1. Life in the Shadows.

1240 Words
Today is a special day. A day that comes only once every year, and that’s…the winter solstice! Not only is it the longest night of the year, but it’s also the day everybody reveres the Moon Goddess. Throughout all packs under the moon, only one person shares this stupendous day with her holiness. She endured eighteen long, hard laps around the sun, awaiting this day. The day she can finally sense her fated person, and for their name to be etched into her skin once they are near. This woman is Rosalie Alison Park. Rosalie, because she was found next to wild roses. Alison, after a late-childhood friend, and Park, after the doctor who housed her between foster homes. Today is a special day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ‘Hurry the hell up, we don’t have time for daydreaming!’ A blissfully annoying voice chimes through their link. The normally calm Wolf grows more excited by the second. ‘Stop rushing me, I still need to shower, and then we can get out of here.’ Rosalie shook her head with a sigh, grabbing herself a towel before walking into the bathroom. Her teeth grit as she pauses in front of her reflection. Deep, diagonal, and rigid scars cut right through her face. Disgusting. Skin as pale as the moon, hair as black as a starless night, and eyes that hold the deepest of blues. None of it makes up for that scar. “I could have been beautiful.” She mutters under her breath before starting to laugh. “Who am I kidding, it’s a face only a mother could—” “Don’t say that!” A small voice calls from the other side of the door. Her small hand pressing against the hardwood. “You are pretty and beautiful. You have to be nicer to yourself.” The woman's lower lip quivered slightly before she looked up to blink back some tears. Rosalie turns back and opens up the door, pulling a smile on her face as she looks at the little girl. “You’ve really got yourself some dog ears, huh?” Nina’s little nose scrunched up and she couldn’t help but laugh. “That joke wasn’t even funny the first time you made it.” Her arms opened up for a hug, a big smile spreading across her face. “Still made you laugh.” Rosa chuckles lightly, pulling the six-year-old into a big hug. “What’s my big girl doing over here anyways? Did you finish your lunch?” A moment of silence ensued, the little girl's gaze dropping to the floor. That being a good enough answer in itself. Rosalie gently pets the child's hair back before nodding. “I’ll give the sitter extra so you can have a big meal.” She finally pulls away from Nina and stands herself up. “I just need to finish getting ready then I’ll drop you both off. Make sure you stay quiet, okay?” With that, Nina went running down the hallway. She absolutely loves food! ‘We can potentially meet our fated pair tonight, but instead of dolling us up, you’re busy playing house?!’ Aria exclaims through a forcefully opened link. ‘I have a really good feeling about tonight, so HURRY!’ Rosalie rubs her temples with a bit of a squint, her left hand closing the door back up. ‘Don’t get your panties all in a twist.’ She reaches over to turn the two knobs to get the perfect temperature. Considering her Wolf's urgency, she only gave herself a quick scrub down and went to hop back out of the shower. Only to trip over her own feet and tumble out onto the floor. Her cheeks reddened slightly while she fumbled to get up. Her body came to a full pause as she stared at a small crescent-shaped mark on her inner thigh. Her thumb rubbed at it for a few seconds before standing back on her feet and wrapping herself with the towel. With a towel tightly fastened to her and clothes secured under her arm, Rosalie opens the door and makes a mad dash back to her bedroom. A plain black, mid-thigh length dress laid over her blanket and a matching black, lace undergarments resting atop it. “Stop dragging your ass, Rosaline!” Kaoru bangs on the bedroom door with a tight fist. “Kala is already outside!” It is a true travesty when that woman’s poor Kala has to spend any time waiting. She’s the only one to ever receive attention from Kaoru. Although she’s a horrid mother to Nina and Sakuya, who's only six months old. Rosalie struggled to get the last bit of her zipper up. “I know, I know. You two go on ahead and I’ll catch up.” She quickly scooped up her tiny purse and slung it over her shoulder. “You better not talk to or embarrass us at the banquet, you understand? My baby Kala has many opportunities ahead of her and I don't need you getting in her way.” The older woman scoffs before scampering off. After a quick roll of her eyes, Rosalie opened up her door and went to fetch the kids. She holds Sakuya securely in her right arm before taking Nina’s hand with her left. “You behave while I’m gone. I know you’re a good girl, so I’m not worried.” She coos, scooping Nina up under her left arm before rushing them to a house a bit further into the forest. The sitter had already been waiting outside her house to take the giggling children into her care. She truly had Rosa’s trust. “I love you both, and I’ll see you in the morning.” The Were kisses both of the children's foreheads before finally rushing to catch the last truck heading towards the banquet hall. From there, the ride to the celebration was quick. The air was thick with many different scents clashing or meshing, it was hard to tell. Considering this event involved numerous packs coming together, it only made sense that the building it was hosted in, is absolutely ginormous. The lights that can be seen through the door are truly dazzling. Her mind floods with worry. What if her fated partner isn’t even here? How many years might she be on her own? A man clearing his throat brings her back to earth. The young woman pulled a slip of paper from her purse and handed it to the security guy guarding the front door. His cold expression remained unwavering as he motioned for her to enter, his gaze momentarily getting caught up on her face but he quickly brushed it off to focus on the next person. The second her foot steps through that door, those clashing scents were instantly washed away by the most alluring scent she ever encountered. Her eyes widen, and her hand quickly reaches to touch her nose. Instrumental music and the chatter of guests all began to wash away with a sudden and intense burning in her wrist. At that moment, she could practically feel her jaw hit the floor. The name of the person she is to have a mating bond… Well, it's more like people instead of individual. Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as she slowly began to mouth each of the names. Dante Angelo Adrian Holy f*****g hell!
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