed her hand on each of their chests. The touch only lasted a moment each but that was enough. Their eyes locked on her. Dmitri was the first to hand control back to Adrian. “Are you alright?” He asks softly, very gently cradling her wrist to the injured hand. “Do you have any idea what’s going on?” She slowly gave her head a shake before holding out her good arm. “Can you please… tell me which of you is which?” Jaws were instantly on the floor. Each of them pointing to the name of her forearm before they each pulled up their own sleeves to confirm they each had her name. Which they did. Rosalie. Even her name was beautiful. She felt her cheeks start to burn up with all eyes on her. Wouldn’t anybody be flustered to have three hot men staring at her? Not only that, but the fear of potential rejection as soon as she lifts her head was unbearably unnerving. In an effort to provide any semblance of comfort, the three each place a delicate hand on her arms. Her face burning up even more when she felt just how big their hands really were. Rosalie takes in a deep breath to try composing herself enough to speak. “All I know is that the Moon Goddess decided to give each of you as my mates.” She manages to get out before that heat began to surge through her body. After Goddess knows how long, she finally built up the courage to properly raise her head. The two smooshing her begin to move her hair from her face. The one who pointed out the name ‘Dante’ cringed almost instantly. The Alpha quickly took some steps back. “The ugly chick from Blood Moon…that’s you! It has to be…this has to be some kind of sick joke. How could anybody stomach waking up next to you every morning? She knew it…even her very own mate seemed disappointed by the hiddeousness that is her face. She didn’t even notice that she wasn’t streaking tears down her cheeks until they were being wiped away. “She’s perfect just the way she is.” Alejandro proclaims while pulling her into a close hug. Even Aria , who had been anticipating this moment all day, had gone quiet. The Wolf absolutely seething that by that man’s response. Doesn’t he realize how long it takes to simmer her down. That's when Adrian came over and she found herself securely sandwiched between two of her Alphas. The two give out a possessive growl. Her face being redder than a tomato. "Oh, fnck me." She muttered in embarrassment. Only to hear a chuckle and in unison both males sandwiching her grinned. "Gladly."
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